Polish hound: breed description, standard, character, house maintenance

Those who want to learn about the Polish hound will find this article useful. We will consider the breed standards, the nature of the representatives. We also give advice on the content of such a dog. As the name implies, the Polish hound breed was bred abroad.

History of the breed and its recognition

Initially, these dogs were bred in Mazovia and the southern regions of the country (Podhale, Bieszczady and others). In literature, the first mention of the breed was found in the thirteenth century. Already in the sixteenth, hunting with hounds became popular among the Polish gentry. In Russia, this breed appeared in 1812, after the Patriotic War. Then the officers brought with them various trophies, including Polish hounds.

The reason for the popularity of this breed in our country lies in the fashion for everything foreign. The development of the rifle method of hunting with a hound in the "French manner" also contributed to the success of the breed. For such an activity, these dogs were comfortable in that they were distinguished by their unusual viscosity. If such a dog raised a hare, then he will keep it all day.

character of the polish hound

In 1939, at the second cynological congress, many beagle breeds were banned, including the Polish one. During World War II, purebred dog breeding in the countries of Eastern Europe and Poland was almost destroyed. At that difficult time, the number of beagles was almost lost.

In the second half of the twentieth century, Poland began the reconstruction of lost species of dogs. When registering the breed at the IFF in 1996, the Polish hound was rejected. This type of hunting dogs has long been bred from purebred breeding.

Although the hunters still used these dogs for their excellent working qualities. By 1976, there were already 101 dogs of this species.

Seven years later, the Polish Cynological Union prepared the Polish Hound breed standard. The first representatives of the breed with a complete pedigree were born in 1989. And in 2017, the Polish Hound was recognized by the IFF on an ongoing basis.

polish hound

Head and general view

The dog of this breed is medium, compact, fry in size. She has a well-developed skeleton. The height at the withers is about 54-57 cm.

The head of the dog is proportional, with pronounced dry cheekbones. The length of the skull is equal to the length of the muzzle. The nose is black or brown, in accordance with the color. The lips of these dogs are dense, well cover the lower jaw. The corners of the mouth are clearly marked. The teeth are smooth, white, strong. The bite of such dogs is scissor-like.

The eyes of the Polish hounds are medium in size, slightly set obliquely. Dark in color, in accordance with the color. The eyelids fit snugly.

The ears are medium sized, triangular in shape, not thick, with rounded tips. At the base, they are wide, set quite low, approximately at the level of the outer corner of the eyes. The ears fit snugly against the cheekbones. The coat is silky and smooth.

Body and tail

The neck of the Polish hound is muscular, strong, of medium length. The chest is deep, and the stomach is moderately tightened. The back of such a dog is straight, with a pronounced withers and strong muscles.

The tail is of medium thickness. At rest, it has a saber shape. In motion, usually slightly above the back. It is well covered with wool, at the end there is a small brush.


standard hound polish

The limbs are straight, parallel, muscular and bony. Note that the height at the elbow is approximately half the height of the animal at the withers. The shoulder blade is oblique, long, and the forearms are straight. Strong elbows firmly pressed to the body, directed down.

The hind limbs of these dogs are parallel, straight. The articulation angles are very pronounced on them. The hips of such dogs are wide, muscular. Note that the representatives of the breed lack dewclaws.

Paws are oval, densely compressed, large. The claws are usually dark in color, pointing down.

Wool and color of representatives of the breed

There is an undercoat. These dogs have shiny hair. In structure, it is rigid, dense, and fits snugly to the body. On the head and ears, the hair is a little shorter. In the description of the breed, the Polish hound must also indicate colors. There are three of them: red, brown and tan, black and tan.

appearance of the Polish hound

Maintenance and care

After hunting, thoroughly clean the coat of debris and thorns that are stuck in it. Note that you need to comb the Polish hound daily. Never need to cut such a dog. Wash it is only necessary. Such dogs are unpretentious in grooming.

Of course, that the Polish hounds need fresh air, great physical exertion. Therefore, it is best to keep such dogs in an aviary or in the yard. But since these dogs are quite compact in size, they will be comfortable living in an apartment. But in this case, long walks are required.

During molting, special attention should be paid to the coat of the animal. Follow carefully comb it with a stiff brush.

Dogs such as Polish hounds have not seen hereditary mental illnesses. Life expectancy is an average of 13-14 years.

Dog behavior and character of the Polish hound

These animals are motile, energetic and fearless. In relation to outsiders are not aggressive. But they are mistrusted of them. Representatives of the breed have excellent watchdog qualities. Dogs of this breed have a characteristic voice with rich intonations.

A distinctive feature is the neat and calm behavior of the house. A well-bred dog treats children delicately. In the family circle, the representative of the breed behaves unobtrusively, restrained.


Polish hound puppy

When drawing up the diet of hounds, it is very important to take into account the fact that they need a high need for protein components. In winter, in order to increase the calorie content of the dish, it is worth adding a little animal fat. With a minimum weight, a dog of this breed should consume about 350 grams of meat per day. If it has the maximum allowable weight for this type, then you will need to increase the amount of product to half a kilogram. You can diversify the diet with low-fat dairy products. In the dog’s nutrition, you need to add some cereals, vegetables and fresh herbs.

Training representatives of the breed

To train a dog is only a person who has strong leadership qualities. Severe education is important. But you should not forget about encouragement and praise. Polish hounds seek to please the owner. Therefore, they are willing to learn, achieve high results in training. Show excellent results in running and Frisbee competitions. When the trainer shows unjustified cruelty, the dog will demonstrate open disobedience.

how to care for a polish hound


Representatives of the breed are used for hunting foxes, hares and wild boars in winter. Such dogs find wounded animals by blood trail.

It is believed that the Polish hound should, without a vote, begin the search for a wounded beast. Having caught the boar, the dog tries to hold him until the hunter approaches. Working trials are carried out on a blood trail and an aviary.

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