How to help give birth to a cat at home?

You still do not know how to help give birth to a cat? In this article, we will try to answer this question in detail and analyze all the points, from the preparation of the nest to the patrimonial activity.

Any cat may need help during childbirth. The opinion that cats always give birth without problems is a mistake. Yes, basically, in the process of the clan’s activities, no pathologies arise, but you need to be prepared for everything. Especially if you are really looking forward to the birth of kittens, for example, for sale.

Set up a nest

The appearance of kittens is always a big stress for your pet. That is why it is very important to prepare the nest for childbirth in advance, and try to accustom the animal to it. As a nest, you can use a spacious box that has a lid on top. In order for the cat to easily get inside, it is necessary to cut a hole in the side. Do not lay soft blankets at the bottom of the box. The best option is a few layers of paper or baby diapers (they will most likely have to be thrown away).

how to help give birth to a cat

The box must be put in a warm, quiet and dark place, where there are no drafts. Put a trash bucket, food and water for your pet in this room. And to the question: "How to help giving birth to a cat?" Do not take you by surprise, we will tell you a little about the signs of pregnancy and the onset of labor of the animal.

Signs of pregnancy and impending birth

If you know the day of mating, then determining the approximate date of birth will be easier. The cat bears kittens for about 65-67 days. Her stomach begins to increase, her appetite increases, her nipples increase, becoming a bright pink hue.

how to help a cat give birth

In the last days of pregnancy:

  • Colostrum begins to stand out from the animal’s chest.
  • Belly goes down.
  • The body temperature decreases.
  • Mucus is released from the vagina.

In addition, the cat begins to look for a place suitable for childbirth. You will notice that she is hiding in a closet, studying the remote corners of the room and more.

On the day of childbirth, the animal refuses food, very often goes to the toilet and then, when there are attempts, begins to give birth. If your pet gives birth for the first time, be prepared to give her all possible help.

Preparing in advance

Before helping a pregnant cat to give birth, it is necessary to prepare in advance. Purchase sterile gloves, petroleum jelly or lubricant, a betadine solution, and a pipette from a pharmacy. Scissors should also be at hand (make sure that they are sterile). It is advisable to put a heating pad in the box in which the kittens will later lie, so that the kids do not freeze and adapt to new conditions faster.

Childbirth day

How to help a cat give birth for the first time? This question is asked by many. On birth day you need to be especially careful, because your pet may need help at any time.

how to help a pregnant cat give birth

You will definitely notice that your cat’s behavior on birth day has changed dramatically.

  • Previously, a calm cat on birth day begins to constantly walk around the rooms, try on the nest an infinite number of times and often lick the genitals.
  • Rectal temperature drops by about 2 degrees.
  • The cat's breathing quickens, as pain increases, she begins to purr and even scream.
  • The vagina of the animal swells, bloody or yellow discharge appears from it.

This is the first stage of labor, which can last from 12 to 24 hours. You may not have to think about how to help a cat give birth to kittens, but it would be useful to support her morally (pat her stomach and talk to her). Be close to your favorite.

Stage of delivery in a cat

The first stage of childbirth is accompanied by contractions mixed with attempts. Under the influence of the effort, the kittens move along the birth canal.

The second stage of labor is the birth of kittens. At first, amniotic fluid comes out, then part of the kitten appears. Kittens, like humans, are born “head first.” With a different presentation, the cat will need your help. It happens that a kitten moves forward, this is not a pathology.

After the birth of the kitten, the cat releases it from the amniotic fluid, licks, gnaws the umbilical cord. After the cub began to breathe and screamed, she put it on her chest. This is the normal birth process for cats.

At the third stage of labor, the state of the uterus of the cat becomes calm after the birth of each cub. Following the kitten, there appears the last, which the cat eats. To prevent the cat from vomiting after giving birth or diarrhea, it is better not to let her eat more than two afterbirths. The calm period of the uterus lasts about fifteen minutes, after which labor activity resumes.

how to help a cat give birth faster

If your cat gives birth as described above, then you won’t think about how to help the cat give birth. The main thing here is to count the number of kittens and afterbirths. If you miss one trace, it means it didn’t come out, and this can lead to a serious inflammatory disease.

Remember that after the birth of several kittens, childbirth may stop for a period of 12 to 36 hours. This phenomenon is quite normal, do not worry.

how to help a cat give birth at home

When may a cat need your help?

So, the cat gives birth for the first time. How to help, you do not know. It is important to understand that there are signs that directly indicate that the pet needs help. Here they are:

  • Part of the kitten has already appeared, but it can’t be born, because it’s stuck.
  • The kitten that appears does not breathe.
  • The cat did not release the baby from the amniotic fluid.
  • If the pet cannot gnaw the umbilical cord.

  • The afterbirth does not come out for a long time.

We assist the giving birth to a cat

How to help a cat give birth faster? If the kitten is stuck in the birth canal, then lubricate the animal's vagina with petroleum jelly or a lubricant. This usually helps. If it doesn’t help, then you need to start examining your pet. To do this, lubricate the vulva with betadine solution and put on sterile gloves. Next, you need to insert a finger into the vagina of the animal, without touching the anus, and put the other hand on the stomach, closer to the pelvis. Try to deploy the baby along the birth canal. It is important to determine the presentation of the kitten.

If the baby comes forward with his head, but at the same time his head is turned sideways or the chin protrudes forward, you need to do the manipulations described below. So, how to help a giving birth cat in this case?

  • Carefully insert the finger into the mouth of the cub.
  • Carefully turn the kitten's head so that he can continue to freely pass through the birth canal.
  • So that the kitten does not come back, press on the cat's crotch, at the bottom of the anus. This will lead to the fact that the pet begins to push.

This method also helps if the calf moves forward with the sacrum. But here during the examination, you need to alternately hook the kitten's legs and hold them along the birth canal.

What to do if the fruit is large?

How to help a cat give birth to a large kitten? Even if he moves his head forward, his shoulder region may interfere with his birth. We fix the problem this way:

  • After lubricating the vagina, insert your finger inside and try to grope the elbow folds of both kitten's paws alternately.
  • Grab each paw in the shoulder joint.
  • Turn the cub from side to side, try to alternately extend the legs forward.
  • In the event that the baby is at the bottom of the birth canal, make the pet push. To do this, stretch the vagina.

Free kitten from amniotic fluid

If the cat within one minute after the birth of the calf did not release it from the amniotic fluid, do the following:

  • Quickly cut the bubble.
  • Remove the newborn and wrap it with cloth.
  • Next, holding the baby’s head, bend his body into an arc so that his knees reach the chest. If you do this several times, then the baby’s breathing will appear.
  • If necessary, remove droplets of amniotic fluid from the mouth and nose with a pipette.
  • Rub the calf with a bath towel. If breathing does not appear, do artificial respiration.

What to do if the last one does not come out?

We figured out how to help a cat give birth at home. But what to do if the last thing does not come out?

In this case, it is necessary to wear sterile gloves, gently insert a finger into the vagina of the animal and try to get the last. If all else fails, then call the veterinarian at home.

How to bandage a kitten’s umbilical cord yourself?

It happens that for certain reasons, a cat is not able to gnaw the umbilical cord. Usually she should gnaw her within fifteen minutes after the birth of the cub. If this does not happen, you will have to provide assistance.

  • Squeeze the umbilical cord with your fingers four centimeters from the calf’s tummy.
  • Take a clean thread and bandage the umbilical cord.
  • With sterile scissors cut the umbilical cord.
  • Treat the section with an antiseptic solution.

When do I need to urgently contact a veterinarian?

It happens that you know how to help a giving birth cat, but you cannot do without the help of a veterinarian. There are several signs that your pet needs urgent medical attention.

First of all, watch how many days the pregnancy of the animal lasts. If the term "exceeded" in 70 days, you need to urgently contact your veterinarian.

Pay attention to the body temperature of the animal. If the cat has a fever, then this is an occasion to call a doctor.

You should be disturbed by bright bloody discharge from the vagina of the pet, especially if the bleeding lasts more than 10 minutes.

Have you heard an unpleasant pungent odor from the vagina? Contact your veterinarian immediately.

If the cat has strong contractions lasting two hours, and the birth has not occurred, then you can not do without the help of a specialist. It so happens that two kittens try to pass into the birth canal at the same time.

If the first phase of childbirth lasts more than a day, or you see that the baby is stuck and you are not able to help him, the cat needs urgent qualified help.

What to do if the baby is born dead?

Unfortunately, it happens that kittens are born dead. There can be many reasons for the tragedy, often people do not know how to help a cat give birth to a dead kitten, and go to a veterinary clinic.

If you saw that the cat gave birth to a dead kitten, first of all, do not panic. Newborn babies can only appear dead due to severe contractions, low room temperature or obstruction of the airways by mucus.

Clean the kitten’s airways with a pipette, wipe it, stimulate breathing by holding its hind legs slightly upside down and put in a box with a warm heating pad. Persistently apply such kittens to the cat’s chest.

how to help a cat give birth for the first time

A baby can be born dead due to a long period of childbirth. Therefore, if you notice that the cat gave birth to several kittens, but at the same time one or two fetuses are palpated during her abdomen, you need to contact a veterinarian. The cat has interruptions in childbirth, but it is still better to play it safe. Especially you should be alarmed by a break of more than twelve hours.

In some cases, the doctor may recommend a cat undergo a cesarean section.

Even a cat helps a cat give birth!

Who would have thought that even a cat helps a cat give birth! A resident of Vietnam Tui Duong Panda has a cat named Yello and a cat named Tam Do. When There Do gave birth, her partner did not leave her and provided all possible assistance, supporting and reassuring.

the cat helps the cat give birth

The couple had four healthy kittens, and this was the first birth for Tam Do. Dad kittens supports his beloved even after giving birth.

Take care of your pets, do not be afraid to help. You will not harm the kittens, but help the cat and her cubs cope with difficulties. Moreover, if necessary, you can always call the veterinarian who will tell you what to do in this or that case.

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