Parenting is a social phenomenon. This is a controversial and complex socio-historical process that allows the younger generation to enter into life and in relations between people. Among other things, education promotes the development of social progress. Moreover, it is a true technology, which is a holistic system consisting of a number of elements. Let's consider them in more detail.
Parenting methods
This concept is the main element of parenting technology. The methods used by the teacher are organized in a certain way. Moreover, each of them individually solves its specific problem. The use of a particular educational method depends on the characteristics of the subjects involved in this process. At the same time, the properties of the predominant development of certain qualities in students find their manifestation.
Well-defined functions are inherent in educational methods. Each of them has a combination of methods and means of pedagogical influence that are characteristic only of it.
It is worth noting that teachers in the process of their professional activity will be able to solve the tasks assigned to them in shaping the student’s personality only with an integrated approach. And it represents the coordinated actions of the entire teaching staff with the participation of public organizations.
The methods of education are based on a variety of techniques and means. They are closely related to honey and are applied in practice in inextricable unity.
Educational facilities
This concept means everything that the teacher resorts to using when influencing his foster children. Means of education can be divided into two groups. On the one hand, they include a wide variety of activities. On the other hand, by means of upbringing we understand the totality of specific objects and activities used by a teacher in the process of implementing a certain method of pedagogical influence. This can be a word or visual aids, literature and conversations, movies, works of musical and visual art, etc.
Parenting techniques
This element is an integral part of the methods of pedagogical influence. By using a variety of techniques, it is possible to change the views of the child, his motives and behavior. As a result of such an impact, the reserve capabilities of the pupil are activated. After that, the child begins to act in one way or another.
All existing education methods are divided into groups. The first of them is associated with the organization of communication and activities of children in a peer team. This group includes such educational methods:
- "Relay race". The teacher organizes his activities in such a way that students from various groups interact.
- "Focus on the best." During a conversation with children, the teacher tries to emphasize the best in them. It is necessary that the assessment be objective and based on specific facts.
- "Mutual assistance." Using this technique, pedagogical activity is organized in such a way that the success of a common cause depends on how much the children will help each other.
- "Destruction of stereotypes." This technique involves bringing to the awareness of children the fact that in the collective the opinion of the majority of its members is not always correct.
- "Stories about yourself." This technique is used by the teacher so that children better understand each other. He invites them to compose a story about themselves and, together with friends, play it as a small play.
- "Communicate by the rules." In this case, the teacher sets certain rules for his students. They are designed to regulate the behavior and communication of students and determine in what order and in what cases it is possible to refute, criticize and supplement the opinion of comrades. This technique allows you to remove negative moments in communication, while protecting the status of each of the participants.
- "Position Correction." Using this technique, the teacher is able to tactfully change the opinion of students, as well as the roles and images that they have adopted, which reduce the productivity of their communication with peers.
- "General opinion." This technique involves the expression of students on the topic of relationships with others around the chain. At the same time, some begin, and the second continue, clarify and complement the expressed opinion. From the simplest judgments, children move on to analytical ones. After that, with the introduction of the relevant requirements, the teacher puts the conversation in the mainstream of problematic statements.
- "Fair distribution." This technique allows you to create equal conditions for the manifestation of initiative by each student. Indeed, there are often situations when aggressive attacks and performances of some children extinguish the desire for communication with their classmates.
- "Stage production". The essence of this technique is to change the nature of communication and its activation when students are located in the classroom in certain combinations with each other, which can take place at various stages of the implementation of the tasks.
The next group of techniques involves the organization of a dialogue between teacher and child, which ultimately should contribute to the formation of the attitude of the latter to a particular significant problem. In this case, the following is used:
- "Role mask." The teacher offers his pupils to enter the image of another person, speaking not on his own behalf, but on whose role he will play.
- "Prediction of the situation." Using this technique, the teacher, conducting a conversation, invites children to make an assumption about the development of a conflict. At the same time, the teacher should try to find a way out of the situation with the children.
- "The exposure of contradictions." Using this technique, the teacher gives a creative task to his students. In the course of its implementation, he offers the children a discussion of several points of view that contradict each other.
- "Improvisation on a theme chosen by children." This technique also involves the creative work of students. Children choose any topic that arouses their interest, and transfer all events to completely new conditions.
- "Counter questions." The teacher divides his students into groups. Each of them begins to prepare counter questions. Subsequently, they together with the answers should be subjected to collective discussion.
Using pedagogical techniques, a teacher should first of all rely on his own example, turn to independent experts, monitor changes in the situation, etc.
Methods of education are special cases of the use of individual means of education. In this case, a prerequisite is the consideration of a specific pedagogical situation. Methods and techniques in parenting technology can replace each other. For example, persuasion. On the one hand, it is included in the list of basic methods that allow to form a scientific worldview. On the other hand, it is one of the methodological techniques. In this case, persuasion is used when implementing methods such as example or exercise.
Possession of educational technology elements
Knowing the methods, techniques, and means of upbringing does not mean at all that a teacher is capable of professionally mastering pedagogical technology. These elements will play the role assigned to them only if they are inherently in order.
Possession of methods, techniques and means of education helps the teacher to select those that will be most effective in a particular situation. In this case, he will apply them in a certain combination or give preference to one of these components.
The whole system of methods and techniques of education should be used by the teacher comprehensively and applied by him indirectly or directly. The main purpose of these elements is to establish the most effective interaction that will take place between all sides of the learning process.
Methods and techniques of education should be applied in the aggregate of their technological relationship. Only in this case it will be possible to achieve the goals set for the teacher. None of the methods and techniques of training and education, taken in isolation, is capable of ensuring the formation of a person's high moral qualities, conviction and consciousness. That is, none of these elements is universal and is not able to solve the tasks facing the teacher.
How should the methods and techniques of training and education be built? The starting point for solving this issue is to clarify the role of each of these elements in pedagogical practice. As a rule, a teacher, having come to a lesson, does not at all think about what methods and techniques of raising children will be applied to them in the next academic hour. Nevertheless, he has to build his own line of behavior, which is especially necessary in the event of a difficult situation. And for this, the teacher will need knowledge about a certain set of possible solutions. Possession of methods and techniques of education allows you to apply them systematically. At the same time, the teacher will have a clear idea of what to do during his daily work with schoolchildren, at the same time identifying the most effective means that will achieve his goals.
The formation of personality consciousness
In pedagogical practice, there are methods and techniques of education that allow the person to transfer knowledge about the phenomena and main events of the world. Their main goal is the formation of beliefs and concepts, their own opinions and assessments of what is happening.
The general features of the methods and techniques of educating this group include their verbality. In other words, they focus on the word. And it, as you know, at all times was the strongest means for the process of personality formation. The word with the used methods and techniques of education refers to the consciousness of the student. Moreover, it contributes to the emergence of feelings and thoughts in him. With the help of the word, children begin to comprehend the motivation of their own actions and personal experience. Nevertheless, in isolation from other methods and techniques of education, such an impact may not be effective enough. That is why beliefs and stories, explanations and explanations, ethical conversations and lectures, exhortations and disputes, examples and suggestions are used to build personality consciousness. Consider some of these elements in more detail.
The belief used in pedagogical methods and methods of upbringing is a reasonable proof of a certain concept, an assessment of what is happening or a moral position. The teacher invites students to listen to the information he offers. However, at the same time, children perceive not only judgments and concepts. They pay more attention to the logic of the teacher’s presentation of their position. When evaluating the information received, students either affirm their positions and views, or begin to correct them. Convinced that what has been said is true, they are able to form their own system of views on social relations, society and the world.
To realize the belief as a method of education allow its various forms. In particular, the teacher can use fables and biblical parables, historical analogies and passages taken from literary works. The word will also be quite effective in conducting discussions.
Among the methods and techniques of preschool education, the story most often occurs. They also use it in the elementary and middle classes.
The story is a vivid and emotional presentation of certain facts. Moreover, he is included in the list of methods and techniques of moral education. Through stories, children gain the ability to distinguish between good and bad. They absorb information about those rules of behavior that exist in society, as well as about moral actions.
Reading the story, the teacher teaches the children one way or another to relate to the heroes of the story. At the same time, he reveals to his pupils the concept of a good deed. Children should also hear about what heroes they need to imitate and what qualities of their character should become an example for students. The story will allow children to reconsider the behavior of both their own and their peers from new positions.
Tales are used for toddlers attending the younger groups of DOW. They should be no more than 2-3 heroes. This will allow children to understand and understand the plot. For pupils of middle and senior groups, the teacher selects more difficult stories. A child at this age is already able to analyze what he heard and draw certain conclusions.
Among the methods and techniques of moral education , there is also an explanation. It is used in cases where the teacher, with the help of the story, could not achieve a clear and precise understanding by children of any rules of behavior, principles, laws, etc. An explanation is an evidential form of presentation based on logically related inferences that establish the truth of a particular judgment. In many cases, the teacher combines this method with observing students. This allows him to gradually start a conversation with them.
Another method used to form a personality consciousness is clarification. The teacher resorts to him in those cases when he needs to inform the children about the new moral order for them, while influencing their feelings. Clarification is used to form and consolidate the form of behavior and moral quality. From the explanation and story, this method is distinguished by the orientation of its impact on an individual person or a certain group of children. Clarification in pedagogical practice is constantly used when working with preschoolers. After all, these children have little life experience and can not always do the right thing in a particular situation. That is why it is important for the teacher to explain to them certain requirements and rules of behavior, in particular, to indicate the need to comply with the regime in kindergarten. The main thing for a teacher using this method is not to turn it into a notation.
In those cases when the pupil has to accept certain attitudes, suggestion is used. With its help, the teacher is able to influence the personality, creating motives for its activity.
Suggestion strengthens other methods, methods of educating preschoolers. It especially affects the feelings, and through them - on the will and mind of man.
When using this one of the most effective methods of upbringing, the upbringing methods employed by the teacher are associated with the process of auto-suggestion. The child will try to give an emotional assessment of his behavior.
The simultaneous combination of request with clarification and suggestion is another educational method - exhortation. In this case, a lot will depend on the form in which the teacher will turn to the child, on the moral qualities and authority of the teacher. What forms of upbringing can be applied? Methods and techniques for exhortation are praise, appeal to feelings of shame, self-esteem, repentance. In this case, it is important that the child is aware of the paths for correction.
Methods of experience in social behavior and organization of activities
In his activity, the teacher seeks to work out behavior habits in children, which in the future will become the norm for his pupils. Moreover, he needs to use the forms, methods, techniques and means of education that affect the subject-practical field. The use of these elements contributes to the development of qualities in children that will enable them to realize themselves in society as a unique individual.
Consider similar methods, methods and techniques of education in more detail. One such element is exercise. When the actions set by the teacher are performed repeatedly, they are brought to automaticity in children. The result of exercises are certain habits and skills, that is, stable human qualities. Among them are communication culture, discipline, organization, self-control and endurance.
One of the methods of education is learning. It is an intensively performed exercise. They resort to such a technique if necessary, the rapid formation of the necessary qualities, which in this case should be at a high level.
Another method of education is the requirement. When applied, the norm of behavior, expressed in personal relationships, stimulates a certain activity of the child, causes it or inhibits it. In this case, the pupil has certain qualities. Requirements can be positive and negative. The last ones are direct orders, threats, and convictions.
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Punishment allows to prevent unwanted actions of students, to cause guilt in children in front of other people. Its methods are: restriction and deprivation of certain rights, imposition of additional duties on a child, expression of conviction and moral censure. The forms of such punishments can also be different - traditional or impromptu.
A method such as competition allows satisfying a child’s natural needs for rivalry, for comparing himself with others and for leadership. It allows students to learn the experience of behavior in society, develops aesthetic, moral and physical qualities. In the process of competition, the competitiveness of the individual is formed, which learns self-realization in a wide variety of activities. Competition is one of the elements of methods and techniques of physical education.
Self-control and control
In the process of their work, the teacher needs to study the behavior and activities of the pupils. In other words, he must constantly monitor the children. In addition, students should know themselves by exercising self-control.
In this case, the teacher can apply the following methods:
- pedagogical supervision of children;
- conversations revealing the upbringing of students;
- polls (oral, questionnaire, etc.);
- analysis of the results of socially useful events;
- the creation of certain situations to study the behavior of children.
When using methods of self-control aimed at self-organization of a person’s behavior, her will, mind, feelings, self-analysis or self-knowledge can be applied. The essence of the first of them is that children (most often teenagers) show interest in their personality, starting to think more and more about their actions and attitude to the world around them. Moreover, they give a moral assessment of their needs and desires, as well as the situation in society.
With the help of self-knowledge, children become subjects of upbringing, perceiving themselves as a unique, unique and independent person. The child opens his inner world, beginning to realize his own "I" and position in society.
Environmental education
This direction is considered part of the educational program adopted at the state level. To solve the tasks, teachers use the most diverse methods and techniques of environmental education. What are they?
Teachers actively use visual methods, including:
- Observation. It usually has a specific object, purpose and timing. The behavior of animals, the development of inanimate and living objects, as well as changes in the qualities and properties of their structure are monitored. At the same time, the change in the appearance of a phenomenon or object is also considered.
- Use of visual material. In environmental education, the teacher uses such means as paintings and photographs, videos and films, didactic cards, illustrations and books.
Practical methods are used to fully integrate children into the environmental structure. Among them:
- Modeling. This method is especially often used for preschoolers, as well as for students in primary and secondary classes. It is nothing more than the replacement of real objects with the help of signs and schemes.
- Experiments and experiments. They represent the observation of the studied object in artificial conditions.
- Ecological games. Mobile and didactic, verbal or desktop, they allow you to get acquainted with the material, to know it and to consolidate it. As a method of environmental education, the game is very often used by teachers of preschool institutions, as well as primary school teachers.
Musical education
In the process of raising children in this direction, teachers use the same methods that exist in general pedagogy. Among them, visual, verbal and practical. Each of these methods includes a system of a wide variety of techniques. Which of these elements will the teacher choose? The specific methods and techniques of musical education will depend on the tasks facing the lesson, on the complexity of the material studied and on the level of development of children.
Often the main goal of the teacher is to show children the events or phenomena of the world in the most colorful images or a story about the actions and feelings of people or animals. What methods and techniques of musical education should be used in this case? The teacher strives for clarity. At the same time, its main components are:
- auditory visibility (listening to a specific melody);
- tactile visualization (sensation by the body of those wave vibrations that come from musical sound);
- visual clarity (demonstration of dance movements, the use of various visual aids, etc.).
Considering the methods and techniques of musical education of preschool children, you can find that for young children, the teacher often uses the word. Its use is addressed to the student’s consciousness, contributing to its meaningfulness, as well as the content of the child’s activities. Most often, using the word, the teacher adopts such a method of this method as explanation. He uses it after listening to a new piece of music, exercise or dance. Moreover, most often the explanation has the form of a figurative story
It is impossible to carry out musical education of children without explanation. Their teacher gives, showing dance movements, as well as a variety of singing techniques.