Four ways to clear the space between words in Word

After downloading the next Word document from the Internet or when you enter the text yourself, you may find that the spaces between the words are quite wide. Sometimes this distance is so big that it just hurts the eye. This problem is not uncommon, and there are a sufficient number of ways to solve it.

In our article, we present four simplest options. We’ll talk about how to remove the space between words in Word by aligning it with the left margin, using an inextricable space, and eliminating non-printable characters such as End of Line and tabs. Read the article to the end to determine the method that is right for you. We will consider how to remove the gap between the words in the Word 2010, but it is likely that all methods may be suitable for other versions of the program.

, "", . - .

how to remove the space between words in Word

, - , . , CTRL+L. , , , .

, "" . . , CTRL+SHIFT+.

how to remove the space between words in Word 2010

, , .

" "

. " ". , ENTER SHIFT. , , . , , .

, . .

how to remove the space between words in the word when aligning to width

, " ". , , . , ENTER. , .

remove the tab

- . , TAB. , , . , .

, "", . , . , , , , " ". , , . . .

, "". - , ? - .

In fact, the solution is very simple - you can use the replacement in the "Word".

quick tab removal

To do this, first open the appropriate window by pressing CTRL + H. You will see two fields: “Find” and “Replace”. As you might guess, you need to enter a tab character in the "Find" field. This can be done by copying. Well, in the second field, put the usual space. Next, click "Replace All", and all large spaces from the text will disappear.

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