Goldfish - breeding and care

Among the most popular inhabitants of aquariums, the interest in which has not faded for centuries, goldfish occupy a special place. Breeding and growing the representatives of this group in captivity is a very entertaining and interesting process. Goldfish feel good in a spacious and wide aquarium with good aeration and a layer of soil at the bottom. Water temperature should be from 15 to 24 degrees, hardness from 8 to 200, pH - 5.0-8.0. These are peace-loving creatures, which should be kept separate from representatives of aggressive species. The most suitable option for breeding goldfish is a species aquarium.

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To obtain a successful result, it should be remembered that the optimal environment for the development of goldfish is clean water, well filtered and saturated with oxygen. An additional incentive for their spawning will be an increase in water temperature to 25 C. If the early spawning needs to be delayed, it is enough to cool the water in the aquarium by a couple of degrees. Under favorable conditions, healthy goldfish will grow in the reservoir, the reproduction of which will bring good results.

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