American teddy, guinea pig: breed description

In this article we will talk about a very cute guinea pig, the description of the American Teddy breed is presented below. We will consider the features of this type. We will also talk about how to properly maintain and feed such animals.

Breed history

The American Teddy guinea pig breed appeared as a result of a natural mutation. For the first time, Canadian breeders became interested in this type of rodent . It was they who began to breed representatives of the breed. This happened in the late sixties of the last century.

Guinea pig

And in 1978, the American Teddy breed of guinea pigs received official recognition. Then her description appeared. The name of this breed is directly related to the appearance of the animals. The “figure” among the representatives of the breed resembles a toy - a teddy bear, which is very popular among American children. This species was introduced to the territory of Russia and the CIS countries relatively recently. But even in a short period of time, these animals have already gained great popularity as pets. Now there are already many guinea pig nurseries. American Teddy can be bought not only in Moscow, but also in other major cities.

The appearance of a guinea pig

The representatives of the breed have short hair. Hair is hard and elastic. They do not fit very tightly to the body. Because of this, the animals get a fluffy and rounded appearance. The structure of the coat is quite unusual. Therefore, it seems that American Teddy guinea pigs look bigger than they really are. On the stomach, hairs are longer than other pigs. In small rodents, the hair is tender, curly and soft. But with age, she straightens and becomes tougher.

guinea pig breed

If you plan to contain such rodents, then you should be prepared for partial or complete baldness of animals in adulthood. Such changes are not a pathology. In the transition period, representatives of this species do not look the best. They resemble sick animals with a peeling coat. The color can be completely different in guinea pigs. You can see cream, tortoiseshell representatives of the American Teddy breed. The weight of a guinea pig of this species averages one kilogram. Representatives of the breed have a strong muscular body. Their physique is proportional. The muzzle of pigs is round, flattened, there are chubby cheeks, slightly pressed inward. The ears of guinea pigs are widely set, rounded in shape, slightly tilted forward, while "looking" in different directions.

American Teddy Breed: Guinea Pig Character

Representatives of this breed are usually well socialized. By nature, guinea pigs are good-natured. Representatives of the American Teddy breed get along well with other animals (a photo of the guinea pigs of this species is presented above). Perfectly, such rodents get along with cats, as well as small pets, such as, for example, mice. If you make proper contact with a guinea pig, then it can be trained without much effort with a few simple tricks.

American Teddy guinea pig breed description

Note that representatives of this species are very talkative and sociable animals. They often stand on their hind legs, whistle for something tasty. American Teddy Guinea Pigs are motile and restless animals. They are very pleased to stroll around the apartment. In general, these animals lead a daily life. During this period, usually rodents swarm in the cage. At night, as expected, they sleep, snoring, in their house.

Cage conditions for breed representatives

How to properly contain such a rodent? To live in such a large and mobile animal, a cage of impressive size is required. You can also use the terrarium. A spacious house is also required where the rodent can frolic in plenty during the daytime.

If you plan to keep your pet in a terrarium, then know that you will then be able to keep the surrounding area clean. And through the rods, when the animal frolics, the sawdust will fly around.

In the summer, you can take your pet out onto the street, onto the green grass. For these purposes, you can buy a fence or a special carrying. It is worth walking your pet in dry and warm weather.

american teddy breed

Guinea pig feeding

Feed your pet twice a day. It is necessary to add to the diet products that are useful for wool, containing carotene, vitamin A. These include: greens, carrots and more. Do not forget about grain feed. Of course, there should not be too many of them. Since due to excess protein, a representative of the American Teddy breed has liver problems and obesity. For this reason, do not overfeed the animal. Even if the pet asks, then you should not give more than normal food. Also in the diet of a rodent is to add sprouts of germinated wheat and vegetable oil. These products will help to avoid the appearance of dandruff and preserve the natural hydration of the skin.

guinea pig nursery

Features of guinea pig hair care

Since the representatives of the breed have unusual wool, it needs special care. It should be periodically trimmed, that is, it must be plucked. This can even be done on your own several times a week. The process itself is very simple. It is necessary to clamp the hairs between the thumb and forefinger. After you need to pluck the hair slightly along the hair growth. Then you need to pluck against the coat. Next, you need to do this again in the direction of growth.

Guinea pig bathing

It is recommended to wash the representatives of this breed no more than twice a year. And even then only if a strong smell has appeared from the animal or it has stained its fur coat. It is worth bathing in a small basin with warm water. In this case, the situation should be relaxed, calm. After carrying out water procedures, you need to gently wipe the pet with a towel, dry it well with a hairdryer, if the animal is not afraid. And after that it is worth letting the guinea pig into your house.

Guinea pig claw care

guinea pig breed american teddy

Now let's talk about claw care. They should be trimmed regularly. Remember that in front of the pig there are four fingers with claws, and in the back - only three. Note that the nails of representatives of the breed grow very quickly. Because of what, you need to carry out the trimming procedure twice a month. Clippers require special tweezers. Trimming should be done as carefully as possible, so as not to catch too much and not to injure the area with blood vessels.


Now you know what the American Teddy guinea pig breed is, how the representatives of this species look. Features of maintenance and care, we also examined in the article. We hope that this information was useful to those who want to get such a funny beast as an American teddy guinea pig.

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