Baby development: when newborns begin to hold their heads

As soon as a baby is born, adults begin to be interested in doctors when newborns begin to hold their heads.

Waiting for up to 3 months

Still, after all, this is the basic achievement of those that the baby will have to achieve in this period, will be the very first. And it will be important evidence that the physical development of the baby is on the right track, and very soon he will learn to roll over on his own.

When newborns begin to hold their heads

So, when do newborns start holding their heads? Pediatricians do not give exact dates, because the nature of each child’s development is individual. Of course, there are certain norms that you need to focus on, but if the baby is a little behind or in a little hurry, there is no need to be scared.

It is believed that a newborn baby holds his head well by 3 months, and by 4 he does this quite confidently. By 2 months, the child is only able to make attempts to control his head, but he is unlikely to be able to do this without respite. By the way, doctors say that today's children begin to hold the head much earlier than the babies in the 80s - many are already confidently managing it by 9 weeks.

Do not rush things

Many mothers and fathers are looking forward to the crumbs master this skill, most want the child in their development ahead of their peers. And not knowing what time the newborn holds his head, they are happy if he does it already a month earlier.

Newborn baby holds his head

And they do it in vain, because in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. After all, when newborns begin to keep their heads at such a young age, this means that they have hypertonicity or high intracranial pressure. The kid can signal you about these problems with frequent crying and the fact that he almost does not sleep.

If the child does not hold his head by 3 months, it is also advisable to inform the doctor about this. Perhaps the baby's muscle tone is very low, or there are neurological problems. At such a young age, they are solved easier than after a year. Perhaps your child will benefit from a massage course or vitamins prescribed by a doctor. The main thing is do not start the process. Also pay attention to whether the baby is holding its head straight. If not, consult a pediatrician - perhaps the baby has a torticollis that needs to be removed immediately.

Gymnastics for kids

When the newborns begin to hold their head, they no longer need postures where they are supported on the head without fail. If your child has not yet learned how to control his body, continue to help him, otherwise there is a risk of neck injury.

If you want to help your baby acquire this important skill, then start developing his cervical muscles. Spread the baby on the tummy more often (just wait until the umbilical wound has completely healed), let it first lie in this position for 30 seconds.

What time does the newborn hold his head

Gradually increase the time - you will notice how the baby is trying to raise the head and as if to turn it to one side. This is how the reflex given to him from birth works so that the child does not suffocate while in this position. When the baby is one month old, often wear it in an upright position so that it learns to keep the head level with the body, but continue to hold it.

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