The birth of a child is perhaps the most long-awaited and significant event in the life of every family. In the end, it is precisely in procreation that our main function lies. There is nothing strange and surprising in the fact that future parents want to learn as soon as possible about the nascent life. The easiest way is to wait for the date of the alleged menstruation, the absence of which indicates a possible pregnancy. How to determine an interesting position before menstruation, is this possible? This is a question that worries many women. That is why in the framework of this material we will try to understand it.
Is it possible
The optimal and more or less reliable way to determine pregnancy is a test done on the first day of delay. But someone is waiting for this event with trepidation that he is simply not ready to suffer even a few weeks, while others are afraid of the consequences of unprotected intercourse, mentally preparing themselves for an abortion. In both cases, an early diagnosis of conception would come in handy. In fact, even in the first days and weeks you can determine pregnancy at home without a test, but for this you need to understand exactly what changes are happening in the body of the future mother and learn how to feel your body.
Pregnancy is clearly tied to the menstrual cycle of every woman, which is why delay is considered to be the first and main sign of a nascent life. Conception can occur strictly at the allotted time for this - 1-2 days after ovulation. Think about it, because the cycle is considered from the first day of menstruation, when the egg begins to actively prepare for exit from the ovary. It matures in the middle of the cycle, most often on the 14th day with a cycle duration of 28 days. In each case, it is necessary to take into account the duration of your cycle, which can shift the maturation period of the egg in one direction or another.
In parallel with ovulation, the female body begins to prepare for the proposed conception: the endometrium becomes more elastic, its walls thicken, preparing to attach the fetus, the follicle that releases the mature egg, degenerates into the yellow body and begins to actively produce progesterone - a substance aimed at preserving pregnancy. In addition, basal temperature rises to 37 degrees. In this state, the female body is about a week.
If the egg has not been fertilized, everything returns to normal, to its previous state: the temperature drops, the corpus luteum degrades, the epithelium exfoliates and leaves the uterus with the next menstruation. But what happens if the egg is still fertilized?
First changes
How to determine pregnancy before delay? For those changes that begin to happen in the first days. A fertilized egg begins its movement through the fallopian tube, dividing and developing. After 7-10 days, the introduction of the fetal egg takes place - from that moment one of its membranes (chorion) begins to actively produce the hCG hormone. It is on its content in the urine that a pregnancy test responds.
External signs of pregnancy
As already noted, a woman’s body begins to change from the first days of pregnancy. Surely you heard from your friends and acquaintances that they literally immediately without additional diagnostics and examinations felt the development of a new life in themselves. So this is not nonsense, but a real sensation. How to determine pregnancy without a test at home? The answer is simple - according to the external changes of your body. Of course, not everyone has their first signs distinctly, nevertheless, we want to mention them.
After the cell is fertilized with a sperm, its membrane begins to actively produce the substance progesterone - a hormone that can give certain properties to the endometrium. It becomes more elastic, and all so that the fetus can fit on it. But progesterone has a tangible effect on the condition of the skin. It activates the production of sebum, which leads to clogging of pores, the appearance of rashes on the face, shoulders, back. Pregnancy (a week) can be determined even by the condition of the skin: it becomes more oily, glossy, even if such a condition is not characteristic of it in principle. Someone notices changes in the scalp: they have to wash their hair much more often, since they quickly lose their aesthetic appearance and get dirty. Hyperpigmentation, manifested by groundless rashes, similar to freckles, on the face, in the decollete and on the shoulders is another sign of a change in hormonal levels.
You can determine an early pregnancy at home by breast. The mammary glands are prepared for their main function from the first days of fertilization. They will become your main and tangible sign. The sensitivity of the breast increases even to minimal contact, it takes on a more rounded seductive shape. Due to the increase in milk lobules, the breast really “swells”, increases in size, becomes heavier, stony. The sizes of the nipples change, their shade from pale pink turns into brownish, the halos are covered with noticeable tubercles. Nipples become more convex, as with sexual arousal.
Not sure how to determine pregnancy? Trust your senses. Hormonal changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother affect her perception of the world and seemingly familiar things.
A sharp change of mood, rejection of what used to bring joy, irritability, outbursts of anger - that is typical of women in position. Fatigue and drowsiness are characteristic even for those who usually led quite an active life. A woman ceases to control herself and her emotions, not understanding the cause of what is happening, and she, most likely, lies in hormonal changes and pregnancy.
Food perception
After conception, a woman's taste preferences can radically change, which will become noticeable immediately. Food, to which the fair sex was indifferent some time ago, can now become a necessity for her. At the same time, your favorite food can become a source of irritation, cause disgust, and the gag reflex can only come from aroma.
Another nuance concerns appetite, it becomes changeable. A pregnant woman can observe attacks of hunger, followed by a complete lack of desire to eat. Aversion to food is most often observed in the morning. Increased salivation is another symptom that is difficult to confuse with anything. Some women begin to carry wipes with them everywhere to eliminate the excess fluid produced by her body.
Basal temperature
We have already said that the basal temperature of a woman after conception changes. This can be tracked by rectal or vaginal measurements. Physiologically high temperature is characteristic of the entire period of ovulation (this is almost a week). If after this period she keeps at a fairly high mark, pregnancy can be diagnosed.
Frequent urination
Many pregnant women complain of frequent urination, they really often visit the toilet room. This is due to the fact that the body, to ensure full growth and development, directs an increased amount of blood to the pelvis, which also stimulates the work of the bladder. Its walls begin to contract more actively, which causes a desire to urinate. Some attribute this symptom to cystitis, but in this case, frequent urination is not accompanied by painful sensations, pains, does not bring discomfort.
Medical diagnostic methods
Is it possible to determine an early pregnancy? From a medical point of view, it can only be determined after implantation, that is, fixing the fertilized egg on the uterine wall. Up to this point, she has no effect on the female body, the body itself is not yet aware of the life developing inside it. Accordingly, there are no tangible changes that could be fixed.
With maximum accuracy, pregnancy can only be diagnosed within the walls of a medical institution.
HCG study
In the biological fluid of a pregnant woman, the level of the hCG hormone goes off scale. It can be detected by analysis of blood or urine. Lab testing will give you 100% results.
How to determine pregnancy before delay? Of course, in an ultrasound scan, a specialist will determine a fetal egg, its attachment point, and even size. Of great importance in this study are the technical characteristics of the device: if it is equipped with a vaginal sensor, you can determine the week of pregnancy with maximum accuracy. Ultrasound examination involves irradiation of both the mother and the child, which is not the most positive effect on his growth and development. That is why resorting to this method of detecting pregnancy is only in extreme cases.
Gynecological examination
Each experienced specialist knows exactly how to determine pregnancy in the early stages. It is impossible to feel the fetal egg itself yet, but significant changes occur with the tissues of the reproductive organs. The mucous membrane acquires a bluish tint due to increased blood flow, the uterus swells, and its neck, on the contrary, becomes softer. An experienced gynecologist will easily determine pregnancy, so it is better to seek help from him. Do not worry about the condition of the fetus, the doctor certainly will not do him any harm, as some women mistakenly believe.
Grandma's methods
Well, where without folk methods that our grandmothers still trusted? In Russia, there were enough ways to detect pregnancy. Do not reject the many years of experience of our ancestors, because all the methods were based on the first signs of an excellent position. It was then that when no one could have imagined the existence of pregnancy tests, these methods were popular. We will talk about some of them as part of this material.
Boiling urine
The liquid collected after waking up should be brought to a temperature of 90 degrees, and then quickly poured into a glass dish. It is believed that white flakes appearing in the urine will indicate pregnancy.
Iodine use
For the experiment you will need the same morning urine. It should be applied to fabric or paper, dripping iodine on this place. A change in shade to lilac will tell about pregnancy.
Calcium bicarbonate
Pregnancy can be determined with the help of soda, because during an interesting situation, a woman’s urine acquires high acidity. In 150-200 ml of morning urine, pour a teaspoon of soda. If an acid reaction has begun in the vessel, accompanied by violent hissing, you are not pregnant, if no reaction is observed, your family can be congratulated on adding.
Signs and Signs
How do you feel about all sorts of signs and signs regarding pregnancy? How was pregnancy determined without tests before ?
When medicine was not so perfect, and women did give birth in the fields without the help of specialists and expensive equipment, everyone believed in signs, superstitions, dreams, carrying a wealth of information.
Surely in every family there are many signs and beliefs on the topic of conception. But do not blindly trust them, it is better to resort to the methods of traditional medicine, to listen to your body.
To summarize
We tried to answer in detail and in detail the question of how to determine pregnancy without tests at home in the early months, even weeks. Of course, each method is individual, can work 100% with one woman and not give any result with another. In this case, I want to touch on the topic of pregnancy planning. Yes, each couple should prepare for conception so that a woman has the opportunity to endure a strong, healthy baby without any pathologies and complications. In this case, the chances of getting pregnant almost the first time increase many times.
It is always necessary to monitor your female health, then the first signs of pregnancy will be clearly visible, you will immediately feel the birth of a new life in yourself.
Speaking about how effective these methods for determining pregnancy, I want to focus not on signs, but on medical methods: by analyzing urine and blood, using an examination with a specialist. A high probability of determining pregnancy is given by measuring basal temperature. In any case, only a specialist can diagnose fetal development in the womb according to the results of a comprehensive examination. Stay healthy, watch your body and all the changes occurring in it, then you will be able to independently diagnose it in the first days and weeks of pregnancy.