How to evaluate the child's care? The technique of "Remember and dot"

The method “Remember and dot” is intended for the development of voluntary attention, memory, thinking of a child of 6 or 7 years old. Teachers and psychologists conduct tests to better prepare the child for school, where all these skills are simply necessary.

Attention is arbitrary and involuntary. When a child sees a bright toy, then he involuntarily turns his head to it, his attention focuses on a new subject. But for learning at school, you will need a second type of attention, namely arbitrary. That is, the student must force himself to focus on the topic of the lesson, on performing an example, solving a problem, listening to an explanation of a new topic by a teacher.

children perform an assignment

This is difficult for a primary school child, his attention is scattered, he is often distracted, thinking about his own. The stability of voluntary attention can be brought up. For this purpose such tasks as the “Remember and dot the technique” are designed. Let's take a closer look at the task. Such a game can be made at home on your own and work out with a senior preschooler in front of the school at home.

The technique of "Remember and dot"

European psychologists came up with such testing under the leadership of Max Wertheimer. The subjects were assigned the following tasks:

  • understand how much the child is able to focus on the task;
  • find out the amount of information received in a short period of time;
  • Stimulate a longer focus on the task.

The method “Remember and dot” for preschoolers can be done at home, for this you will have to draw tables yourself.


A total of 8 cards are drawn. Draw them with cells into 16 equal squares. Then you need to put down the points. On the first test, only 2 pieces are put. Further, the amount increases by one on each subsequent. The last diagram should have 9 pieces.

Child testing

Before starting the test, the child must definitely explain the task so that he understands what his mother or teacher requires from him. Then you need to put in front of him eight empty cards, drawn according to the same principle.

test card

Also give the subject a pencil or felt-tip pen. Limited time is given to complete the task. According to the rules of the method “Remember and dot”, the child is given only 2 seconds to view each card. They show cards as the number of points increases, from the smallest to the largest.

After viewing, the child must place dots in the necessary cells on his empty card in 15 seconds. The results of the method “Remember and dot” are evaluated depending on the number of correctly filled-in cards. Checking the tests, the teacher understands the level of memory capacity of the preschooler, the quality of his concentration of attention.

Assessment of test results

In order to correctly assess the amount of memory, you need to show the stimulus material of the “Remember and dot” method individually for the child so that the other children are not distracted from the task.

The test results are visible by the number of correctly played cards. The most correctly filled-in card is considered the end result. The card with the first error is already considered unfulfilled.

Test results are scored from 0 to 10.

0-3 points

(very low)

This is the lowest score, that is, the child on the first task makes a mistake, correctly noted only one point location
4-5 (just low)The task on the first and second card is correctly completed
6-7 (average)The amount of memory allowed us to complete the task correctly on cards with 3 to 4 points
8-9 (high)The baby managed to mark points up to 5 pieces on the card
10 (excellent)Highest mark. The child marked the points correctly from 6 and above.

Recommendations to parents depending on test results

If the child managed to earn from 8 to 10 points, that is, to complete the task correctly, then he is quite ready to study at school. If the memory level is low or medium, it means that additional work is required to improve the indicators.

the child thought

The adjustment tasks may be as follows:

  • the child is given a piece of newspaper or magazine with the text and is invited to cross out with a pencil, for example, all the letters "P";
  • play the game “What’s gone?” when they show children 10 images of objects, and then one of them is taken away, it can be toys on a table or letters in a notebook written by a teacher;
  • the game “What has changed?” when, after viewing the arrangement of objects on a table or in a book, they are interchanged.

There are many publications for preschoolers on the development of memory, thinking, logic. If you deal with a child, then the results will not be long in coming.

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