"Dioxidin" is widely used to treat purulent-infectious processes in adults. The tool refers to effective antimicrobial agents. Due to toxicity, it is used carefully to treat children. When prescribing Dioxidin, parents worry about the effects of the drug on the children's body and the justification for its use. Therefore, the doctor must accurately paint the dosage regimen and the necessary dosage of the drug for use. According to reviews, the "Dioxidin" in the nose of the child needs to be dripped correctly, because in large quantities it is toxic and can negatively affect the children's body.
The composition and dosage form of the drug
"Dioxidine" refers to a group of synthetic antibiotics and has bactericidal properties. The main active ingredient of the drug is hydroxymethylquinoxalindioxide. During therapy, it destroys the bacterial membrane cells. However, individual pathogens are resistant to the drug, therefore, before starting treatment, they are tested for bacterial seeding.
The drug is available in several dosage forms:
- In ampoules, where the concentration of the active substance is 1%. The standard set is 10 ampoules of 10 ml. It is applied locally.
- A solution of "Dioxidine" with a concentration of 0.5%. Ampoules of 10 and 20 ml. Used externally and intravenously.
- Ointment with a volume of 30 and 50 g. The concentration of the active substance is 5%. It is applied only externally.
Use "Dioxidin" in ampoules in the nose of a child, according to parents, should only be in accordance with the prescription of a doctor.
Operating principle
In hospitals, "Dioxidine" is especially in demand for the treatment of purulent diseases. It refers to effective antiseptics. When the product enters the maxillary sinuses, it fights with a large number of bacteria - pathogens of infection. The disease in this case will be completely cured, or its development will be suspended.
As a result, the general condition of the patient improves due to the ability to disinfect the paranasal sinuses.
Indication for use
According to reviews, nose drops for a child "Dioxidin" is forbidden to use for the treatment of children and adolescents under the age of 18 years. This is due to their toxic and antibacterial qualities. Doctors prescribe the drug in case of serious forms of the disease. "Dioxidine" treats acute inflammations that pass into the purulent phase, and weak antibiotics cannot cope with them.
The drug is used in complex therapy in the following cases:
- Sinusitis, sinusitis.
- Rhinitis, which is accompanied by immunodeficiency.
- Cystitis.
- Deep purulent wounds.
- Chronic diseases of the ENT organs, which leads to prolonged use of antibiotics.
- Bacterial rhinitis, accompanied by purulent discharge.
- Purulent pleurisy.
"Dioxidine" is also used for other pathologies that weaker antibiotics could not cope with.
Treatment with the drug should occur in a hospital. It should be carried out by qualified medical staff and under their strict supervision in order to avoid side effects.
Treatment regimen and dosage
According to doctors, "Dioxidine" in the nose of children is used taking into account the condition of the child. The specialist draws up an individual therapy regimen and dosage. Before starting treatment, an allergic test is done.
Treatment of the common cold can be carried out only in the presence of purulent discharge from the nose. Therapy is as follows:
- Before the procedure, the child’s nose is thoroughly cleaned, removing dried crusts and mucus from it. This is done with a cotton swab moistened with saline or a special drug ("Aquamaris" and others).
- The ampoule of 0.5% or 1% is carefully opened. An open drug is recommended to be used during the day.
- How to breed "Dioxidin" in the nose of children? According to reviews, it is diluted according to the recommendation of a specialist. In its pure form, it is rarely used, usually in combination with Hydrocortisone, Adrenaline, or saline. Complex drops do a good job with a runny nose without overdrying the mucous membrane.
- To the child, 2 drops are dripped into each nostril. The concentration of the solution for the baby is 0.1%, and for preschoolers - 0.5%.
- In order for the drug to reach the site of inflammation, the child needs to throw his head back.
It is recommended to bury the drug in the nose 1-3 times a day. The course of treatment is no more than 3-5 days. More than a week to use the drug is prohibited.
"Dioxidine" is used not only for instillation of the nose, but also as a medicine for inhalation. The procedure can be carried out at home, strictly following the instructions for use of the drug. Inhalations relieve rhinitis and pus on the mucous membrane of the throat. According to the instructions "Dioxidin" in the nose of children, according to reviews, is used as follows:
- A 1% ampoule of the drug is diluted with saline in a ratio of 1: 4. The solution retains its healing properties for 12 hours.
- 3-4 drops of the drug are placed in a nebulizer. The procedure for treating a child is no more than 5 minutes.
- To carry out inhalation in the morning and in the evening.
Inhalation of vapors can be dangerous for the child, so the doctor only resorts to this procedure when the other antimicrobial agents were powerless.
At what age is it allowed to take the drug?
In the annotation to "Dioxidine" it is indicated that it can be prescribed to people over 18 years of age. However, the drug is often prescribed by otolaryngologists to children. It is believed that when applied topically, the effect of the drug on the body is minimal.
Therefore, dripping "Dioxidin" in the nose of a child, according to reviews, is necessary only as directed by a doctor. Independent use of the drug is prohibited.
Contraindications and side effects
The use of "Dioxidine" as a therapeutic drug is justified only when absolutely necessary. Therapy is stopped when side effects occur:
- sore throat;
- muscle cramps;
- violations of the digestive tract;
- allergic reactions;
- abdominal pain and cramps;
- nausea and vomiting
- unstable bowel movements;
- damage to the tissue of the adrenal cortex.
To prevent the development of side effects, "Dioxidin" is best used in conjunction with antihistamines and calcium preparations. When pigment spots appear on the skin, reduce the dose of the drug.
The restrictions on taking the drug include:
- Individual intolerance to the drug.
- Functional adrenal insufficiency.
- The period of pregnancy and lactation.
According to reviews, "Dioksidin" in the nose of a child 1 year old is not buried, due to its increased toxicity. It is forbidden to use drops for children and adolescents under the age of 18 (rl instructions).
With an overdose of the drug, dystrophic changes in the adrenal cortex occur. To prevent the occurrence of such a situation, it is important to control the concentration of the solution and its dosage.
Positive and negative qualities of the drug
The main positive qualities of "Dioxidine" is its high efficiency in inflammation caused by strains of pathogenic bacteria. Therapy with purulent diseases gives an excellent result, even when other antibiotics have been completely ineffective.
The main disadvantage of the active substance of the drug is its high toxicity.
According to reviews, Komarovsky "Dioxidin" does not recommend children to drip in the nose, because in the future there may be a more dangerous situation in which antibiotics will be needed.
Before starting the application, you must definitely do a test analysis. Usually side effects occur within 5-6 hours after use. If they do not arise, then you can resort to treatment.
How to store the drug?
According to reviews, the drops of "Dioxidin" in the nose of a child are used for a certain period of time. Store the remains of the drug as follows:
- after use, the ampoule must be tightly closed, wrapped with adhesive tape;
- you can pour the product into a bottle for nose drops or an airtight jar with a rubber cap;
- when preparing the drug, the required amount of medication is drawn into the syringe.
Proper storage of "Dioxidine" will effectively apply it for treatment. It is advisable that the ampoule with the drug be in a dark place.
Interaction with other drugs
"Dioxidine" is compatible with many medicines, such as antihistamines, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and others. Only a specialist should decide on the simultaneous use of drugs, taking into account the patient’s diagnosis and other factors.
Opinions about the drug
Reviews about "Dioxidine" in the nose of a child are different. Basically, parents confirm the effectiveness of the drug for the treatment of purulent diseases. They note the low cost and the ability to purchase it at any pharmacy.
In negative reviews, it is noted that after the use of the drug an allergic reaction arose and the therapeutic effect was completely absent. Some mothers refuse to use Dioxidin to treat their baby because of its high toxicity.
Many pediatricians support them in this, including the famous doctor Komarovsky. He talks about the preferred prescription of other antibiotics for the child, which are produced by pharmacological companies in a large assortment.
Having considered all the properties of "Dioxidine", we can conclude that the drug is effective, but still unsafe. It is forbidden to treat them without a doctor’s prescription and exceed the required dosage. Such a drug is prescribed only in case of emergency. It is possible to drip "Dioxidin" in the nose of children, and especially small ones, if none of the gentle means has a positive effect. Parents and specialists should remember that along with a powerful antimicrobial effect, there are many side effects that are not fully understood.