The structure of the didactic game: the essence and role in the organization of the educational process

Didactic games in kindergarten are a complex work of the teacher. This is both a game way of teaching a child, and uniform. During such games, the baby develops comprehensively, learns, playing, which will be interesting for him, and therefore productive. In the article we will talk about the types and structure of didactic games with children of younger and older preschool ages. Also in the publication there are interesting ideas for working with preschool children.

The peculiarity of didactic games

active didactic games

A didactic game is an event aimed at educating a child, and reinforcing the knowledge already gained. Here, under the guise of a game, difficult educational tasks for the child are performed.

During the game, the child requires maximum mental work, the desire for competition, knowledge, logic, attentiveness and quick wit. There are a lot of different jokes in didactic games, so children easily perceive such activities, they are interesting.

The first such games were created by folk pedagogy. Each of us remembers "The Gardener", "Edible-Inedible", "Fanta", "What Flies" and so on. These games are didactic.

About creating a technique

The structure of didactic games was created by the German Friedrich Frebel. It was this man who first called the kindergarten a kindergarten! His exercises were simple, rather boring, but they became the basis for the structure of didactic games with children.

Today, there are many interesting activities for the full development of children. In the formation of the modern structure of the didactic game, you can pay tribute to the following people: Mikheeva EM developed a system of games for introducing children to the world around us, as well as activities to help develop speech; Sorokina A.I. created a system for the development of older preschool children.

The structure of the didactic game

didactic games in kindergarten

As mentioned earlier, didactic games are a complex pedagogical process. For an event it’s not enough to know a couple of games, it should be a system that will help the child develop comprehensively: sensory development, speech, logic, cognition of the environment, ability to communicate, work in a team, listen, solve problems and complete them, count, and much more another.

The structure of a didactic game with children includes five components, let's talk about each.

Didactic task

It should be determined by the teacher, and carries a learning activity. The content can be gleaned from the methodological literature recommended for working with preschool children. The task is educational, and can appear in the name itself, for example: "Dress a doll for a walk."

Game challenge

role-playing didactic games

This component of the structure of the didactic game is carried out without fail in the play activity by the children themselves. Both tasks, both didactic and gaming, connect learning and play. The child should be interested in the process. So, for older groups of preschool children, there is a fascinating game "Revealing the secrets of the magic cap." The game task is to find out what is under the cap, and the training task is to tell as much as possible about the object that is under the cap (you can put a sock on, the child must describe it - the color, what to touch, what is needed for and so on).

Game action

This is the main component of the structure of the didactic game, without which the game process is impossible. Here the action should be laid down - hiding the object, finding it, solving riddles, staging role-playing games (daughters, mothers, playing in the hospital, and so on), competitions. What is the training part? The child needs to be taught to play, for example: "Shop" - the teacher explains the role of the seller and the buyer, the actions of the parties, and teaches to conduct a conversation. Hide and seek describes how to hide, how to look.


group game

The structure of the didactic game also includes rules that determine the course of the lesson, direct the role of children and their behavior, relationships. Rules are a disciplining, educational, and organizational component. That is, children need to explain what cannot be done, and why, organize the game itself, determine its course. The game should not be overloaded with rules, it can provoke a loss of interest of children in the process, as well as tricky tricks that will help to break the rules quietly.


The last component of the structure of the didactic game, but it is also the essence of the event itself. That is, the result should be the assimilation of the knowledge gained, and not the child receiving a reward in any way!

There is only one conclusion: the didactic game must be structural, because the absence of at least one of the components in the process leads to the breaking of the whole chain. That is, all components must be interconnected, only in this way it is possible to achieve not only a game, but also a training result.

Game organization

organization of a didactic game

Knowing the structure of the didactic game, you can organize its process. Observing all the points, the teacher will achieve the maximum learning result, and the children will receive a lot of positive knowledge. The interconnection of all components of the structure of didactic games for preschoolers can be traced according to the plan of organization and conduct:

  • Preparing for the game
  1. The choice of the game in accordance with the objectives of the learning process.
  2. Generalization in the game of knowledge, deepening in them.
  3. The development of sensory abilities.
  4. Maximum activation of children's speech, attention, memory and other mental processes.
  5. Compliance with the ratios of educational and gaming requirements of children of a certain age group.
  6. Determining the optimal time for classes - in your free time, or in the learning process.
  7. The choice of the venue of the game is in the group, in the gym, in the assembly hall, on the street.
  8. Determining the number of players. It is important to involve all children - in groups, in turn, or a mass game.
  9. Preparation of necessary materials, items that are useful in the game.
  10. Determining the place of the teacher in conducting classes.
  11. Learning a game by a teacher - you cannot explain something that you yourself do not understand!

When everything is ready, you can proceed to the next step:

  • Conducting a didactic game by structure
  1. Introducing players to the game itself is the content, for which prepared materials and objects are needed.
  2. The distribution of roles in the game, for example: Masha - the seller, Pasha - the buyer, and so on.
  3. An explanation of the course of the game, for example: Pasha needs to buy this and that. Masha must sell it (find the item in the box, on the window, find the price tag on it, and so on).
  4. An explanation of the rules of the game, for example: respect for each other.
  5. Demonstration of actions, for example: the teacher shows how to enter the store, say hello, how to ask for a product, how to find it, sell it, and so on.

After the game is over, you need to go to the last component of the structure of the didactic game:

  • Result
  1. First of all, ask the children how much they liked the game, and whether they liked it at all. If you are unhappy, ask for an explanation of what caused this feeling.
  2. Check how well acquired knowledge is acquired.
  3. Summarize: did you manage to achieve a learning and game result.

Game Features

educational games

In order to make full use of the structure of didactic games in kindergarten, the educator must follow the following rules:

  1. Arouse interest in participating in the game. For example, ask questions that encourage the game (if the game is in the “Shop”, then take an interest in what is in the store: scales, trolley, bags, groceries, toys; who works in the store - seller, cashier, and so on).
  2. Compliance with the pace of the game. First you need to play slowly, focus on learning the rules and their observance, as well as learning and understanding the course of the game by children. Make sure that each player understands the essence, assimilates the knowledge gained, and accelerate the pace.
  3. The teacher should never leave the game, until the last task remains: maintaining the activity of children, jokes, indicating not the most successful solutions (tell me, or show how it will be better and easier). Throughout the game, children will encounter knowledge gaps, prompt, tell.

Game ideas

didactic game structure

We offer to consider various options for games. The first will teach the child to distinguish words that are identical at first glance.

For the game you will need a ball. Explain the rules to the children:

  • in whose hands the ball fell, he explains the words, then the ball is passed to any other player;
  • explain the words as accurately as possible;
  • Do not interrupt each other, do not prompt.

Then the game is held: the teacher throws the ball to any of the children, asks to explain the difference between the words cat, kitten, cat (or others, for example: house, house, home, and so on). The child should more accurately explain the difference, and then pass the ball to another. The words are made only by the teacher.

In the same way, you can conduct a similar game, but with an explanation of the meaning of one word. For example: a bouquet, a buffet, milk, a table, shoes. Here, the child not only describes the subject, but also says what it is for.

Another variant of the game is to teach children to correctly form nouns and pronounce words clearly. For the lesson you will need a ball. Rules:

  • name the spoken word affectionately, give an example: a cat-cat, the sun - the sun;
  • whoever gets the ball in his hands changes that word;
  • you need to pronounce the word as clearly as possible;
  • Do not interrupt each other, do not prompt.

Next, spend the game by throwing the ball from player to player. Come up with simple words, for example: mom, a blacksmith (children laugh, it will be a little trick: a blacksmith - a grasshopper), sister, ball, bag, porridge and so on.

These games are among those that need to start slowly, gradually increasing the pace. Children will learn to think quickly, they will get confused, laugh, drop the ball and so on. The task of the educator is to maintain interest in the game.

There are many didactic games, from simple to more complex. Examples of games, rules and the way to conduct them can be found in the methodological literature, which is recommended for working with preschool children. Carefully study this or that game, because not everyone will be able to do for younger groups, and not everyone will be interesting for preschool children of graduation groups.

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