Rash on the elbows of a child: causes and treatment tactics

If any, even minor rashes appear on the baby's body, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. But even their many years of experience is not enough to establish the cause of such manifestations. But a rash on the body may appear as a result of an allergic reaction to some products, materials, household chemicals, or due to a viral disease. The doctor should assess the condition of the child, consider red spots, if necessary, send for analysis and only after that prescribe treatment.

Rash on the elbows in the child

If you see a rash on the elbows of a child, perhaps this is just a manifestation of sweating. But you should not treat her negligently. With improper care, painful, wet wounds can appear very quickly in place of the rare red dots. The best method of dealing with prickly heat is frequent bathing, air baths and dusting of affected areas with dust.

Rash on

But often a rash on the elbows of a child can be a sign of a childhood infectious disease. For example, rubella can have both large and small spots. But they will not be localized exclusively on the elbows, very quickly the rash will cover the entire body of the baby. In addition, this disease is accompanied by fever, redness of the throat, inflammation of the lymph nodes. It is necessary to treat it under the supervision of a doctor. But even experienced pediatricians without special tests sometimes find it difficult to make a diagnosis, because it happens that rubella begins as a regular infectious disease or tonsillitis, and a rash can appear only on the second day. As a result, the baby is often treated for colds and given anti-allergic drugs, from which there is no visible effect.

A rash on the elbows in a child can also occur as a result of infection with other infectious diseases: measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever, enterovirus infection or mononucleosis. But with them, rashes cover the entire body, and the patient has other symptoms of virus infection.

If you notice a rash on the elbows of a child, then do not try to spread it faster with something. Using the same iodine or zelenka can smear the clinical picture, and diagnosis will become problematic.

Skin rash photo

Often, various rashes indicate an allergic reaction. By the way, they can be accompanied by difficulty breathing, swelling of the mucous membranes and itching of the skin. But taking special drugs and the lack of contact with the allergen help quickly relieve the child of the problem.

Skin rashes, photos of which sometimes cause horror in moms and dads, must be shown to the doctor. Only he can assess the condition of the child, consider the rash in detail, understand where it is localized, and prescribe the appropriate treatment. After all, the actions of a pediatrician with allergies, a viral disease or chronic eczema will vary significantly. If he finds it difficult to determine the diagnosis, he will most likely send you to take tests. With their help, you can determine what caused the appearance of spots in the baby, and choose the most suitable treatment tactics.

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