A series of educational books for children "School of 7 Dwarfs": reviews

This program has become very popular among parents and their children. Many development centers also use the 7 Dwarfs technique. The reviews confirm that children with great pleasure perform simple tasks that are presented on colorful pages. Each such lesson is a new step in the wonderful world of knowledge. The program is very conveniently divided into 7 stages. Seven years before school, seven colors of the rainbow - seven selections of training journals, each designed for 12 months of regular classes.

7 gnomes reviews

What is this technique?

This is a magnificent collection, which is presented by seven series of books, 12 in each. In fact, these are planned classes for each month of a child’s life, from birth to 7 years. They can be used by a developing teacher, as well as by any parent who cares about the future of their baby.

Texts and assignments are printed on hard pages that a child cannot easily tear. The main advantage is the large, vivid pictures and gradually becoming more complex, consistent tasks. Books contain a lot of developing information about the world around us, and a game task is given for each block in which the child will better learn the proposed material. The presence of a parent page is also a big plus: it tells in detail about the features of a particular age, the main neoplasms and the specifics of conducting classes. Recall that each book is addressed to a particular stage of development.

To date, we can call the most complete methodology of the “7 Dwarfs”. The reviews confirm that the kids respond with great interest to the proposed tasks and acquire new knowledge and skills in a playful way. Each manual has a cardboard insert from which it can be folded into a toy or used as a teaching aid. This makes the lessons interactive, awakens the interest of the child.

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The main advantages of the technique

Its creators - professional educators - tried to take into account all the nuances, so that in the end we get a full-fledged training series, which every mother can easily use. Of particular note is the system of motivation and encouragement of the child, used in the "7 Dwarfs" system. The reviews say that it is the bright stickers and stars that the kid receives for the correctly completed task, contribute to the consolidation of interest and the development of a desire to continue learning. For children over 3 years of age, each series has an additional success card, in which the child glues all his rewards.

Why is it recommended to choose this particular technique? It is diverse, that is, aimed at the development of logic and attention, fine motor skills and artistic skills, character education. The child sequentially learns the basics of ethics, history, geography, gets acquainted with forms and colors, learns to read and write. During such classes, you can easily determine the sphere of inclinations and interests of the baby, in order to further help him with the choice of circles, and maybe even a profession.

Once you have decided on a technique, you don’t have to change it. For this large number of fans, the “School of 7 Dwarfs” acquired. Parents' reviews express gratitude to the authors: you no longer have to rack your brains in search of an answer to the question of what to do with the child. From birth to first grade there is a special developmental magazine for every month of life.

school of 7 gnomes

Where could I buy?

This is usually the first question parents ask when they learn about the School of the Seven Dwarfs series. Reviews often confirm the impossibility of acquiring it in the stationery stores of the city. In this case, you can issue an annual subscription by mail or order 12 magazines at once, for which you will later deal successfully.

Another option is to print the electronic version of the magazine on a color printer. It will come out cheaper, in addition, you can make several copies at once to re-perform tasks that did not work out well.

For the smallest

The first lessons can be started from the very first months of your baby’s life. This unit is designed for 12 months, from birth to a year. Bright pages can be separated from the book and hung in the crib to the baby, and when he begins to crawl, stick them at the level of his eyes. So the child gets acquainted with the first gnome in purple. When the baby grows up a bit, it will be possible to supplement the knowledge of friends in funny caps and show him the cartoon “7 Dwarf”. Reviews about him are quite warm, it is suitable for viewing by the whole family.

The course from 0 to a year includes tales and jokes for the smallest. Your kid gets acquainted with such concepts as day and night, colors, geometric shapes. While he still cannot name them, but gradually begins to distinguish, the child forms the basic concepts of the world around him. A large number of valuable tips will be an excellent help for parents.

school 7 dwarfs reviews

“School of 7 Dwarfs”: 1-2 years. Reviews

Your baby is growing, he can already hold a brush and a pencil in his hands, he starts talking and every day he learns more about the world around him. Let's help him through the second series of magazines. Interesting tasks are already given here: you need to arrange the cards according to the seasons, find each inhabitant's own house (a bear lives in the forest, fish in the river, a butterfly in the meadow, etc.). In addition, the magazines include many tasks for the development of fine motor skills: fun drawing with fingers and palms, the first crafts from plasticine and bright applications will give a sea of ​​impressions.

Many parents and teachers consider the most important series, the School of the Seven Dwarfs: 1-2 years. Reviews show that it is at this age that magazines cause great delight. This is no coincidence, because right now the baby is learning to express his emotions, in which he is greatly helped by paints, paper and plasticine.

At this age, you can once again show the child the cartoon “7th Dwarf”. Reviews say that at this age, the kid with great interests and excitement follows the adventures of fairy-tale heroes who have to rescue the castle and all its inhabitants, frozen by a terrible spell. Bright, colorful and kind cartoon gives the first idea of ​​good and evil, friendship and the need to be responsible for their actions.

cartoon 7 dwarf reviews

Two to three

The program of this block is very similar to the previous one. Exercises on cognition of the surrounding world are given in a little more detail, in addition, the child gets acquainted with existing professions, learns to correlate concepts: say, a stethoscope and a doctor, a crane and a builder, a school board and a teacher. Logic, spatial thinking develops , the child learns the diversity of the world of geometric shapes, as well as colors and shades. A lot of time is devoted to the development of fine motor skills, a variety of coloring books with additional tasks consolidate information about colors, teach attentiveness, accuracy. With minor changes and complications, the next series is presented - from three to four years.

school 7 dwarfs your reviews

Your baby is now familiar with four gnomes: purple, blue, green and yellow. It’s good if you select a place on the wall or a special board where you cut and paste these little helpers who teach your child. If you have not seen it, then watch the cartoon “7 Dwarf” together. Reviews confirm that the child perceives familiar characters well. And the fact that he has not yet made friends with all the gnomes serves as a kind of incentive for further development.

Four to five

This is a more serious block. Your baby has grown up and learned a lot, he is already able to solve much more complex problems. Now you are taking the first step into the world of reading, writing and counting. Slowly master the recipe, work on the development of logic, spatial thinking, improve knowledge about the world. The child’s skills are still imperfect; he often makes mistakes. In no case do not scold the baby, it is better to disassemble this situation according to the example of the cartoon "7th Dwarf". The reviews confirm that such a metaphorical example shows how normal it is to make mistakes. You just need to gather your courage and fix them, and you can redo the task after the break.

seven dwarf school your reviews

Five to six

This is the penultimate series of 7 Dwarfs magazines. Kindergarten (parental reviews - a direct confirmation of this) often uses these materials to engage with the group, to educate and prepare students for school. It is this age that is basic for the formation of many personality traits. The need to broaden one's horizons, to know the world around us, and to obtain cognitive information is truly fantastic. It is not for nothing that preschoolers are called “pochumuchki” and “fidgets”.

All the necessary material for bright, fun and informative classes will provide you with this selection of magazines. You only need to follow the colorful pages step by step. A child at this age is concerned about relationships with peers, the concepts of good and evil. Such abstract units can be studied by re-viewing the cartoon “7 Dwarf”. Reviews show that a joint discussion of the picture after viewing makes it possible to better understand complex concepts.

7 gnomes kindergarten reviews

Six to seven

This year is fully dedicated to school preparation. This is writing, counting, reading and expanding our understanding of the world. This concludes the "School of 7 Dwarfs." Your feedback will be very interesting to the developers of the methodology, they can be left on the official website. Then the kid will go to a real school, and seven multi-colored gnomes will remind you of the fun time spent together. Today, primary school teachers sometimes borrow certain classes from the latest journals to diversify the lessons and make them easier to learn. The motivation system is especially good at primary school: awards, stickers, and stars.

To summarize

Do you want your child to easily go to school and achieve success in life? Then start your studies from early childhood. Today, there is everything necessary for this: bright, colorful, interesting and accessible for children to perceive manuals, a fully structured methodology that contains developmental magazines for every month of a baby's life, starting from birth. The developers have done tremendous work, and we can only not miss classes in order to achieve brilliant results. One of the best techniques today is the School of 7 Dwarfs. Reviews of thousands of parents indicate that almost all dads and mothers share this opinion.

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