If you decide to get yourself this wonderful dog, then get ready for a lot of questions on the street. Your pet will be called husky and samoyed, akita, asking how the sled dog gets along at home, and the neighbors will be sure that these are the northern peoples harnessed to sledges. And only you will know for sure that the true Japanese is next to you, as well as the best and most reliable friend. Today we want to present you a description of the Shiba Inu breed, so that you can better imagine what kind of dog it is.
Brief introduction
On the streets of cities today it is rarely possible to meet the beautiful Inu, so many find it difficult to imagine how she looks. The description of the Shiba Inu breed shows us a pretty creature, distinguished by great endurance and cheerful disposition. Thick hair covers the whole body. Colors can be different, but most often they are sand color. Their appearance is especially remembered because of the oriental flavor. Small, triangular and somewhat slanting eyes give the face a pleasant look. The picture is complemented by a thick tail twisted and a deep chest with rounded ribs.
A bit of history
Reliable data based on excavations indicate that this breed has existed for at least 2500 years. The homeland, as already mentioned, is Japan. The locals kept them for hunting birds, deer and wild boars. Hunters even managed to go out with bears with several shiba inu. At the beginning of the 20th century, the number of livestock of these dogs fell sharply, by 1928, when the official standard was first recognized, very few purebred representatives of the breed remained. Now they are enormously popular in the USA, Europe and Australia, as well as in South America.
Based on the foregoing, the purpose of the breed is already clear, this is primarily a hunter. However, thanks to their exceptional courage and fidelity, they are known as excellent guards. These dogs are not too big, but courageous and selfless, and breast stand up to protect their master.
Breed standard
The description of the Shiba Inu breed is FCI standard No. 257 of June 16, 1999. It was at this time that the final characteristics that were adhered to until now were approved. This is a companion dog, bird hunter or small game. In the FCI system, they belong to the 5th group, the Asian Spitz-shaped dog. Representatives of this breed do not need working trials and participate only in exterior exhibitions.
General view and dimensions
This is a small but very dense dog with a very good skeleton and muscles. Their intuition is very well developed, in this respect they are superior to many others. The description of the Shiba Inu breed shows us a charming creature with smooth, free and beautiful movements. By the way they move, it is immediately clear that these dogs are not adapted to apartment life. They need movement and space, even a walk twice a day will not satisfy their need for physical exertion.
In general, the dog should be square. This was the first shiba inu that seemed to the first Japanese breeders. Description of the breed offers us the following guidelines. The height of the males at the withers is 38 cm, the bitches are slightly smaller, about 35 cm. The weight of the males is 9-14 kg, and the females are 8-13 kg. Breeders argue that at first glance, the gender of the animal should be understood. The male is much wider and larger, with pronounced cheek pockets and a short nose. The expression of the eyes and the behavior itself demonstrates masculinity. A bitch is the embodiment of the feminine, she should have a more tender skeleton, less strong muscles and a thin tail. The expression of the eyes and face should be friendly.
Harmony in everything is that quality that should be inherent in Shiba Inu dogs. Description of the breed character calls true Japanese. Just as their body is completely balanced and balanced, ideally proportional, so the behavior differs in clear patterns, as if planned in advance by actions. Fuss and useless barking are completely atypical for them.
This concludes the description of the appearance of the Shiba Inu breed. The photographs presented in the article will give a more complete visual representation. However, before you take a dog for yourself, you must collect information about it, because a mistake can be very expensive.
These are bold and independent creatures, active and very hardy. Even a person far from dog science will immediately understand that in front of him is a smart animal, full of life, which follows for the most part its instincts and intuition. Therefore, it is extremely important that a strong-willed, decisive person who can prove his superiority becomes the master.
On the street and at home
What do you think of the lively and mobile Shiba Inu? Description of the breed of dogs - rather, mean facts that will not convey all the charms of this creation. But despite the sentiments, it is very important to start learning and socializing your pet from the first day. If you deal with him properly, he can be controlled. But the hunter's instincts are ever stronger than training, so be sure to keep your pet on a leash everywhere except at a specialized site.
At home, they are quite sociable with all family members and can establish close relationships, including with other animals. They like to communicate with the owners, but, unlike many other dogs, they are quite independent. This is especially true when it comes to learning.
Shiba Inu - Second Nanny
And we continue the description of the Shiba Inu breed. The characteristics of these dogs firmly secured them the status of the best friend for the child. Somewhat restrained with strangers, they are very open and playful with children. Since there is an abundance of energy in both of them, they will get along very well. Shiba Inu is very energetic.
If you love hiking or cycling, be sure to bring your pet with you. The longer and richer the walk, the happier your dog will be. However, it is not easy to tire them, so this breed is recommended for athletic people who do not like to stay at home.
Comfortable at home
And this is also true. Shiba Inu is the real aristocracy of the canine world. They are very large neat. On a walk, your dog will bypass puddles and dirty places, unlike many hunting breeds, they are completely indifferent to carrion. You can watch how they lick their paws for hours as part of personal hygiene.
The only plus for apartment maintenance is that these creatures are quite quiet. Hearing how they bark is almost impossible. However, when something bothers them a lot, they make a special, high sound. It is difficult to convey, you need to hear yourself. Dogs and cats usually do not conflict, but this rule only works for well-socialized Shiba Inu.
Care and care
Each dog needs your attention, because we are not just a master for them, but also a friend and mentor. A description of the Shiba Inu breed and care features should be studied before the puppy crosses the threshold of your home. Despite the apparent simplicity, caring for representatives of this breed primarily involves establishing a close relationship, which is impossible if you do not spend time with your pets.
Shiba Inu is naturally endowed with a thick, tough and very clean coat. Caring for her is very simple, with the exception of the molting period. On the one hand, you only need to comb the dog regularly with a brush with a rough bristle. However, fine and prickly wool continues to crumble even after such a procedure and covers evenly the rugs and rugs. You can cope with it only with a good vacuum cleaner. Shedding is a very difficult period for a person who is used to perfect cleanliness at home. It is much easier if you have a warm aviary where you can wait this time.
About once a week, you need to brush your dog's teeth and ears. After a week, you need to check the length of the claws and adjust them. In parallel with the clipping of the claws, it is necessary to control the hair growth between the pads of the paws. As soon as they become too long, it is recommended to trim them with scissors.
Physical activity is a real stumbling block for many people. If this breed is suitable for you in all respects, but you are not ready to spend a lot of time with it on the site, then you should make another choice. However, on the other hand, there is ample evidence that Shiba Inu is adapting to its master’s lifestyle. If you have enough space at home, he can well exercise and entertain himself on his own, if the owner, due to his age, cannot afford to spend a lot of time on the street.
Ideal conditions
This is a very important point for those who are considering the option of acquiring a puppy of this breed. The conditions and description of the Shiba Inu breed are closely related. Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that an ideal option for their maintenance would be a private house or cottage with a large surrounding area. In the apartment you can keep them only for sports and active people who cannot sit at home and like to make long walks several times a day.
Do you have Shiba Inu?
It’s very difficult to get such a puppy. Even finding a nursery where this breed is bred, you will have to order a pet for yourself in advance, since orders are usually scheduled several litters in advance. Their cost is quite high, from 25,000 to 100,000 rubles. A good breeder will definitely give you basic information, a description of the Shiba Inu breed and owner feedback. Since he himself communicates with other dog lovers, he has something to share.
Based on the feedback from your predecessors in raising a puppy of this breed, the biggest difficulty is the timely training. Persistence and consistency in education is the most important thing. With these dogs you need to be strict, but not cruel. Shouting from them is impossible to achieve, but spoiling your character and provoking aggression is very easy. The shortcomings of the breed also include the wayward character and playfulness, which must be tamed in the process of training.
Among the advantages of the breed, lovers note dedication and devotion, endurance and cleanliness, as well as unpretentiousness. These are wonderful guards who love children very much and are ready to play with them around the clock.