Nvidia control panel does not start: what to do?

Through the Nvidia control panel, detailed settings for the video card and driver are performed . Without access to this program, you are unlikely to be able to accurately set the level of smoothing, detail. Let's see what to do if the Nvidia control panel does not start.

Possible reasons

The following is a list of the main reasons that may cause this malfunction:

  • accidental malfunction;
  • a problem with program files;
  • outdated additional software;
  • conflict with antivirus;
  • incorrect driver.

If your Nvidia control panel does not start, then start fixing the problem from the first reason in order.

nvidia control panel does not start

How to fix the malfunction?

, , . - . Nvidia. , .

nvidia.com. , .

Nvidia. ? .

NET Framework Visual C++. Microsoft . , . " " , . , . , .

nvidia windows 10 control panel does not start

Nvidia Windows 10 - . , . , .

, Nvidia, .

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