Pedagogy is a whole set of sciences aimed at the education and upbringing of people of completely different ages. So, pedagogy of school and preschool ages, pedagogy of higher education, social, nursery, and so on are distinguished. In view of the importance of this branch of knowledge, one should understand what constitutes the object, subject, functions and tasks of pedagogy.
So, the object of pedagogy is the processes that occur as society develops, which contribute to the formation and implementation of man.
The subject of pedagogy is specifically education, which is a focused activity organized in institutions specially established for this purpose.
In general, pedagogy considers and analyzes the educational and educational processes, the interaction of students and teachers / teachers, methods for improving pedagogical activity, trends in its development, and much more.
Pedagogy as a science implements three essential functions:
- General theoretical. It is a study of the laws of phenomena in pedagogy, drawing up on this basis a theoretical base and, subsequently, developing recommendations for improving this area of knowledge.
- Predictive, which involves predicting the course of various pedagogical processes.
- The technological function, which focuses on replenishing the theoretical base with various materials - monographs, books, as well as the introduction of new forms and methods of interaction of subjects in training and education.
We figured out what the functions, object, object are in pedagogy . And the tasks of pedagogy, which will be discussed below, are also necessary for understanding this science.
Each author has his own vision of pedagogy and its components. However, I would like to consider such tasks of pedagogy that many people in this field do not cause disagreement.
Firstly, it is an analysis and disclosure of the content of those stable, constantly repeating relationships that take place in educational and upbringing processes.
Secondly, this is research and development of new possible methods and techniques for organizing educational activities.
Thirdly, it is forecasting in the field of training.
Fourth, this is the application of all acquired knowledge in practice.
Thus, it is obvious that the tasks of pedagogy directly follow from the functions presented.
Among other things, it is necessary to highlight such a question as a pedagogical task. This, if we take into account one of the aspects considered by the authors, is the idea of the future that the teacher sees and seeks to realize. That is a kind of goal.
The pedagogical task can be classified in accordance with certain signs:
- over time - strategic, tactical, operational;
- on the integrity of the pedagogical process - didactic, educational;
- according to the technological approach - actually pedagogical and functional-pedagogical.
Summing up, it should be said that we examined the main components of this science: its object, functions, subject and objectives of pedagogy. Lighted each function in more detail. However, their purpose is obvious, since in any science they take place, but are considered from different angles of view. It should also be remembered that the tasks of pedagogy and pedagogical tasks are not the same thing.
We encounter pedagogy throughout our lives, which is why this science is valuable not only for professionals in their field, but also for ordinary people - parents, students and all those people who are engaged in even completely different activities.