A few simple rules on how to teach a child to kindergarten

No matter how much mom wants to spend more time with her child, the time will come and he will need to be sent to kindergarten. And not just to go to work. Indeed, mainly in the team, the baby will be able to learn a lot, including how to behave with peers.

how to teach a child to kindergarten


In most cases, adapting a child to kindergarten is very difficult. This is especially obvious for those parents who have not previously parted with their baby for a minute. It is not surprising that the baby will feel bad without a mother. But this can be avoided if you know a couple of simple rules on how to teach a child to kindergarten.

Free time

Every mother should at least a little bit, but have free time, which she can devote exclusively to herself. In addition, it is also a kind of preparation for kindergarten. So, the baby for a while can be left with grandparents, in extreme cases, with nannies. The child will understand that he cannot constantly be near his parents and will more calmly respond to the need for a daily visit to the kindergarten.

teach a child to kindergarten


Important tip on how to teach your child in kindergarten. If a woman knows in which kindergarten and in which group she will give the baby, she must first find out the regimen. And then teach your child to him. So for the child it will not be a surprise that you need to get up early or go to bed early, this will be taken for granted, and there will be much less problems.


When planning to send a child to kindergarten, it is important to accustom the baby to independence. So, he must eat, ask, or even go to the pot, be able to wipe his ass. And there are a lot of such nuances. This kid needs to be taught at home, because the teacher in the kindergarten will not be able to devote much time to only one child.


Another important tip on how to teach a child to kindergarten: you need to do everything gradually, not immediately. So, the first few weeks of the baby should be left in the group for a couple of hours, let it get used to. And the first days, the mother will even need to be somewhere nearby, nearby, in sight, so that the baby does not get scared. Then you can leave the child for half a day, and getting used to this, the peanut will easily spend a full day in the kindergarten. Immediately leave the child for the whole day alone, without familiar people is just cruel. It is also good to first introduce the kid to the group, to the educators, to tell that these are new friends with whom he will need to be friends.

send the child to kindergarten


The following advice on how to teach a child to kindergarten: you need to tell him the truth about the place where he will be sent. So, you don’t need to scare him or arrange everything in bright colors - only the truth, so that the baby simply does not disappoint or is not afraid in advance. It is also important for the child to explain that kindergarten is a kind of work, dad and mom go for the same. The way of things will be easier for Karapuz to understand, and he will try to do it by imitating adults.

Clear deadlines

Wanting to teach a child to kindergarten, he definitely needs to talk about when they will come to take him home. So the baby will not feel abandoned, abandoned. Also, the peanut needs to be asked every day about how the day went , to praise for success. It is very, very important for the child.

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