Yoga for pregnant women (2 trimester). Fitness for pregnant women (2 trimester)

Pregnancy is the most amazing and important period in a woman's life. A double responsibility is placed on the shoulders of the future mother - for her own health and life, and for the health and life of the future baby. Therefore, during pregnancy it is very important to maintain yourself in good physical shape, because a serious test awaits in front of you - childbirth. In addition, physical activity will help maintain a beautiful figure after the birth of a baby.

Sport for the future mother

It is important for pregnant women to find for themselves such a set of exercises that will give energy, well-being and will give pleasure.

Exercise for pregnant women, 2 trimester

Long walks are useful for expectant mother. In order to maximize the benefit from them, you should take care of comfortable shoes that will prevent fatigue of the legs. Walking up the stairs is very effective. It is necessary to breathe through the nose, exhaling slowly, and keep straight, as the diaphragm works more actively, which is very important for the proper development of the fetus.

Not all sports are suitable for a pregnant woman. Categorically contraindicated: long cycling, rowing, active dance aerobics, skiing and ice skating, horse riding, any exercises that require excessive stretching or sudden movements, as well as those in which the back is bent.

When to start practicing

The best time to start playing sports is the second trimester. During this period, the optimal physical activity for the woman is fitness, yoga for pregnant women will be especially useful. 2 trimester is a golden time for a future mother. Toxicosis and sudden mood swings are already behind, the state of health is much better than at the beginning of pregnancy, which means that it is time to take care of yourself, strengthen your health and prepare for the upcoming birth. Do not forget that the load should be moderate, but constant.

Fitness for expectant mother

To prevent varicose veins, swelling, improve mood and sleep, reduce lumbar pain, strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and prepare the body for childbirth . 2 trimester - the safest and most favorable period for such classes, if everything proceeds without complications.

Fitness for pregnant women, 2 trimester

Training in water is one of the best types of physical activity for expectant mothers. Exercises in the pool strengthen the muscles of the back and abs , the skin becomes more elastic. Improving blood circulation in the chest, swimming contributes to good lactation after childbirth. Diving prepares the baby for a lack of oxygen during contractions, prevents fetal hypoxia.

A wonderful opportunity to prepare for childbirth is a fitball for pregnant women. Exercise on the ball helps to maintain flexibility of the spine, makes the joints more mobile, trains the muscles of the pelvic floor. In addition, it is an excellent prevention of hemorrhoids.

Of the cardio exercises for self-study, only two are suitable. You can go walking several times a week for 30-40 minutes. Try to walk at a steady pace and at a speed that allows you to sweat slightly, breathe deeply. You can go walking with sticks.

Another option is training at home on an elliptical trainer. It is convenient to work on it until the sixth month. Choose a mode with low or medium intensity for training, the pedal stroke must be adjusted so that during training you do not touch the machine with your stomach.

Charging for pregnant women, 2 trimester

A few simple exercises for pregnant women that you can perform at home:

1. Swing your foot. In the supine position, bend the lower leg and straighten the upper. We perform several lifts with the leg, which is on top. Then you need to fix the upper leg in weight, pulling the lower straight leg to it. Repeat by changing sides. This exercise remarkably strengthens the muscles of the inner and lateral surfaces of the thigh.

2. The bar. Hold the bar on your socks and forearms for several breaths. Exercise strengthens the muscles of the back, abs and arms.

3. One of the most effective exercises for expectant mothers is performed in the pose of a little mermaid with arms extended upward. Hands alternately drop behind the head. This exercise strengthens the chest well.

4. Perfectly relaxes this position: the buttocks are on the heels. Stretching forward, you must try to touch your forehead to the floor. When performing the exercise, the stomach falls to the floor between the knees.

Safe Fitness Rules

During this period, you need to choose the right exercises, listen to your body and not abuse physical activity. Fitness for the expectant mother will be useful if you follow some simple, but very important recommendations.

- Watch your heart rate; it should not exceed 130 beats per minute. With a rapid heartbeat, the blood supply worsens, and the fetus lacks oxygen.

- Any activities that may lead to falls and injuries are contraindicated for pregnant women.

- With placenta previa, anemia of any origin, as well as with the risk of miscarriage, even charging for pregnant women is prohibited. 2 trimester in such situations should take place calmly and without unnecessary stress.

- If during the lesson you feel very tired, various pains, shortness of breath or nausea appear - the training should be stopped immediately.

- You need to choose the right exercises for pregnant women. 2 trimester - a period unsuitable for training lying on your back, as this increases the size of the uterus begins to put pressure on the vena cava. A deteriorating blood supply as a result of this can lead to a woman fainting, and the child will lack oxygen.

- Exercises on the stomach should also be excluded. The result may be a violation of blood circulation, and this increases the risk of miscarriage.

- You should take care of high-quality sportswear that will help you engage in comfort. Particular attention should be paid to the chest, due to the increased size and increased sensitivity, some movements can cause pain.

Contraindications for exercise

Fitness for expectant mothers is quite diverse. Each woman can choose what is right for her: aerobics, water aerobics, yoga, breathing exercises, etc.

But you should remember some contraindications:

- chronic diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are in the acute stage;

- inflammatory and infectious diseases, which are especially acute during pregnancy;

- severe toxicosis;

- very dangerous sports for pregnant women with high blood pressure;

- physical activity is not recommended for uterine hypertonicity, uterine bleeding.

Yoga for a future mom

A wonderful way to prepare yourself for the meeting of the future baby, to create favorable conditions for the harmonious development of crumbs, to improve your physical and psychological state are yoga classes.

Yoga Classes for Beginners

The most suitable during this period is a special yoga for pregnant women. 2 trimester - the best time for such classes. In the complex for pregnant women there are no exercises that are performed lying on your back. Mostly attention is focused on proper breathing and the ability to relax, which is very useful for both mom and baby.

Another plus of such activities is that after them you will not feel tired or exhausted. Yoga will help you learn to control not only your body, but also your spirit. Regular exercises help to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, reduce the risk of stretch marks, facilitate pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. You will forget about such delicate problems as constipation and hemorrhoids. Stretching and twisting practiced by yogis will help improve metabolism and digestion.

Thanks to the flexibility and plasticity acquired during the lessons, it will be easier for the expectant mother to find a comfortable posture for herself during childbirth, and the special breathing technique will make the process less painful. If you are unfamiliar with this practice, you can try yoga classes for beginners.

Yoga complex

For charging in the morning, as well as warming up during the day, a set of such exercises is suitable:

1. Mountain pose and corpse pose help the body relax. The first is done like this: we become straight, tensing absolutely all the muscles, and then we relax. To pose the corpse, you must lie on the floor and try to relax the whole body.

2. The pose of the tree. This exercise helps strengthen the legs and back, provides flexibility to the hips and groin muscles. In a standing position, you need to strain the whole body and reach up with your hands, while the feet are pulled down. Having lifted the leg bent at the knee, set it with the foot on the inside of the thigh, while the knee should be directed to the side. Hold on for several seconds, then return to the starting position.

3. Exercises “Cat” and “Cow”. The combination of these poses perfectly helps to cope with tension in the back. To perform the exercise, you need to stand on all fours, palms should be under the shoulders, the bones of the pelvis and knees are in one line. After 10 cycles of breathing with a deep breath and exhale, bend down slightly, arching the spine to the floor. In this position, you need to stay for ten breaths. Then the back bends upward, like a cat, and in this position we remain at 10 accounts.

4. The pose of the chair. From a standing position, lower yourself into the semi-squat so that in this position it is convenient to be 5 breathing cycles. Straight arms rise up, the back is straightened. Repeat 3-4 times.

5. The pose of the hero. This exercise strengthens the legs and improves posture. You need to sit on knees brought together, spreading your feet. Lower the pelvis so that the buttocks sit on the floor.

6. The butterfly pose opens the hips, and also strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor. Sitting on the mat, gently pull the heels to the pubic bone, the soles of the feet should be in contact. Stretching in the groin should be comfortable.

Yoga for easy birth

Often, expectant mothers face such a problem: childbirth is already close, and the baby does not want to turn head down. A special yoga complex will help the child to take the most appropriate position. Inverted poses give an excellent effect: a handstand at the support, a birch, a bridge. But these exercises are only suitable for mothers who have done before.

Yoga for pregnant women, 2 trimester

Yoga classes help strengthen the walls of the uterus, and this reduces the risk of premature birth. During training, blood circulation in the walls of the uterus and pelvis improves, muscles of the back and spine become stronger. Thanks to this child, it’s easier to move in the mother’s stomach.

A set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor makes them more elastic, and this contributes to an easier passage of the baby through the birth canal. In addition, strong and toned muscles after childbirth come back to normal very quickly.

Special yoga exercises are aimed at training the muscles of the perineum and vagina. This reduces the likelihood of gaps during childbirth. In the maternity hospital, the acquired ability to strain and relax the muscles of the intimate zone is very useful.

Best time to practice

Ideally, classes should be started while preparing for conception. In that case, if you do not have time, then at any stage of pregnancy a special yoga for pregnant women will be useful. 2 trimester, when the tummy is still not very large and feeling quite good, is the most favorable period for the start of classes.

Do not forget caution

During the performance of asanas, you must carefully monitor your condition. Any discomfort or pain is a signal to immediately stop training. After classes, there should not be nausea, soreness and other unpleasant sensations.

Do not forget that belly poses are contraindicated for pregnant women . Avoid positions where you need to bend your back severely. If you feel that the exercise is too much for you, you can lean on a chair or on a wall. Carefully stretch, it must be done gradually and carefully. If you haven’t been involved in sports before, pay attention to special exercises for pregnant women. 2 trimester - this is the time when the body will be able to smooth and gentle loads.

Before starting classes, be sure to consult your doctor. Although yoga during pregnancy is considered safe, it is necessary to obtain the approval of a doctor, because only he knows your medical history and specific circumstances.

If there are no contraindications, during this period the yogi will only benefit the pregnant woman. 2nd trimester - this is the time when the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced, the woman does not experience nausea and fatigue, the body is already used to a new condition, which means that you can safely start the exercise program. When practicing, do not forget to check with your doctor regularly.

Features of the exercise

During pregnancy, under the supervision of a qualified trainer, any physical exercises, as well as yoga classes, should be conducted. For beginners, a special set of exercises should be developed, since unusual physical activity is stress for the female body.

You should not give all your best in training, everything is good in moderation. Exercises in which the stomach is pinched or pressure on the pelvic area is too strong should be excluded.

First of all, starting to engage, you need to learn how to sit down gently and carefully stand up. Do not forget that exercises should not cause pain, do not strain without need, movements should be smooth and soft.

Vitamins for pregnant women 2 trimester

Follow simple recommendations, and playing sports during pregnancy will only benefit you. In addition to physical activity, do not forget about proper nutrition, and also use special vitamins for pregnant women. 2 trimester is a period when the mother’s body experiences an increased need for vitamins due to the growth and development of the fetus. Take their choice seriously before taking any complex, consult your doctor.

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