Reasons that can cause a miscarriage

Unfortunately, with such a problem as a miscarriage (doctors often use the term "spontaneous abortion"), almost 20% of pregnant women are found. Most often, this happens before the 12th week, when the woman either does not yet suspect about the pregnancy, or just found out about her. There are a lot of reasons that can provoke a miscarriage, and it is better to know about them in advance in order to try to avoid such a situation.

Often the cause of an early spontaneous abortion is the genetic abnormalities of the fetus that prevent it from attaching properly to the uterine wall. In almost all other cases, malfunctions in the woman's body or external factors are to blame.

So, infectious diseases such as ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, herpes and others are quite common. They can also provoke a miscarriage, therefore a woman who is thinking about maternity is advised to undergo an examination in advance and treat infections if they are detected. They can affect the course of pregnancy and general infectious diseases, as well as inflammatory processes of internal organs. Any disease that is accompanied by intoxication and fever can cause a miscarriage. The most common are rubella, hepatitis, and flu. In the first months of pregnancy, even “normal” tonsillitis can be a serious risk to the fetus, and even more so diseases such as pneumonia, pyelonephritis and others. It is necessary to try to identify and cure all possible chronic infections before pregnancy.

Another reason that can adversely affect the course of pregnancy is hormonal disorders in the body of a woman. Most often, there is a lack of the main hormone produced during pregnancy, progesterone. With the timely identification of this problem, it can be completely solved using the appropriate drugs. In addition, an excess of male sex hormones in a woman can provoke a miscarriage, as they can inhibit the production of estrogen and progesterone.

There are immunological reasons for early miscarriage. Usually, in this case we are talking about Rh conflict. If the mother has a negative Rhesus factor, and the child gets the positive from the father, then the body may try to tear off tissues foreign to it. Most often, progesterone preparations are prescribed, since it can have an immunomodulating effect.

Taking any medications in the first months of pregnancy is undesirable, since many of them can cause a miscarriage or affect the development of defects in the fetus. Narcotic analgesics are most contraindicated , and hormonal contraceptives should not be used . With caution, medicinal herbs are also used. For example, in the first trimester it is recommended to avoid the use of St. John's wort, nettle, tansy, cornflower.

The fact that the expectant mother should lead a healthy lifestyle, much has been said. And these are not just words, because smoking, taking alcohol or drugs, improper nutrition can provoke a miscarriage even before a woman finds out that she is pregnant. Therefore, experts recommend planning a pregnancy in advance, trying to adjust your lifestyle before it occurs. The adverse factors include excessive consumption of coffee, as well as malnutrition.

Since all causes cannot be predicted in advance, it sometimes happens that a pregnant woman gets into a stressful situation (unexpected grief, overstrain, severe fright). In this case, it is important to consult a doctor about the use of sedatives (for example, tincture of valerian), and also try to think first of all about your situation, which negative mental state may not affect for the better.

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