Bicycle for children from 4 years for a boy: a review of models, a description, manufacturers and reviews

The first serious transport in a child’s life is a bicycle. How much happiness does this purchase bring to the baby. The choice of models, manufacturers, colors is huge. In the warm season, bicycles are very popular goods on the market. Children (from 4 to 6 years) vehicles must be carefully and carefully selected! The main thing is not to make a mistake and acquire a convenient and high-quality means of transportation. At this age, the kids are very active, and such a gift will be welcome. As soon as the child learns to ride, he will spend most of the time on his iron horse!


When choosing a bicycle for a child, you need to pay attention to many details. First of all, it's security. A high frame, uncomfortable pedals, and as a result, frequent falls can discourage the desire to master such vehicles as bicycles. Children's (from 4 to 6 years) vehicles can be found in many stores in the city. But it is worth considering the parameters of the baby. Indeed, some children do not develop rapidly over the years, while others, on the contrary, are too small for their age. Be sure to take the child with you to the store. Let him sit on the bike and try to pedal.

children's bike from 4 years for a boy

Manufacturers care about the safety of young athletes. Therefore, the wheels must be covered with protective wings. A bicycle for children from 4 years old for a boy or girl is usually equipped with additional wheels. After all, maintaining balance from the first attempts is very difficult. Therefore, ask the seller to attach additional wheels, and you can begin training! This is a very fun and exciting process. But just in case, keep antiseptics on hand to treat abrasions!

At the peak of popularity

The first two-wheeled transport - every child remembers it! After all, this is no longer a children's toy, but a real means of transportation. The huge assortment provided by the market is simply perplexing. But among the manufacturers there are also clear leaders producing children's bicycles. From 4 years old, height 95-110 cm - for such parameters it is not easy to choose a purchase.

bicycles for children from 4 to 6 years

Stels Magik is a Russian manufacturer that has established itself as quality products. Customer reviews are only positive. This bike is equipped with everything you need for beginner riders. The frame is understated, resistant to deformation and corrosion. The steering wheel and seat are adjustable for the height of the child. The steering wheel is protected by a foam pad, which is important for beginners. The wheels are wide, you can travel on rough roads, bumps without feeling discomfort. The chain is well protected, additional wheels are included. Such a bicycle for children from 4 years old is ideal for a boy. Stylish design and quality - a great combination!

Trek - these bikes are famous all over the world. The American manufacturer produces powerful and durable vehicles. The Trek Float Boy model is exactly what a little tomboy needs. Solid frame, steel, will serve faithfully for more than one generation. Classic foot brakes, chain protected, height adjustable. The rear wheels are included with the kit. The only negative, according to buyers, is too heavy weight.

Made in Germany

Scool produces only children's bicycles. An age group of 4 years and over can safely choose the Scool XXlite 12 model. One of the best and highest quality iron horses produced by German companies. The frame is understated, the circuit is protected, there are reflectors - all for comfort and safety. The strong, but lightweight aluminum frame distinguishes this model from others . For convenience, there is a footboard, parking for the baby will only be a joy.

children's bicycles from 4 years old growth 95 110 cm

The German company Puky has been producing brand new shiny bicycles from factories for over sixty years. During this period of time, the company's specialists perfected the children's bike. For 4 years, the boy can be presented with a Z2 model. Everything is provided here: a low frame for safety, a soft steering wheel, an adjustable mechanism, a footrest, reflectors and a stylish design. A large selection of colors, and most importantly, the brake is manual and foot. For little active cyclists, you can't think of anything better than this miracle.

Go Russia

Forward is a large domestic manufacturer of two-wheeled vehicles and goods for sports. The Russians trust the quality of the goods of this brand and are enthusiastic about the products. The design bureau of the company uses modern technology, constantly improves products. A group of designers gives a fashionable and vibrant look to transport. After all, children love beautiful and colorful things so much. Forward Leo - a bicycle for children, from 4 years old for a boy, such a model fits perfectly. Laconic design, reinforced wheels twelve inches, steel frame. He has a small weight, so the baby will be comfortable surfing the country. The frame is understated so that the child can jump unhindered at any time. You can also consider Forward Racing 16 boy. The saddle is leather, comfortable, adjustable. Brakes in tandem - foot and manual. Such a bicycle pleases with safety, quality and bright design. The kid will receive a sea of ​​emotions after riding on this wonderful transport!

bike for 4 years

A bit higher

If the child is tall and strong, you can offer him a bicycle with a wheel diameter of fourteen centimeters. Do a little test in the store: put your child on the saddle. Legs should be at least halfway up to the floor. Ask the baby to stand up, there should be a distance of about twelve centimeters from the frame to the crotch. If all these conditions are met, you can safely take the iron friend home!

A good option for a boy is Novatrak Tetris 14. The steel frame weighs eleven kilograms. Therefore, it is suitable only for a large tomboy beyond its years. The blue model looks stylish and masculine. Please your child with such a useful gift!

children's bicycles age group from 4 years

Solid benefit

A bicycle for children from 4 years old for a boy is not a luxury and pampering, but a necessity. Cycling is one of the best views. During the walk, all muscle groups are involved, the child will develop correctly and quickly. Long skating contributes to good heart function. The young cyclist will spend almost all of his free time on the Iron Horse, which means in the fresh air. The immunity will strengthen, and in the winter you will forget about colds. Buying a baby bike, you provide him with a healthy lifestyle.

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