Knowledge of the age criteria for the development of the child is very important. They can help to take timely action in case of any deviations.
So, what is characterized by the development of the child in 5 months? First of all, parents are interested in changes in the motor activity of the baby. Child development at 5 months progresses markedly. At this age, the child, laid on his tummy, is already able to rest on his palms, and not just on his forearms, with his arms straightened and his body raised. Not all, but many children are already trying to release one handle and reach for one of the toys around it to grab it and point it into her mouth. In the same position, the baby is trying to consider the world more, "talking."
If you put the child on his back, he will lift not only the head, but also the shoulders, thereby trying to see his legs and catch them. And he already manages to grab one of them with his hand.
Also, the baby turns on his back from a position on his stomach. And from the back, he rolls not with his whole body to his stomach, but by twisting in the spine.
The development of a child of 5 months does not stand still in the control of the movements of the pens. If you offer a baby a toy with a comfortable grip, he will point two hands at her to grab. Shifting a small object from one handle to another is also his strength. True, it is difficult for the baby to hold two toys at the same time, therefore, in order to take the second, he is forced to throw the first. It is advisable to choose rattles of orange, green, blue and yellow.
The baby, who is breast-fed, from this age begins to take thick food from a spoon and not just half-thick. Moreover, already at the sight of a spoon, he opens his mouth with a willingness to eat.
The mental development of a child at 5 months is manifested by a conscious perception of a new place: he may even be frightened. The kid, both in the house and on the street, looks from one object, people to another, follows the events, looks around. At this age, there should not be even a short strabismus.
A five-month-old baby hears well and responds to sound stimuli: he turns to the source of noise, looks with his gaze, and is alert. With a smile and a walk, he answers his mother’s most dear voice. Although, it may not react to the voice of a stranger.
Also, the baby begins to distinguish between people whom he has already seen more than once before, in appearance.
The emotional development of a child at 5 months of age passes from a simple expression of pleasure or discontent associated with physical sensations to reactions associated with communication. That is, feelings gradually acquire a social character.
The pre-speech development of a child at 5 months is characterized by a long “singing” of vowels, and with a change in their volume, length and height. Agukany also continues during this period. Gradually, vowels are associated with vowels, resulting in elementary babble: “ba, yes, am, ha, ta”, syllables are pronounced, as a rule, several times in a row. If you "talk" with the baby, he will imitate even the rhythm and intonation of those sounds made by an adult. The speech development of the child is facilitated by a constant conversation with others from others. How to implement this, what to talk about with him? You can comment on all actions, manipulations that are carried out with the baby himself, name objects and actions around, express in words his own desires, emotions.
Each child develops individually, so do not worry if something begins a little later. However, with a significant deviation from the described norms, it is necessary not to delay, but to consult a specialist to help the baby on time.