Restless legs syndrome during pregnancy: a description of the symptoms, causes and methods of treatment

During pregnancy, various changes occur in a woman’s body. They are associated with the preparation for the appearance of the child. Restless legs syndrome during pregnancy is a common occurrence. Soreness in the lower extremities is felt at rest or in sleep. Many expectant mothers do not pay attention to this. But in this case, you need to see a doctor who will prescribe treatment.

What it is?

Restless legs syndrome during pregnancy is manifested by discomfort in the lower extremities, itching, goosebumps, burning, trembling feet, calves, thighs and legs. Doctors call it Ekbom's syndrome. It is difficult to identify the pathology, since all these symptoms can be confused by the consequences of hormonal changes.

restless legs syndrome during pregnancy

But there is one sign that indicates that restless legs syndrome occurred during pregnancy. Symptoms of the pathology appear when the woman is completely relaxed, in a supine position. With vigorous activity, signs may disappear. Therefore, more often the syndrome occurs at night.


Usually restless legs syndrome during pregnancy manifests itself in the form of:

  • neurological disorder;
  • problems with the legs, discomfort in them;
  • increased symptoms when lying down;
  • pain in the hips, ankles, feet and legs.

Unpleasant signs are associated with an active restructuring of the body. There is a jump in hormones, there is a lack of valuable trace elements - iron, folic acid. Due to stagnation of blood vessels suffer - this leads to discomfort.

restless legs syndrome home treatment

The occurrence of restless legs syndrome during pregnancy is unpleasant. But it can appear not only in women carrying a baby. The problem manifests itself in people of different ages, including men.


Even in healthy people who do not have concomitant ailments, restless legs syndrome can appear. What is it? When you lie down and relax, discomfort appears in the legs, more often in the evening and at night. Sometimes it develops from the action of hereditary factors.

In pregnant women, the pathology manifests itself quite often. There is a list of conditions that lead to an ailment. The disease appears due to:

  • lack of calcium and magnesium;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • increased swelling of the legs;
  • fast weight gain;
  • the use of certain drugs.

Secondary syndrome of restless legs appears with dangerous ailments. Pregnant women should pay attention to dangerous conditions, such as:

  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins of the legs;
  • chronic diseases;
  • thyroid disease;
  • reamatoid arthritis;
  • alcoholism;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • impaired kidney function.

Only a doctor can advise what to do. Restless leg syndrome during pregnancy should not be associated with a specific ailment. This is probably a complex of physiological conditions that develop under the influence of certain factors. There is no exact answer in official medicine why Ecbom syndrome appears. But there is a version according to which biochemical reactions are observed in the brain that are caused by a lack of minerals that regulate the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

There is also a version that the syndrome is able to be inherited. Pathology is more often detected in women, middle-aged and elderly people. Anxiety symptoms can appear in 20-30 years. The first signs in pregnant women appear at the 14th week and may remain until the birth of the baby. Unpleasant sensations usually disappear without a trace after childbirth, but sometimes persist for a long time.


Usually, the pathology manifests itself in the form of:

  1. An unpleasant sensation in the legs, which occurs several times a week. Typically, tingling, pulling pains, trembling, burning, goosebumps, leg cramps.
  2. Exacerbation of pain in the legs in the evening, and the peak falls on a deep night. Gradually, the discomfort disappears.
  3. Unpleasant sensations that are localized in the hips, legs, feet.
  4. Wave-like discomfort, the frequency of which is 15-30 seconds.
  5. Insomnia, as time is wasted on warming up the legs.
  6. Increased discomfort while lying down.
  7. The acute form of the syndrome, which manifests itself during the day.
restless legs syndrome during pregnancy what to do

Women may show several symptoms or all. In any case, it causes discomfort to pregnant women. What to do in this situation? It is better to consult a doctor.

Pathology leads to the desire to move legs, so women struggle with inconvenience and pain, waking up at night. Facilitate the state of warm-up and foot massage.

Often the syndrome is supplemented by similar sensations that appear in the hands. Twitching of the lower and upper limbs may occur. Severe discomfort after midnight can disrupt the emotional state.


Before starting treatment for restless legs syndrome at home, it is necessary to undergo diagnostic measures. The first manifestations of pathology are observed in the second trimester. At this time, the pregnant women have already passed all the examinations, so the gynecologist is familiar with the state of health of the woman.

An experienced doctor can determine whether this syndrome is considered primary or whether there is a major ailment that leads to a neurological disorder. If there is any doubt about the diagnosis, the specialist prescribes additional examinations.

During the diagnosis, the doctor takes into account the following manifestations:

  1. Constantly there is a desire to move your legs to eliminate goosebumps, pulling pains and discomfort.
  2. Symptoms can worsen at night when the body is at rest.
  3. Paresthesias appear - a violation of the sensitivity of the legs.
  4. The condition improves rapidly during physical exertion.

The attending physician takes into account the results of blood tests. When a woman complains of some symptoms, she needs to donate blood for general and biochemical analysis. It allows you to determine if there is a lack of folic acid or iron. If there is a problem, a woman is prescribed drugs that will improve her condition, but are not able to harm the child.

Confirmation of diagnosis

The diagnosis is made by a neurologist. According to the ICD, restless legs syndrome is indicated by code G25.8. At the reception, this specialist needs to talk about the symptoms, the frequency of symptoms, their intensity and duration. It is not so easy to identify the pathology, but thanks to research, this is possible.

restless legs syndrome during pregnancy

Now a diagnostic technique is used, which is called polysomnography. The study, performed with its help, allows you to identify the functioning of the nervous system, involuntary physical activity. The essence of the study is as follows:

  1. Special sensors are attached to the body of a woman who is in a state of sleep.
  2. Sensors allow you to identify the exact number of involuntary leg movements.

So there is a detection of pathology in all women. The information obtained helps to identify three stages of the syndrome:

  1. Easy - in an hour there are 5-20 movements of the lower extremities.
  2. Medium - 20-60 movements per hour appear.
  3. Severe - 60 or more movements per hour are observed.

If there are no deviations, then perhaps the syndrome appears due to jumps in hormones or stagnation of blood in the vessels. Fix the problem with medication does not work. The treatment of restless legs syndrome at home is primarily in the right way of life.

Folk remedies

If restless legs syndrome is detected, alternative treatment will be the best solution. The doctor takes into account that pathology often appears with a lack of nutrients, therefore, prescribes dietary supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes, including magnesium, folic acid, iron and other additives.

Taking these drugs is allowed subject to the recommended doses. The effectiveness of these drugs is not confirmed by scientific research. Before taking funds, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor.

treatment of restless legs syndrome during pregnancy

Treatment of restless legs syndrome at home involves the use of safe therapeutic methods. They allow you to quickly eliminate pain. To achieve a positive effect, treatment of restless legs syndrome during pregnancy includes the following measures:

  1. Physical exercise. Eliminate night pains with squats, stretch marks, extension, leg bending, walking. Exercises should be performed before bedtime, but should not be overstrained. Excessive zeal has the opposite effect, and discomfort during the night's sleep will worsen.
  2. Physiotherapeutic procedures and massages. The heat that appears from the rush of blood to the massed muscles, favorably affects the joints and bones, enhances metabolism.
  3. Cold and hot shower. With it, warm and cold water alternates, grinding is performed.
  4. Full rest. You need to go to bed before severe fatigue occurs.
  5. Compliance with the diet. From the diet you need to remove sweet foods, chocolate, cocoa, Coca-Cola, caffeinated drinks.

According to reviews, restless legs syndrome, subject to these rules, can be eliminated. Adhere to these measures and to prevent the appearance of discomfort.

What else to do?

With restless legs syndrome, folk remedies and compliance with the simplest hygienic requirements allow you to quickly get rid of discomfort. To do this, you need:

  1. Choose comfortable sleepwear. The best materials are cotton and natural silk.
  2. Ventilate the bedroom every day to maintain a normal microclimate. There should be no extraneous sounds or loud noise in this room.
  3. The treatment is supplemented with meditation and yoga. You need to learn how to properly relax using simple breathing techniques.
  4. Use peppermint oil to rub your feet. The tool soothes and eliminates excess tension, and a light massage relieves pain.
  5. Avoid stress, depression.
  6. Go swimming.
  7. Reduce the amount of mental stress.
  8. Eat more vitamins and minerals. There are a lot of them in fresh fruits, vegetables, multivitamin complexes.
  9. Eat at least two apples a day.
  10. Make time for a pleasant hobby.
  11. Drink with a calming effect, after consulting with your doctor. A motherwort broth has such an effect.
restless legs syndrome reviews

These measures can significantly improve health. Pregnant women should use effective and safe methods to eliminate the ailment. With them it will turn out to alleviate the condition, get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Effective measures

According to reviews of pregnant women, the following methods allow to alleviate the condition:

  1. The pain disappears after eating bananas.
  2. Drawing pains pass after rubbing the Zvezdochka balm.
  3. Effectively acupuncture.
  4. It helps to change the posture of sleep.
  5. Performing exercises - legs should be raised from a prone position and held for 15 minutes.
  6. Warm baths with sea salt.
  7. Lubrication of the ankles and heels with menthol ointment.

These methods of improving the condition were identified in a practical way. They help many expectant mothers if they are used regularly.

Some pregnant women cannot resolve the syndrome using medical supplies, exercise, and massages. According to reviews, many have to consult a psychiatrist.

Due to the individual characteristics of the body, the methods of treatment may vary. When treating, one must take into account one's own feelings. The selected method should have a positive effect on the pregnant woman.


Prevent unpleasant sensations in the legs allow preventive measures:

  1. Useful frequent walks in the fresh air.
  2. It is necessary to regularly air the room.
  3. Sleep should be full - at least 10 hours. You should go to bed at 22 o’clock, not later.
  4. The basis of the diet should be vegetables, fruits, dairy products.
  5. The routine of the day must be observed: lifting and going to bed - at the same time.
  6. Keep as little time as possible in front of the computer and TV.
restless legs syndrome treatment at home

These rules have an effect if they are followed from an early stage of pregnancy. Thanks to regular prophylaxis, the chances of a child carrying peace are increased.


The syndrome negatively affects the well-being of a woman, but does not affect the health and intrauterine development of the child. By itself, it is not dangerous. A threat is the main ailment, against which this deviation develops.

Restless legs syndrome may be accompanied by:

  • varicose veins;
  • thrombosis
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • metabolic disorder.

Timely therapy is important for the health of the woman and the unborn child. If the signs of pathology last for a long time, insomnia occurs at night and severe drowsiness during the day. Usually it takes a long time to look for a suitable sleeping position. Restless sleep creates additional inconvenience.

In women with this syndrome, depression, poor health, and apathy often appear. Internal discord affects the appearance of the pregnant woman. Her skin becomes pale, bruises form under her eyes, her hair becomes dull and brittle.

Thus, the syndrome delivers a lot of discomfort. Painful symptoms can occur both regularly and occasionally. Therefore, timely diagnosis and treatment are important.

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