Each parent wants his baby to be healthy and as ill as possible. An important role in this is played by increased immunity in the child. Immunity is the body's ability to withstand various infections. The following types of it are distinguished: specific, which appears after a disease, and congenital. Doctors also emit artificial immunity, which appears in a person to a certain disease after vaccination. In our country, there is a vaccination schedule, according to which each person is vaccinated against the most common diseases.
Increasing immunity in a child with vaccinations is the most reliable way to prevent morbidity.
The very first steps to strengthen immunity can begin already from birth. One of the most powerful factors in increasing immunity in a child is breastfeeding. Mother's milk contains natural antibodies to many diseases. In addition, breastfeeding avoids difficulties with the work of the intestines in the child.
Another way to increase immunity is hardening. It can be started already in the first month of life. It can be air and sun baths with a total duration of up to 30 minutes. Naturally, the increase in immunity in a child with the help of hardening should be gradual, it should start from 2-3 minutes, increasing the time interval every day. When dressing a child, it is necessary to observe the golden rule: put on one layer of clothing more than is worn on yourself.
No matter how paradoxical this may sound, immunity is strengthened in the process of the disease - the body learns to respond to pathogens, produces specific antibodies against them. Therefore, do not strive to observe complete sterility in the rooms, do not limit your baby in communicating with other children, in the knowledge of the world.
Increasing immunity in a child is very important before entering kindergarten. After all, there he will encounter a large number of new people, will live according to the new regime of the day - all this can greatly reduce his immunity. To partially compensate for the negative aspects, accustom the child to the same regime of the day, even if the hours of walks, eating, daytime sleep coincide with kindergarten ones, if possible. This will relieve the child’s body of stress associated with the changes.
Proper nutrition
Vitamins also play an important role in this process
. To increase immunity, children need to provide a varied diet rich in vitamins and minerals. It is very useful to strengthen the immunity to include the following foods in the child’s diet: milk, honey, kefir and yogurt, apples, carrots, beets, parsley, sea fish, turkey, onions and garlic, wheat groats.
Before using all of these means to increase immunity for children, it is necessary to know for sure that the child's protective functions of the body are weakened. This is manifested in the pain of the baby.