Good and inexpensive dog food: description, manufacturers

When visiting an inexpensive dog food store, some pet owners use trial and error to “test” the first product they get on a pet. Naturally, the animal is not able to talk about their health after eating the proposed food. Negative changes are noted later, which is manifested in a decrease in the activity of the dog, deterioration of the coat, etc.

In fact, all this can be avoided by initially selecting high-quality and inexpensive dry dog ​​food. In our publication, I would like to consider affordable, useful and safe varieties of products that pets will definitely like.

The best feed for large dogs

inexpensive dog food

What good and inexpensive dog food for large breeds deserves attention? First of all, the owners of such pets should pay attention to the following products:

  1. Brit Care Adult Large Breed - One of the best options when developing a diet for large dogs. The line contains feed made from a mixture of natural beef, chicken, salmon. Pet owners are offered products that are suitable for animals suffering from allergic reactions. The feed contains active elements - chondroprotectors. The latter protect the joints of pets, contribute to the renewal of tissues. The manufacturer must include plant components, vegetables and fruits. The only drawback of the feed is a fairly high fat content.
  2. Nutram is a relatively inexpensive, upscale Canadian-made product. The presented feeds for large pets do not contain grain components. The main advantage is slow digestibility. Therefore, on such a diet, the dog will never suffer from obesity.
  3. Best Choice - this inexpensive food is made using natural meat, as well as cereal components (rice, corn, potato flour). Such food for animals is rich in omega-3 and omega-6, which are indispensable for the body of large dogs.
  4. RosPes - the manufacturer occupies a leading position in the domestic market. Feed is made from selected, high-quality raw materials. The lineup presents individual types of products that can satisfy the most diverse needs of four-legged pets. Such feeds are made on the basis of natural meat in combination with cereals and vegetables.
  5. "Skiff" is another popular domestic brand. In the production of feed, local and imported natural ingredients are used. Products spared cheap cereal ingredients. This allows food to be used in the feeding of allergic animals. The food is unpacked in three-layer sealed bags, which helps to preserve the quality of food and the original smell.

Good and inexpensive dog food for small breeds

dry dog ​​food cheap

The following options apply for the title of the best, most affordable product according to the price suitable for feeding small pets:

  1. Fitmin is a line of inexpensive quality food for small pets. The feeds of the presented brand are divided into products intended for animals with high, moderate and low activity. There are also great options for feeding puppies. All lines are made on the basis of natural components and are in good balance.
  2. Molina - this brand produces high-quality, inexpensive dog food for small dogs. Each batch of products is subject to strict control for compliance with the stated indicators. The presented option is specially provided for feeding the smallest breeds and puppies.
  3. Purina is a widespread type of feed for small pets. Despite the fact that such products belong to the middle price segment, it has premium quality. The composition is saturated with a number of essential minerals and vitamins. Products are made using natural vegetable components.
  4. Pro Plan is an inexpensive dry dog ​​food that offers many pet diets to choose from for pet owners. Each of them corresponds to one or another animal size and weight. The lineup contains products suitable for pets who suffer from liver diseases.

How to choose food for large breeds?

inexpensive dog food store

Large breed dogs have a great appetite. These pets gain weight quickly as a result of slow metabolism. So that the dog does not suffer from obesity, it is necessary to select moderately high-calorie and nutritious food. Producers take these features into account, creating separate food lines for large breeds based on the physiological characteristics of animals.

When choosing an inexpensive large-sized dog food, priority should be given to the amount of protein in the product. It is desirable that the protein content in pet food be at a level of 15 to 30%. In this case, the amount of fat should be minimal. A large-sized adult dog needs about 370-480 calories per day. A decrease in the daily norm can cause lethargy and weight loss of the animal. Exceeding these indicators is fraught with the development of obesity.

Features of the choice of feed for small breeds

dry dog ​​food inexpensive and high quality

Small breed dogs tend to be extremely energetic. At the same time, they are characterized by the manifestation of all kinds of allergic reactions, the development of problems with the state of bone tissue. The choice of inexpensive dog food with a high content of B vitamins, as well as linoleic acid, helps to avoid such troubles. These elements contribute to the high daily activity of small doggies. The choice of special food for small breeds makes it possible to strengthen the bones of the animal, to avoid the appearance of excess weight.

Useful Tips

good inexpensive dog food

When choosing food for a four-friend, you should focus on the following:

  • No need to blindly trust advertising. The organization of animal nutrition must be approached individually.
  • To determine the best option, it is enough to consult a veterinarian.
  • It is wise to trust the feedback of dog owners who are experienced.
  • Before offering food to a dog, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the composition of the product. It is likely that certain components will not fit the pet and may even be hazardous to health.


What food looks optimal for organizing the diet of a four-friend? Each pet owner must answer this question for himself. According to many veterinarians, the best option would be to use ready-made balanced feed from leading manufacturers. However, home-made food combined with inexpensive factory-made products is also an acceptable solution if the animal’s health, appearance and general well-being are not affected.

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