How to teach a child to build a pyramid: methods and useful tips from specialists

The kid is growing up. It is time to engage in its development. The first thing mothers remember (the simplest in their opinion) is a pyramid. Many parents doubt at what age it is already worth introducing a child to such a toy. Also, mothers are interested in how to teach a child to assemble a pyramid, what games are with this toy.

When to buy

Every baby from the moment of conception is a unique person. Therefore, there are no general criteria for development, including the peculiarity, at what age the child collects the pyramid. After all, any baby is individual. But it is recommended to buy a toy for the baby when he is already confidently sitting. It can be in 6-8 months.

how to teach a one-year-old child to assemble a pyramid

How to introduce such a toy

When you get acquainted with the pyramid, you just need to let the baby see its details. He can simply hold them in his hands, chew on them or not pay any attention. Well, if the child showed interest in her. In this case, he will disassemble the pyramid, play its components.

Closer to age one and a half years, the first results may appear. Of course, with simple types of pyramids. Before entering a kindergarten, a psychologist will ask about the child’s ability to assemble this toy.

If the baby does not know how, then this is not a cause for concern. Perhaps the child was poorly shown how to play with this toy, or he is more attracted to drawing. Before deciding when the child must learn to assemble the pyramid, you need to introduce the baby to it correctly (let it scatter, nibble, build anything from it).

What the pyramid will teach

This is a universal toy. There are children who can play it for hours. It also helps the child develop. Therefore, it is advisable for mom to know how to teach a one-year-old child how to assemble a pyramid.

a child cannot assemble a pyramid

What skills does the pyramid give:

  • Teaches to accept the request of parents. Mom may ask the child to give her a piece of the pyramid. Ask to remove (for example, rings) or put them back on and so on.
  • Playing, the baby gets acquainted with the flowers. Pyramids are specially so bright and colorful. Collecting it in detail, mom or dad can voice colors. As a child, such information is absorbed much better.
  • The child also studies the size and learns to understand the concepts of "larger" - "smaller". For example, you can ask the baby to give a big red ring so that mom can put it on. Or you can just ask for a red or small ring.
  • By playing, you can teach your baby numbers. If, when assembling toys, each time you count the parts. But do not overdo it. For starters, it’s enough to count to three, then to five, and so on.
  • You can study different geometric shapes, since the pyramids are sold not only in the form of rings. There are squares, triangles, balls and so on.
  • A toy helps to understand the location of things. For example, put a red ring on a blue one, or there is a blue ring under a green one.
  • Some pyramid models are equipped with musical accompaniment, which sounds if the toy is assembled correctly. So the child begins to understand that with the correct execution of the work (task) there will always be a result.
  • Motility is developing. The child needs to try to put the ring on the rod.
  • Trains memory and develops thinking. The kid begins to understand that at the bottom of the toy are parts of a larger size, and ends with small ones.
how to teach a child to assemble a pyramid from rings

What to consider when choosing

Next, we will tell you how to teach your child how to assemble a pyramid. But before that you need to know which toy is best for the baby to choose.

When buying a pyramid, you need to rely on such criteria:

  1. Age.
  2. What material is the toy made of.
  3. The shape and size of the pyramid.
square pyramid

Toy by age

The choice in stores (ordinary and on the Internet) is pleasing to the eye, but it is also confusing; there are so many kinds of pyramid models. Let's look at options by age:

  • For children up to a year, it is worth choosing the simplest models, with a small number of component parts. They should not have sharp corners. It is advisable to take pyramids with sound. This is not necessarily music. Parts can be made of rusting material.
  • From a year to two, you can increase the number of parts, but not complicate the design.
  • After two years, a child can collect a pyramid of any complexity. It is advisable to take a toy with different parts in shape.

Do not buy a tiny pyramid on the "outgrowth". She can only confuse the baby, and he will lose interest in the toy.

Types of materials

What materials are the pyramids made of:

  • Classic wood pyramids covered with safe paint. They are not recommended for children under one year old, as it is difficult for them to hold parts in their hands. And such a toy does not cause much interest.
  • Made of plastic. Suitable for children from 6 months to a year. The parts are lightweight and can be nibbled. In this case, you need to pay attention to the quality and safety of the material.
  • From fabric. Such pyramids are suitable for children from 1.5 years. At this age, the child stops pulling everything in his mouth. There is no danger that the part will be damaged and its contents will be eaten by the baby. Often the material is filled with small balls, which contribute to the development of fine motor skills.
at what age does the child collect the pyramid

Pyramid shape

Large pyramids are more suitable for older children.

If you choose which form will be more interesting, then children (6-12 months) will prefer rings, balls. They are easier to hold and easier to assemble. In addition, the baby is not injured by them.

Children from one year old are better off choosing pyramids with different geometric shapes. Not necessarily parts must be strung on the rod. There may be cups that need to be stacked on top of each other.

When a child should be able to assemble a pyramid of greater complexity, it depends on how the baby develops, whether this activity is interesting to him.

Types of Pyramids

when a child must learn to assemble a pyramid

What types of pyramids are:

  • With the same size of parts. They are suitable from a very young age. With their help, the baby will learn to put parts on the rod. It is desirable that these were rings of different colors made of plastic.
  • With different sizes of parts. This pyramid is already more complicated. The rod for donning parts is in the form of a stick or in the form of a cone. The second option develops the child’s thinking better.
  • Details are made in the form of animals or various geometric shapes. Suitable for children after 2 years.
  • Of high complexity. When collecting them from the details, it can turn out: one animal, a tree (for example, a Christmas tree), a house, and so on.
  • Without a rod, for example, with Velcro, rustling, ringing or in the form of curly cups. Velcro is convenient for small children, but they are made of fabric, so you need to follow the baby’s game.
  • Musical. When they are assembled, music begins to play if the baby has assembled the parts correctly.
  • Pyramids on wheels. They are suitable for a child who likes to roll toys by a rope.

On this variety is not limited. Combined pyramids are also on sale, which combine the above features. The choice is growing every year. The main thing is to buy a toy that is safe for the child. After all, it is important not only to teach how to assemble a pyramid, but also so that the child is not injured during the game.

Introducing the Pyramid

The baby is 6 months old, he is sitting confidently, and the pyramid has already been bought. The question is where to start the game. For this it is necessary

  1. Prepare a place to play. Remove foreign objects.
  2. Let the child play with the details. If these are rings, then they can be rolled, left, tasted. Show the kid how to keep the details.
  3. No child can assemble a pyramid at once. First you need to give the assembled pyramid and show the baby how it is disassembled. After that, the child can play in the details. Then you need to collect it with the child. Do not insist that the baby try to disassemble and assemble the toy. Everything has its time.
  4. After assembly, show the baby whether he succeeded. To do this, he must palm hold on the surface of the pyramid. Be sure to praise the crumb if properly performed. If the pyramid is assembled with errors, do not blame it. It is necessary to talk with the baby during the assembly process, to voice the details by color, size, quantity.
  5. When the child has mastered the assembly of simple pyramids, you can move on to more complex ones.

Assembling a pyramid of rings is considered the easiest job. It is with this that one should begin acquaintance and games. Having mastered this pyramid, it will be easier for the baby to collect others.

Variety of games

How to teach a child to assemble a pyramid of rings? Each mother has her own methods of playing with a child. But there are difficulties with this toy. What games can I play with a child with a pyramid:

  • A game that teaches colors, sizes, or geometric shapes. For this, two identical pyramids are needed. They need to be disassembled in detail, which are laid out in two heaps. First, the mother takes a part from her and asks the baby to find the same at home. For example, find a ring like that of a mother, blue or red, large or small.
  • The child likes how the rings slide on the rod. You can wear them and ask the child to repeat the action. So he will easily learn to assemble a toy.
  • You can put the parts on the floor in descending order in one line. Next, explain to the child where the big is, where the little ring is. Ask them to put their details in the same way. When laying out, you can skip a couple of rings leaving a place for them.
  • When there are pyramids of different configurations, you can mix their details. After it is worth asking the baby to choose the right ones. For example, among all the details, only rings are found. Then collect the pyramid. If everything is done correctly, be sure to praise the child. When difficulties arise, you can show the baby how to perform actions.
  • Children love to experiment, you can offer to assemble a pyramid only from small rings. Such an unusual performance will cause the baby joy.

There are a lot of games with a pyramid, the main thing is to include the imagination of parents and the baby. Children like it when they manage to assemble a pyramid. The game for children is very important. She can teach a lot (colors, sizes, develop thinking, and so on). The main thing is to be able to arouse interest first.

When a child has no interest in a pyramid

wooden pyramid

In this case, you should not panic and think that a child is already collecting a pyramid from a neighbor, and your baby does not even take it into his hands. Perhaps he is still early or does not like the toy. Perhaps the mother incorrectly showed how to play or demanded a lot from the child. You need to assess the situation and try to start the game again. If there is no result, then the baby prefers other games.


Knowing how to teach a child how to assemble a pyramid is important for every mom. It is this simple toy that will help the rapid development of the baby. In order for a child to become interested in a toy, it is necessary to deal with him at the first stages. If you just put a pyramid in front of him and leave to do his job, the baby may not pay attention to the new toy.

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