How to teach a child to crawl with the help of joint games and exercises

Mom tries to spend as much time with her baby as possible, to take part in the discoveries and achievements of her baby. When it comes time to learn to crawl, she can help the child with this through training, massage and joint games. Already by the 4th month of life, the crumbs one may wonder how to teach a child to crawl. It is at this age that it is worth starting exercises for learning a similar method of movement.

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how to teach a child to crawl

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development of a child of the first year of life

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crawl with the baby

Such exercises will require a little effort and time, but will give good results. Stock up on attractive musical toys to keep your child interested in activities. During joint games, we crawl along with the child, show an example of how to move. The kid will definitely appreciate this game and join you. I hope that you were able to answer the question for yourself on how to teach a child to crawl.

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