What do land turtles feed? Fundamental rules

Each responsible owner planning to have a turtle will surely ask himself a question: what do land turtles feed? Any of these creatures living at home needs a balanced and nutritious diet. In nature, in natural conditions, the turtle itself finds food sources full of vitamins and minerals.

what feed land turtles

Living in captivity, the pet is completely dependent on the conditions organized by the owner. From what and how the turtle is fed, it will depend on whether it becomes a long-liver.

Domestic land turtles are herbivores. The main food for them is leaves, stems of plants, various vegetables, berries and fruits. Most of all land turtles love apples, lettuce, clover and dandelions. With the rest of the plants you need to be extremely careful. It is impossible to feed the tortoise with spoiled, stale foods, just as it should not be given large solid pieces. It is better to grate or chop the food with a knife. This is an incomplete list of what land tortoises feed .

Once a week, you can add boiled chicken egg, ground beef or boiled fish to the feed.

land turtle content

Periodically, it is necessary to give the animal mineral dressings, which will saturate the body with all the necessary trace elements.

It is not enough to know only what terrestrial tortoises are fed, it would be nice to understand when to do it. It is best to feed them during the day, during the most activity. If this is not possible, then the meal can be moved to the evening, a few hours before bedtime. Tortoises themselves, under certain conditions, can do without food for quite some time. But this does not mean that you can forget to feed the pet. The turtle should receive food regularly. If your pet is constantly inspecting the bottom of the terrarium - this is the main sign that she is hungry.

Sometimes it happens that a land tortoise, the content of which is in perfect order (all conditions are met and the correct diet is provided), refuses food and has been eating nothing for a long time. In this case, you must definitely show it to the veterinarian. This behavior may be caused by some kind of disease.

If a turtle recently brought from the store refuses food, this means that the animal is not yet accustomed to the new environment or it is difficult for it to switch to a new diet. In this case, you need to feed her with the usual food for some time, gradually adding a new one to smoothly switch to it. Understand that changing the habitat is a big stress for an animal.

domestic land turtles

If you organize your turtle a comfortable place to live and provide it with proper nutrition, it will remain healthy for a long time and will delight the owners with a peppy look. You will undoubtedly receive great pleasure watching your pet play. Examine all the information about what terrestrial tortoises feed, and it will immediately become easier for you to bring all these simple actions to life. After all, as Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote, we are responsible for those we tamed.

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