For development, the child needs to jump, run, climb, play, and many parents, in order to direct this energy flow in the right direction, begin to think: maybe you need a sports corner for the house? A sports complex for children will help instill in a child an interest in physical activity, endurance, coordination, quick reaction, balance, etc.
Among children's complexes there is a huge selection. Their difference is in the installation, fastening, production, purpose, number of elements, etc. Usually, a sports complex includes 2-3 apparatuses for exercises, a Swedish wall, rings, a rope ladder, horizontal bar, a mat and sometimes a rope.
You can use the sports complex from an early age. A six-month-old baby can use the handrails to stand up and sit down. As a child grows up, sports structures can and must be complicated for further physical development, additional elements will be needed here.
First of all, it is worth deciding on the material from which the sports corner for the house is made. The sports complex for children must necessarily be either wooden or metal, especially with regard to the main construction racks. Additional shells may be plastic.
- A wooden sports complex for children is considered less traumatic and more diverse in design. In the production of the sports complex from this material, hardwood is used: oak, linden, pine, beech, birch. The horizontal bar, crossbars and supports are coated with a protective varnish that is safe and has no unpleasant odor. An important point is the diameter of the crossbars of the Swedish wall. Usually, a wooden sports complex is purchased for older children, since it is very difficult for children to grab the crossbars with small handles. The maximum load weight of such complexes is from 60 to 70 kg.
- The metal sports complex, in comparison with the wooden one, is more reliable and durable. In addition, children's sports corners for the house, made of metal, can withstand a load of 100 to 120 kg, and even an adult can perform exercises on it. A plus is the ability to optimally adjust the racks between the ceiling and the floor, which is quite difficult for wooden structures. When choosing a complex from this material, one should examine the thickness of the crossbeams (optimally 1.2β1.5 mm). If they are too thin, the tubes may bend. Pay attention to the paint with which the complex is painted. It must be safe for the child and have a special certificate.
Mobile sports complexes
A great option for young athletes will be a mobile sports complex. This is the simplest sports and gaming corner, designed for children from one year to four years. It does not require any special fasteners and is easily installed on the floor.
The big plus is that such home sports complexes for children are easily rearranged, assembled and disassembled. These corners, as a rule, are equipped with ladders, slides, swings, rings, mats and ropes. Depending on the model, equipment and material from which the sports complex is made, the price of mobile corners ranges from 6,000 to 16,000 rubles.
Stationary mounted sports complexes
The corner is intended for school children. It is mounted vertically to the wall with anchor bolts and takes up little space. The complex is equipped with a horizontal bar, rings, a rope, a rope ladder, etc. The hinged corners do not have a Swedish wall, but as the child grows older, the children's sports complex can be supplemented with shells. Thanks to the design of the brackets, the load on the corner is evenly distributed. Install a hinged sports complex is necessary only on strong walls. Partitions from drywall, etc. may not withstand the load of the horizontal bar. The cost of such complexes is small, from about 2,000 to 4,000 rubles.
Wall corners
Despite the similarity with mounted systems, wall-mounted ones are more functional. This home sports corner is mainly distinguished by the presence of the Swedish wall. Installation is also carried out with anchor bolts. All fasteners are hidden in the pipe body and exclude the possibility of accidental scratches, abrasions and cuts. There are L-shaped models, non-standard, with the ability to suspend a swing or net and a T-shaped. The latter make it possible to use the Swedish wall from two sides. Wall-mounted sports corners withstand loads up to 200 kg. The crossbars of the stairs in modern models are covered with polymer, which not only does not allow hands to slide on them, but also gives a massage effect for the feet. Wall-mounted home sports complexes for children have at their disposal such additional equipment: ropes, swings, rings, bungees, slides, a basketball basket, a rope ladder - and the price for them varies from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.
Sports constructions with spacer
They do not need attachment to the walls and are the most multifunctional of all types of home gyms. Installation is made on any free site of the apartment by means of expansion screws on racks of a corner. They are firmly fixed, resting against the ceiling and floor. Therefore, the reliability of the walls does not matter, but suspended ceilings are contraindicated. Although, if the ceiling is made of drywall, then the installation of a sports corner is carried out using an additional gasket between the fixtures and the ceiling. Installation options are T-shaped and L-shaped, as well as non-standard equipment from three or four supports. The complex, thanks to the struts from the spacers, is very reliable, withstands heavy loads and allows even adults to engage. The cost of the simplest two-corner corner is from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles and increases depending on the number of racks and additional equipment.
Transforming sports corner
Uses a Swedish wall as a basis. The sports corner-transformer has 2 positions. The first is the usual Swedish wall, on which you can attach additional shells, such as ropes, rings, a rope ladder, etc. The second position is a folding lower part that allows you to perform exercises on the handle and climb the rope mesh.
Combined sports corners
A great solution for small apartments. Such complexes include both sports components and furniture elements (cabinets, bed, desk, etc.). They belong to a rather expensive price category, but completely justify it by saving space and lead children into complete delight.
First of all, parents care about the safety of the child when choosing a sports corner for the home. A sports complex for children should be installed in an area where there are no sharp corners, easily breaking objects or coverings, at a sufficient distance from doors and windows. The area under the sporting elements must be covered with mats, taking into account the swinging of the hanging shells. All corners of the complex should be rounded, and split sleeves made of metal, not plastic. For bolts, soft plugs must be included. When purchasing a sports complex, you need to carefully examine the quality of its processing. The absence of protruding parts of the mounting system will help the child avoid injuries. Among the huge assortment it is better to look at the most popular companies. Ask for feedback from other parents .
Sports items
The elements that will be part of the children's sports complex directly depend on the availability of space in the sports area. Below are the most popular among buyers.
- Gymnastics rings are attached using ropes. Used for gymnastic exercises and pull-ups on the hands.
- Rope-ladder. Performing exercises on this element, the child improves coordination of movements and develops the vestibular apparatus.
- The rope. Classes on it strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs.
- The horizontal bar is designed for pull-ups and strengthens the muscles of the upper limbs.
So that the child has the opportunity to physically and mentally develop, purchase a sports corner for the home. A sports complex for children today can be quite safe, multi-functional, compact and interesting.