Almost all women experience discomfort during pregnancy. Most often, it is toxicosis, which in the first trimester visits the future mother. If toxicosis is not complicated by concomitant diseases, then the female body quickly copes with it as soon as the baby's own excretory system begins to function.
A more severe form of toxicosis is late toxicosis, or gestosis of the second half of pregnancy. Usually it occurs during the period from the sixth to the eighth months of bearing a child. It is him who is afraid of gynecologists, directing a pregnant woman in the later stages more often for urine analysis. By identifying protein in the urine, one can judge the threat of gestosis.
If a woman suffers from preeclampsia, then, first of all, the circulatory system is disrupted - the index of medium viscosity, water-salt metabolism changes. Due to such aggravating circumstances , malfunctioning of other systems occurs. Mostly kidneys, liver, lungs suffer, chronic diseases make themselves felt. Of course, the state of the mother affects the condition of the baby, who is so vulnerable at this time.
Today, gestosis of the second half of pregnancy is observed quite often due to environmental degradation, the presence of chronic diseases, hormonal imbalance, immunoconflict, neurosis, previously performed abortions that aggravate pregnancy. This also includes overweight women in position and her age.
However, the exact causes of this condition have not yet been studied, which cannot be said about the symptoms of gestosis. It manifests itself quite eloquently - the expectant mother's swelling limbs, blood pressure rises. Due to the increase in pressure, the walls of the blood vessels weaken, and they lose protein - it is it that is found in the urine. Mom’s general condition worsens significantly - she feels weakness, headache, and quickly gets tired. To this are added hearing and vision disorders. Nausea and vomiting may occur.
Gestosis of the second half of pregnancy is dangerous because a state of eclampsia may occur. In this case, disturbances occur in the processes of the brain, cardiovascular system, a pregnant woman may fall into a deep faint. If urgent measures are not taken to eliminate this condition, then gestosis of 2 half of pregnancy can cause cerebral hemorrhage and cardiac arrest.
A doctor with suspected gestosis of the second half of pregnancy, the treatment of which cannot be postponed, may insist on a hospital stay if the patient's condition is quite serious. Depending on the situation, they resort to early childbirth by cesarean section to save the life of the mother and baby.
A pregnant woman should prevent the onset of gestosis and know its main symptoms. To do this, you must adhere to some rules. It is important to comply with sleep and rest. Sleep at least ten hours, and it is better, if possible, to relax during the day. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition - exclude preservation, carbonated drinks, alcohol of any strength and in any quantity, products containing preservatives and dyes. It is best to eat light foods that digest well and quickly. Eat plenty of vegetables, dairy products, berries and fruits. Meat should be present in the diet, but without excess. It will be easier for the stomach to digest lean meat - rabbit, chicken, turkey. Gestosis of the second half of pregnancy does not cancel the use of water. It must be consumed in sufficient quantity, and most importantly - correctly. A glass of water should be drunk in the morning after waking up, before eating for twenty minutes and half an hour after eating. With this mode, water will not be retained in the body, but will be excreted in a timely manner.