Having a baby is a celebration for the whole family, especially for a woman. After all, so much effort, time was spent on bearing it, and now you can breathe a sigh of relief that everything is left behind, and new troubles and worries lie ahead. For some, the gender of the child does not matter, for others it is important. And if dads almost always want the appearance of a boy, then many mothers think about ways to conceive a girl. This is especially desired by those women who became pregnant for the first time.
This is largely due to the peculiarity of communicating with your child. Most women want to see their daughters beautiful. To do this, they buy the appropriate outfits for them, they like to braid the braids of the girls, and when they grow up, become secret with them. Men prefer to raise a child in such a way as to prepare him for life.
What determines the gender of the child?
The sex of the child depends on which particular sperm managed to fertilize the egg. But what is characteristic. the female egg has only one type of chromosome - X, while the male germ cells may contain one of two types: X or Y. That is, when the egg meets a sperm with the X chromosome, a girl will be born (XX), and Y - boy (XY).
It turns out that the sex of the child is completely dependent on the father, and the days of conception of the girl have nothing to do with it ?! This is partly true, and the role of the mother in this regard is practically minimized. But in women, after conception, the most crucial stage in her life begins.
At the same time, male germ cells have different properties:
- Sperms with the X chromosome are distinguished by an oval head, a low speed of movement and a long life span of about three days.
- Sperms with the Y chromosome already have a round head, they are very fast, but they live less - no more than a day.
But isn’t a woman able to influence who will eventually be born? Answer: yes, maybe, but for this you need to correctly calculate ovulation (fertilization). In the end, the lucky girl can be lucky and be born.
Are there any ways?
If a woman wants to get pregnant precisely with her daughter (or everyone in the family adheres to this decision) and even has already chosen the approximate date of conception of the girl, then specialists from the antenatal clinic will be able to help in this matter. A knowledgeable doctor will tell you some methods of conception, from which a woman will be able to choose the necessary option depending on the situation. But it is worth noting that fooling nature and completely taking control of a situation is not so simple.
And moms and dads need to first understand something. The methods listed below do not give a 100% result, but will only allow you to slightly increase the chances of success. This is due to the fact that the entire process of fertilization proceeds in accordance with complex physical and chemical mechanisms, which are difficult to respond to external factors.
Special diet
One way to achieve the birth of a daughter is to follow a special diet to conceive a girl. Moreover, it must be started in a few months. The effect will be exerted not by the preference of certain products, but by the regularity of their use and the quality of the prepared dishes.
A healthy diet and lifestyle will not only allow you to give birth to the desired girl, but also the probability of various pathologies will be reduced to zero. This applies not only to women, if dad also wants to see a healthy child, then he should temporarily abandon bad habits, which will improve the quality of his biological material.
The essence of a special diet is the creation of acidic microflora in the female body, which has a detrimental effect on spermatozoa with a Y chromosome. Whereas the slower brothers are more tenacious. Now, in fact, the diet itself for the conception of a girl:
- Meat (beef, lamb or veal) in limited quantities. Some women even try to do without him.
- Yeast-free pastries, including sweet.
- Dairy products (cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, cheese) and eggs.
- Vegetables and fruits.
- It is recommended to eat nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts).
Now you should familiarize yourself with what should not be in the diet. In particular, this applies to salted and smoked dishes, potatoes and legumes. In addition, in no case do not drink alcohol and completely abandon cigarettes. And, of course, this applies to both parents if they want the birth of a healthy girl of God. In addition, "female" sperm are more susceptible to harmful substances.
A way to calculate ovulation for conception of a girl
As is now known, the sex of the child depends on the viability of the sperm. A woman can become pregnant regardless of the day of the cycle, however, conception can only be on one specific day. Actually, for this you need to keep a schedule of ovulation. The very technique of conception of a female child was developed by Dr. Landrum Shetles, and she glorified it all over the world. There is practically nothing complicated in it, and the only difficulty is determining ovulation.
It is easier for those women who are precisely aware of the duration of the menstrual cycle, since you can simply divide the value by 2. That is, if the cycle takes 30 days, then the final result - ovulation will occur on day 15.
In other cases, you can use special tests that are used to determine ovulation. Their principle of action is similar to those that reveal pregnancy. The result is mostly always reliable.
There are also calculators for conception girls. It can be used by anyone who is well "friends" with computer technology. This is special software with which the most suitable time for sexual intercourse is selected so that a daughter is born. Finding it is not difficult - just enter the appropriate query into any search engine.
Subtle calculation
In addition, you can resort to another method - measuring basal temperature. It’s better to practice a little in advance to determine the very day “X” over a number of cycles. Why is it necessary to regularly (preferably every early morning) measure the temperature of the anus, starting from the very first day of menstruation.
All data must be entered in a schedule that will allow you to calculate ovulation for the conception of a girl. As a result, by the end of the month, two phases can be clearly traced in it:
- before ovulation - temperature 36.4-36.7 C °;
- ovulation - temperature 37.0–37.5 ° C.
Moreover, the temperature, as in the latter case, will be maintained until the start of a new cycle. It should only be taken into account that indicators can be influenced by several factors, including:
- stressful situations;
- heavy physical activity;
- the presence of colds;
- taking alcohol or medications;
- intimacy the night before.
If it is impossible to accurately calculate the onset of ovulation over a certain number of cycles, consultation with a doctor is necessary. Perhaps there is a hormonal malfunction in the woman’s body, due to which ovulation does not occur.
The essence of the method
Actually how to calculate the conception of a girl? In order for the probability of its appearance to be as high as possible, intimacy should be 3-4 days before ovulation. Immediately before the start of ovulation, as well as within three days after it, it is better to refrain from sexual intercourse. In extreme cases, sex should be protected.
Thanks to such a tight schedule, the slower “female” sperm can survive, and some of them will certainly get to their goal. The “male” brethren will no longer be able to fertilize the egg.
Moon calendar
What is a lunar calendar? This is an invaluable aid for many families who dream of a healthy and strong child. In addition, as experts in astrology assure, the moon will help with conceiving a child of the desired gender. And for this, it is worth choosing the “favorable” days of the lunar calendar.
The method of conception of a girl on a calendar of this type is not new, since there are already several millennia. It was successfully used by many more ancient peoples to grow strong, strong and hardy warriors, wonderful heirs to the throne. In addition, the conception of most historical figures known around the world was carried out precisely according to the lunar calendar.
What a woman needs to know
Each expectant mother, however, this applies to both parents, it is worth knowing that often the process of conception falls on the growing moon. It was during this period that the female body is the strongest, strongest and best prepared for fertilization. At the same time, if the process of ovulation occurs after the full moon (second phase), then the chances of a successful pregnancy are significantly reduced.
It is very important how a woman is in harmony with herself, with her body and mind. And all that is needed for this is to adhere to a healthy diet, avoid stressful situations, which will save your nerves and more calmly respond to various troubles. In this case, we can expect that the conception of a girl on the lunar calendar will go smoothly.
Rapprochement with nature will allow a woman to strengthen her energy. But just so that the calendar can give the desired result, you need to know how long the menstrual cycle lasts, and also when ovulation occurs. If necessary, this process can be transferred to the first phase of the moon. And only a gynecologist can help with this.
Desired gender of the child and his character
If the female gender of the child is so important, then the following can be considered “favorable” days for this:
- 2 lunar day;
- 22 lunar day.
Also here can be attributed those days when the moon is in a particular zodiac sign:
- Cancer.
- Virgo.
- Taurus.
- A fish.
- Capricorn.
- Scorpio.
According to many scientists and astrologers, that lunar day, when the conception occurred, can have a significant impact. Moreover, his role will be as important as the child’s birthday. You can prevent his character by referring to the regular calendar. It has 30 days, each of which is able in a certain way to influence human life. How it might look is shown below:
- You can conceive an active and strong child.
- Favors the conception of a girl.
- A child may be born with an explosive, uncontrollable character (earlier on this day the conception of warriors took place).
- A child may become lazy and may develop a passive attitude towards life.
- A baby may have a difficult fate.
- The most favorable, since children are born balanced and objectively evaluate the world around them.
- A healthy and full-fledged child will appear who will be successful in medicine or science.
- A difficult fate can be added to the bad character .
- Better to avoid it.
- It’s also a favorable time, since the child will inherit from the parents all the best.
- An active and healthy baby will appear.
- Here it’s not enough to know how to calculate the conception of a girl; a positive attitude of parents is necessary. Only with this approach will a child develop good intuition.
- The child may subsequently develop a passion for bad habits (alcohol, drugs).
- The child will be protected by a strong guardian angel.
- Strong and uncontrollable character, which is more characteristic of boys.
- The child’s disposition will be harmonious and accommodating.
- It is better to avoid alcohol, as the child will be not only an alcoholic, but also a swindler.
- The child will be hardworking and a share of individual charisma, which will allow him to become a favorite.
- Boys will have honor and courage.
- Unfavorable, as the child may have a bad character.
- The chances of a boy appearing are very high.
- Also contributes to the conception of a girl who is born strong and purposeful. Perhaps it will turn out to be a very successful woman, almost as good as men.
- High risk of gene mutation.
- A healthy baby can be born even to those couples for whom this is not the first attempt.
- Favorable for conception, but the child can become lazy, slow, in addition, he will have an unstable psyche.
- Fully favors the child: a successful and happy life, filled with glory and wealth.
- Not the most suitable, since there are great risks of various diseases.
- The child will be lucky, at the same time lazy and careless.
- It is better to categorically avoid it.
- Not suitable for conception of a girl or even a boy: the child will also be lazy and unfit for life.
Thus, it is already possible to draw the only correct conclusion for yourself, which will allow us not only to determine on which days the feminine will be laid, but what character can be expected from our daughter. Of course, the most favorable lunar days for the birth of a full-fledged child are: 1, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 26. Such qualities as strength and courage will be inherent in an adult, he will success and success will accompany it, and his health can be envied. This method is not worse than a calculator of conception of a girl will achieve the desired.
But these days are best avoided: 4, 8, 9, 13, 20, 23, 27, 29, 30. In this case, the child will be more lazy, he will be unstable, even aggressive. In addition, he can hardly boast of good health.
Small reservation
For the most part, the method of conception in accordance with the lunar calendar is suitable for those people who are fond of astrology and are obsessed with faith in fate. It should only be taken into account that the desired result is not always obtained and it is not worth fully hoping for this method. At the same time, the popularity of the lunar calendar is quite high, and this indicates its veracity.
It makes no sense to trouble yourself over how to calculate the conception of a girl if all attempts do not turn out to be successful for a long period of time. It is better to abandon all attempts to calculate the lunar days and visit a doctor. And the sooner this happens, the better.
Eastern folk technique
Several centuries ago, the Chinese invented a special table, according to which you can conceive a child of a certain gender. The so-called Chinese calendar has several significant advantages:
- simple and clear use;
- you can determine the sex of the child, regardless of gestational age;
- you can plan your desired gender;
- according to the assurances of the Chinese themselves, the reliability of the method is up to 98%.
The table below.
As can be seen from the figure, the horizontal top line is a listing of all 12 months, and in the left vertical column is the age of the woman (18–45 years). Eastern people believed that the sex of the child mainly depends on the mother, therefore, the conception of the girl according to the age of the mother is taken into account in the table.
The calculation should not raise questions. In the left column, the desired value of the woman is selected, for example, 21 years. In the top line, the month for conception is selected, and at their intersection there will be the sex of the child. In this example, this is a girl.
However, some women are not inclined to trust this method and regard it only as entertainment. Perhaps another table created by the Japanese would be useful for them. About it below.
Japanese technique
In ancient times, a table was also used in Japan, as in China, only its own and two of them. Pictures below.
First you need to combine the month of birth of the mother and father. At the place of their suppression there will be a number - a family figure. For example, for a woman this is March, and for a man - February, it turns out the number 11. Now you need to use the second calendar. The conception of a girl or boy is already determined directly by it. His example is below.
Here you need to pay attention to the vertical columns that contain the months. Find your vertical column under the number 11. According to it, the most favorable time for conception of a female child falls on the month of July.
Favorable position
For some, this may seem strange, but there are special poses that also contribute to the appearance of a girl, not a boy. It is necessary to ensure shallow penetration, which will allow male sex cells of category X to calmly and especially slowly rush to achieve their goal. In particular, we are talking about such provisions as:
- missionary position;
- "the spoon";
- the woman lies on her stomach, her back to the man;
- a woman in a position from above and also with her back to a man.
In addition to choosing the best position for conceiving a girl, a woman needs to control herself a bit and try to avoid a violent orgasm. As you know, thoughts are material, so you should try at this time to visually imagine the desired future daughter.
There is no point in fully hoping for all of the above methods, since as already noted above, it is rather difficult to influence the whole process. And if, in spite of all efforts, a boy was finally born, it is worth accepting him, because you can say nature itself gave the family the most precious thing that can be in our life. The main thing is to love him as much as the desired daughter and to fully devote to him all your parental love.
And the turn will also reach her, and probably, at the right time, again using the different methods of conceiving a girl for months or other options, you will achieve what you want.