Russian blue cat, description, standard, the nature of which will be discussed in detail in this article, is by far one of the most expensive and popular breeds in the world and in Russia. An unusually spectacular exterior is not the only virtue of these animals. Russian blue people are very clean, active and behave like real aristocrats.
Breeding history
The character of Russian blue cats is characterized by complaisance and at the same time liveliness and activity. And no wonder. It is believed that initially cats of this breed were kept in ports for catching rodents. Therefore, their hunting instinct is very well developed. However, for certain, where this breed originally came from, unfortunately, is unknown.
Abroad, these animals came in 1893 at the initiative of the Englishwoman Carew Cox. It was she who brought the first silver pair from Arkhangelsk to her country. In the UK, this breed has caused great interest. The thing is that the Russian blue is very similar to the "British", but have a more harmonious physique.
In the late forties of the last century, these cats began to cross with Siamese. The fact is that during the war the breed began to degenerate. In those years, breeders of several countries were engaged in its restoration. In the 70s, individuals were obtained that are very similar to historical ones.
In the 80s, interest in this cat aroused in Russia as well. Many breeders have a desire to restore this breed completely. Crossbreeding was carried out with ordinary domestic and Czech cats. As a result, Russian blue managed to return a thick undercoat. Foreign cat lovers did not initially recognize the "curs." However, in the end they were forced to agree that the breed was indeed able to significantly improve.
Exterior Features
The aristocratic nature of Russian blue cats is quite consistent with their appearance. These are graceful animals with a muscular elongated body of medium size and a slender neck. The head of the Russian blue is short and wedge-shaped. One of the hallmarks of the breed are clearly defined, eye-catching pads with a mustache. The ears of animals are large, pointed at the top. By the way, it was this feature that once became the cause of disputes about the true origin of Russian blue. However, the thick undercoat is clear evidence that the northern regions of Russia are the birthplace of these handsome men.
Russian blue eyes are large, almond-shaped. A sign of the breed is considered including their green color. Moreover, the brighter it is, the more the individual is valued. The nose of the Russian blue has an average length, straight. Another characteristic feature of the breed is lilac pads on the paws. The coat of the Russian blue is gray with a bluish tint and silver coating. The latter feature is also a distinctive feature. The undercoat and wool of the representatives of this breed has the same length. Therefore, cats feel “plush” to the touch.
Russian blue cat. Cat breed character
So, now let's see what the character of the Russian blue cat is. Animals love their owners very much and treat them with great tenderness. However, familiarity is not allowed. After all, these are aristocratic cats. As already mentioned, by nature they are very active animals. Therefore, they are happy to play with the owner's children or pets.
How to educate
The animal is quite independent - the Russian blue cat. Description, care, character, price - all this we will consider as detailed as possible. We'll talk about the cost of kittens, feeding, walking, etc. a little lower. Now we continue to deal with the nature of these animals. Russian blue can be brought up very well. However, their nature is still pretty wayward. If you behave rudely and too aggressively, the animal will refuse to obey you. In order to achieve your goal, with a kitten or an adult cat you need to behave as gently and patiently as possible.
Attitude towards strangers
Russian strangers are very wary of strangers. The trust of such a cat needs to be earned. She will never jump to her guest’s knees and will not begin to sing “songs”. However, after a long acquaintance, the attitude of Russian blue to a person changes dramatically. She becomes kind and affectionate and completely freely communicates with a former stranger.
Other features
The character of Russian blue cats, as already mentioned, is manifested, among other things, as aristocratic. For example, your favorite in the spring will not mark the territory or arrange opera "concerts". Will not eat Russian blue and from a dirty bowl. If you forget to wash her bedding, she will decide that she has every right to sleep on your bed.
Care Features
The health of the Russian blue is just excellent. These beauties are very rarely ill. However, they must do all the necessary vaccinations, of course. Russian blue cats are fed just like any other cats. Veterinarians advise you to give them only specially designed balanced cat foods. But many owners prefer to feed animals with natural products from their own table, considering dry to be harmful feline “fast food”. In any case, the appetite of the representatives of this breed is simply wonderful. Your pet or pet will be happy to eat everything that you offer them. The main thing is that the food is fresh.
Many owners let out Russian blue walk on the street. As already mentioned, the character of Russian blue cats is very flexible, and besides, they love their owners very much. Therefore, one should not be afraid that the furry pet will run away. Of course, you can release an animal only if you are sure that it will not be stolen. Russian blue are quite expensive.
Russian blue cat: prices, description of kittens
To purchase an animal of this breed can be both private traders and in the nursery. Of course, the seller needs to choose a reliable one. Kittens should be vaccinated and have the necessary documents. For private traders - depending on cleanliness - prices can range from 1,000 to 30,000 rubles. Most often, animals are sold for 10,000-15,000 rubles. In the kennels you can buy obviously purebred cat or cat. However, in this case you will have to pay a lot more. The cheapest kittens cost about 600 euros. They are usually selected after the first molt - at the age of three months. Be sure to look at the eyes. In kittens they are blue. But by their general tone, one can determine what they will be in an adult animal - yellow or green.
These are the customs of the Russian blue cat. Description of the breed, the nature of the animal - we examined all this in detail. As you can see, these cats are very interesting, beautiful and kind. Despite the high cost, it’s worthwhile to purchase such a pet.