The concept of a smart object in Photoshop is associated with a non-destructive process when working in a program. In other words, you can adjust the image without worrying about data loss, which is unavoidable when working with raster graphics in ordinary layers.
The smart object in Photoshop makes it possible to preserve the original characteristics of the imported object. To understand how this happens, you need to remember the differences between raster and vector images.
The first consists of pixels, their number is responsible for the quality of the image (with a low resolution of the picture, its increase allows you to see them). The second is formed by vectors that are mathematically calculated by the technique. From this they do not lose quality (each time the calculation is performed anew).
Difference between vector and bitmap images
Returning to smart objects, you should pay attention to the fact that they allow you to work with raster graphics in the same way as with vector graphics, that is, without losing image data, preserving the original ones.
The user of the program can understand that the work is not carried out with the usual raster layer; the thumbnail of the smart object in Photoshop helps in the window (“layers” - bottom right).
Smart object icon
The positive features of smart objects are as follows:
- The ability to make non-destructive changes.
- Actions in Photoshop with vector graphics without first translating them into bitmap (for example, post-processing images).
- Filtering without loss of information and quality.
- Use of masks related to and not associated with a smart object
At the same time, actions related to replacing, destroying pixels cannot be performed (for example, lighten, darken, paint, etc.).
Smart Object Creation
Below and below, Photoshop CC will be discussed. In earlier versions, the sequence and actions themselves may vary.
In general, the creation of a smart object is performed using the option “Open as a smart object”. In Photoshop, in addition, you can use the steps below using the top list.
In the top menu:
• “File” - “Place embedded” - import as smart objects into the working field;
• “Layer” - “Smart objects” - “Convert to ...” - accordingly, modifying an existing layer to the required one, similarly for several layers - for them the first step will be selection.
• PDF documents and vector graphics files automatically become smart objects.
Smart Object Creation
It is worth noting that by simply dragging and dropping from AdobeIllustrator you can get a vector smart object in Photoshop.
The main positive feature of related smart objects is that when you make changes to the source file, the related ones are updated. To create them, you need to select "File" - "Place Related". After that, the object will be displayed as a layer marked with a link.
Linked Smart Objects
In the case when the document is large, the smart object will allow it to be reduced. Work with smart objects in Photoshop is done through communication with the source. A linked smart object, in other words, refers to a file, and in the final one acts as a link and stores a scalable version. Thus, this will speed up the process of opening and saving the file when working with it.
On the occasion of making changes to the initial file during the opening of Photoshop, you should synchronize: by selecting the layer that is the carrier of the smart object, right-click on the menu to open the menu, then click on “Update changed content”. In the same menu, you can solve the problem of faulty communication: “Fix broken link” - select a new address in the repository.
The smart object in Photoshop has its own properties, which can be called up in the following sequence: click to make a choice, then select “Layers” - “Properties” at the top, and you can find the required information.
And finally, it is possible to include related smart objects in a file. The user will need to call up the “Layer” menu, from which the “Smart Objects” and “Embed Related” items are displayed in sequence. The inverse transformation is performed similarly, only the last action will be "Convert to smart object."
In recent versions, the workflow with smart objects in Photoshop has been greatly facilitated by introducing filters in the Layers section, which include selecting them. This helps a lot if during operation a large number of combined layers are formed.
Duplicate Smart Object
In work, it is often required to duplicate a layer. Like ordinary, smart objects also have this feature, but there are differences.
To create a copy of the associated smart object in the main panel, select “Layer” - “New” - “Copy to new”. Do not forget that the changes in the source will also be synchronized.
Duplication of the embedded smart object is similar and works as a smart layer.
Editing the source of a smart object
Edits to the original file affect the associated smart object. In "Photoshop" added the ability to switch to the so-called source and work with it in the corresponding program (for example, a vector image - in Illustrator). To do this, call the aforementioned Properties window - Edit Content. After the required edits save.
In the process, you may need in-depth, or rather, standard work with the image. The smart object option will not allow this, due to the fact that the set of tools used is limited in the field of data storage. Therefore, for full-fledged work, you need a regular raster layer. For this purpose, Photoshop provides a screening function. It is called by right-clicking on the smart object and selecting “Layers” on the top line - “Rasterize”. As a result, we will face a standard layer with the ability to use a full set of tools (the thumbnail of the smart object will disappear accordingly).
Advanced Smart Object Adjustment
Nevertheless, adjustment layers will work with smart objects, even more: they will work simultaneously with adjustments. You can call them in the "Image" - "Correction" menu. Applied filters and adjustments are displayed below it in the layer panel. To expand the work with them allows the imposition of a mask and subsequent work with it. It is worth noting that only one mask can be applied that works on all adjustments.
Another help may be the correction parameters, which are located on the right of the layers panel. There is the ability to adjust the opacity and select the blending mode.
The above will already allow you to get an image with HDR overlay from a single existing object through a series of actions. To do this, you will need the source object using the option called by right-clicking on the object and selecting “Create a smart object by copying”. Here you need to make an explanation about the difference between this and standard copying of the layer: if you execute the second, then when you make changes to the newly created object, they will be duplicated on the original one (this was mentioned above). The first one allows both working with smart objects in Photoshop during their initial creation, and with an independent smart object. Performing this operation, each time we will receive a new independent layer.
Work with adjusting smart objects
Even further you can work with exposure on individual smart objects, increasing or decreasing accordingly. The subsequent mixing of all layers and the use of masks in the end will allow you to get the HDR effect without loss of quality and data.
Some forget about how you can resize a smart object in Photoshop. As with standard layers, “Transformation” will help in this, which automatically appears when you insert an object into the workspace or by calling “Edit” - “Transformation” in the top menu.
Also, the use of smart objects is very useful when working in related programs of the Adobe family, such as Lightroom and Illustrator. It is appropriate to use communication on smart objects, which makes it possible to work almost seamlessly in these programs (for example, in Photoshop, to make the necessary changes and transfer them back to another program without any delay or loss of information).
In "Photoshop" there is the possibility of exporting smart objects (only without communication). To do this, select it in the “Layers” window, then do the following in the upper list: “Layers” - “Smart Objects” - “Export Content”. You can save the file in its original format (the very one that is inserted in Photoshop), or if it was created directly during the actions in the program from different layers, then in the PSB.