According to experts, all children are born with absolutely "sterile" intestines. However, at the time of passage through the birth canal, microorganisms are populated there. Over time, the crumbs may have unpleasant sensations and discomfort in this organ. So, very often, doctors already in the first weeks of life diagnose intestinal dysbiosis in infants. What are its main reasons? What should be the treatment? This is what we will talk about in this article.
Top reasonsAccording to experts, intestinal dysbiosis in infants can appear for several reasons, including: taking medications, unhealthy diets, and also some digestive diseases. Note that treatment can begin and really benefit only if the doctor can determine the primary factor that caused the disease.
Intestinal dysbiosis. Symptoms in infants
Almost always, in young patients with this diagnosis, the following symptoms appear: stool, rashes on the skin, discomfort and pain in the abdomen, food allergies. According to doctors, intestinal dysbiosis in infants most often begins with loose stools with white foamy lumps. The baby is constantly sick, the rumbling in the stomach does not stop, he often spits up. In debilitated children (born prematurely), this disease is often accompanied by anemia and the development of thrush exclusively in the oral cavity.
Diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis in young childrenFirst of all, it should be noted that when the primary symptoms described above appear, parents must necessarily consult a doctor. Most likely, he will prescribe a series of tests, after which the diagnosis will be confirmed. Note that laboratory analysis is far from always able to actually show the state of the intestine. The thing is that the microflora of each individual is very individual and at the same time changeable. In addition, this examination most often does not affect the small intestine itself , changes in which, of course, also affect the general condition of the digestive system itself. That is why in some cases, additional tests are required (for example, blood, urine), a consultation with a gastroenterologist (as well as so-called gastroscopy).
TreatmentAccording to experts, the treatment of a disease such as intestinal dysbiosis in infants should be carried out in two stages. So, the first implies a suppression of the growth of conditionally pathogenic organisms. Here, as a rule, immunopreparations are used, which are distinguished by the ability to absorb and simultaneously dissolve microbial cells. At the second stage, the entire microbial landscape of the intestine is already being corrected. This step pursues only one goal - the colonization of the intestine by the so-called healthy flora. With this treatment, various probiotics are used (drugs that have live bacteria in their composition), as well as prebiotics (drugs with indigestible substances to restore microflora). The choice of a drug depends entirely on the individual health indicators of the child.