Steam stones for hookah - an excellent alternative to tobacco

The hookah industry regularly pleases fans of smoking fragrant mixtures with original novelties. One of them is the so-called steam stones for hookah. Most people have not heard anything about such an innovation. Let’s find out what such an innovation is? How to use steam stones for a hookah? What are their advantages? What are the disadvantages of this solution? All this will be discussed later in the material.

General information

stones for hookah

Hookah stones are made of volcanic rock, which has a porous structure. They are capable of absorbing flavored substances and saturated with marinades like a sponge. As a result of heating the stones, dense steam is released from their pores, which gives a pleasant taste and aroma.

At the end of smoking the hookah, the minerals are placed in a container with marinade. Here they are saturated with aromatic substances. After a few hours, the hookah stones are again ready for smoking.

Outwardly, such devices resemble multi-colored, polished pebbles. The latter quickly heats up under the influence of hot coal. Thanks to this, the time for preparing a hookah for smoking is significantly reduced.

Hookah stones: how to use?

steam stones for hookah

Preparing a hookah for smoking with the help of marinade-soaked stones is not difficult. As with conventional tobacco, such minerals are evenly spread out over the bowl. However, there is one specific point. Hookah stones are recommended to be poured into a special bowl, which instead of a recess in the base contains a protrusion located in its central part. It is on it that the holes where smoke comes from are concentrated. This structure of the bowl prevents the flow of sweet syrup into the shaft of the smoking appliance.

After laying, smoking stones for hookah are covered with foil. Small holes are made in it. A hot coal lays down on top. It is enough to wait a few minutes until the stones warm up. Then you can start smoking.

When heated from the surface of porous minerals in structure, aromatic impregnation uniformly evaporates. In this case, there are no combustion processes. The stronger the stones for the hookah are heated, the thicker and richer the source of steam becomes.

Advantages of stones for a hookah

smoking stones for hookah

This solution has the following advantages:

  1. Probably the main advantage is the absence of harm to health during smoking. The thick smoke that is emitted from aromatic tobacco is able to negatively affect the state of various organs and systems. Hot stones soaked in sweet syrup exude only odorous water vapor and nothing more.
  2. When heated, special minerals produce no less “smoke” than flavored tobacco. For this reason, a person enjoys the same pleasure as in the traditional way of smoking a hookah.
  3. Inhalation of odorous vapors is something akin to inhalation. As a result of smoking a hookah based on stones, headache attacks never develop.
  4. Minerals can always be reused. It is enough to remove them from the bowl after smoking and simply soak in syrup. Thus, significant savings arise. After all, you do not have to buy expensive tobacco.
  5. Using stones reduces the time it takes to prepare a hookah for smoking. Usually, laying minerals in a bowl and their optimal heating takes about 10 minutes.
  6. When heating stones, an unpleasant taste of bitterness never arises, which quite often happens when tobacco burns out.


stones for hookah how to use

What are the disadvantages of hookah stones? To begin with, it is worth noting that there is no intoxicating effect for which tobacco products are appreciated by smoking lovers. Therefore, in the process of enjoying aromatic vapors, a relaxed atmosphere may not be felt.

Controlling the degree of heating of minerals is quite difficult. It’s harder to deal with than with standard tobacco. Particular attention should be paid to control over the laying and position of coal.

You can smoke a hookah, the bowl of which is clogged with flavored stones for half an hour. Then you have to remove the minerals and replace them. In comparison, upscale tobacco is capable of producing thick, pleasant smoke for several hours.

Useful Tips

steam stones for hookah how to use

Finally, I would like to provide some recommendations on the use of stones for hookah:

  1. Minerals soaked in aromatic syrups perfectly give off thick steam for 30-40 minutes. To enjoy smoking a hookah, as much as the soul desires, it is worth worrying in advance about preparing replacement stones.
  2. Some smokers are advised to place a small amount of tobacco in a mineral bowl. In this case, you can minimize the harm to health and at the same time enjoy the so-called nicotine effect.
  3. If you plan to completely abandon tobacco mixtures and switch to the use of stones, it is better to immediately purchase a special bowl suitable for these purposes.


Steam stones for hookah are a rather successful alternative to tobacco smoking mixtures. To verify this, it is enough to independently evaluate the advantages of such a solution. As you can see, thanks to this innovation, smoking can be not only pleasant, but also absolutely safe for health. In addition, the purchase of steam stones contributes to a significant savings on supplies for the preparation of hookah.

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