Zheleznova: a technique of early musical development "Music with Mom"

Modern parents have many requirements for very young children. Sometimes a child has just been born, and mothers and fathers are trying to try out new and fashionable developing techniques on the baby.

Many of them sometimes give mixed results; others turn out to be completely useless or even harmful. But there is one direction, which in any case will be useful for any baby. This is the Zheleznov method “Music with Mom”.

Zheleznova technique

About Authors

The authors of the unique activities are dad and daughter. Produced discs with their developing musical activities are immense success not only in Russia but also abroad.

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technique zheleznovy music with mom

But all the developments that existed were suitable for kids from 3 years old. But for the smallest material was missing. Therefore, Catherine and Sergey began to come up with materials for the kids themselves. According to Zheleznova, the technique is suitable for any child. It does not matter whether he will continue to play music or not, the foundations laid in his childhood will help in further development.

E. Zheleznova. Methodology and its essence

The methodology is based on the nursery rhymes loved by all kids, songs and the movements corresponding to them. The authors took as a basis folk tricks, and also composed small songs.

Based on the fact that the baby’s life is unthinkable without movement, all the songs are played out. In addition, the nursery rhymes are light, often repeated words that a small child soon begins to repeat himself.

Classes according to the Zheleznov method

It is important for young children that an adult show and perform all movements with them. So the Zheleznov methodology “Music with Mom” appeared. Jumping and dancing with the baby, parents give their child many joyful minutes. And the teacher who is present at the lesson leads and directs.

Goals and objectives of music lessons

Of course, all classes with kids are only in a playful way. The child is not forced to do anything. The teacher and mother show movements, and the child responds - at will - performs.

The result is a fun and developing game with a child, which allows you to solve problems such as:

  • The development of musical hearing and rhythm.
  • The formation of speech, as a result of repeated repetition of words - onomatopoeia.
  • The development of motorboats as a result of interaction with various objects, both musical and ordinary. Wooden spoons and sonorous bells are very well received by children.
  • Close emotional contact with mom, as a result of a fun time together.
  • Auditory and tactile sensations and perception of information through music.
  • Strengthening general health as a result of active physical activity.
  • Music relaxes, it is indicated for various children's neurological disorders, and is also a powerful prevention of neurosis in babies.
  • Developing the ability to communicate in a team and interact with other kids.

Methodology of the development of the Zheleznovs

It is noted that kids, from an early age involved in music, are smarter than their peers. This is connected with the same work of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Methodology Basics

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Ekaterina Zheleznova


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When there is no possibility or desire to go to developmental classes according to the Zheleznov method, you can purchase discs with records of songs and finished classes.

Zheleznovy Sergey and Ekaterina, songs

Disks can be found for both very small and for older children.

In the classroom, usually after the teacher sings the songs, the children are invited to repeat. On the disks also after the music with the words, there is just music, for independent singing of the mother with the baby.

Disks can conditionally be divided into categories.


Here are the original Russian lullabies that our grandmothers and mothers sang to their children. Songs sound in their traditional performance. Ekaterina Zheleznova herself sings many lullabies. An additional bonus is the sounds of nature, tuning in a lyrical manner.

Nursery rhymes

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Zheleznovy Sergey and Ekaterina

Any parent, even without a musical education and understanding of musical literacy, can, based on the methodology, comprehensively develop his baby and instill in him a good musical taste.

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