high cholesterol diet

Cholesterol is a lipid, that is, a fatty substance. They form an important part of the outer shell, that is, cell membranes in animals. Cholesterol can enter the human body in several ways: along with food and produced by the human liver itself.

Therefore, you should carefully monitor what you eat, because too fatty foods lead to the ingestion of excess cholesterol. Nevertheless, you should not self-medicate, since there are two types of cholesterol - it is high and low.

A diet with high cholesterol does not require special preparations, it is enough to simply limit the intake of animal fats. It is enough to follow the following rules:

1. It is necessary to limit the intake of foods that contribute to cholesterol. These are dairy products with high fat content, sausages, margarine, fish caviar, fatty pork and most importantly forget about various hamburgers.

2. Exclude homemade muffin. From flour, it is advisable to eat only bread from deep flour.

3. Of meat recommended chicken and veal, but the portion should be ready-made to be no more than 100g.

4. Basic foods should be fruits and vegetables.

5. Meal should be divided into several meals and in small portions.

6. Of the recommended drinks, tea remains, preferably green.

7. Of cereals, special attention is paid to oatmeal, which tends to lower cholesterol, especially on an empty stomach.

A diet with high cholesterol is definitely necessary. With its help, a decrease in the amount of cholesterol in the blood is achieved, such a diet must be observed for at least a week, and to consolidate the result, extend for another 2-3 weeks.

A diet with elevated cholesterol can be stopped when the desired result is achieved and this effect is fixed. To do this, you need to undergo appropriate tests to detect blood cholesterol.

A diet with high cholesterol helps to reduce its level in the blood and significantly reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Many do not think about the fact that nature has presented us with a number of products that lower blood cholesterol. Products that lower blood cholesterol are very diverse, the following are the most common ones:

- a good property of splitting and removing cholesterol oatmeal.

- oranges - are equipped with pectin (a glandular substance). Pectin has the ability to envelop cholesterol, that is, cover it with a film and remove it from the body

- very useful pistachio nuts, which contain many nutrients of plant origin, blocking the absorption of cholesterol by the body

- Bean products, such as beans, are useful

- Pay attention to greens, in particular spinach, which contains a lot of lutein.

- sardines contain omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce blood cholesterol in a very high quality.

- sweet joy for the heart - dark chocolate, which contains a lot of antioxidants.

With high cholesterol, traditional medicine remedies very well. Cooked infusions and decoctions quite effectively lower cholesterol.

Menu for high cholesterol:

Morning - oatmeal cooked on water, a slice of toaster bread, one baked apple, 100 g of boiled beans and a glass of milk.

Lunch - a boiled egg, a small slice of bread, 75g of boiled chicken, a salad of fresh vegetables.

Dinner - 75g gr boiled fish, a portion of boiled potatoes and herbs.

Dessert - a glass of white or red wine

Or - diet cracker or bread.

Stick to the above points, watch your diet, and a diet with high cholesterol will certainly help you to be healthy.

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