Treatment of pneumonia in a child: basic rules

Pneumonia, also often called pneumonia, is a very serious illness. Her treatment should be approached as responsibly as possible, because the lack of proper treatment can lead to rather sad consequences. It is very important to diagnose the disease in time. It is difficult not to notice its symptoms, therefore, at the slightest suspicion of pathology, you must consult a doctor. The specialist, in turn, will give the patient a referral to an x-ray and a blood test and, based on the results, will prescribe an effective treatment for pneumonia in the child.

treatment of pneumonia in a child

Therapy in this case can be carried out both at home and in the hospital. A child must be hospitalized if:

- the baby is not yet 2 years old;

- the disease is complicated by inflammation in other organs;

- there is no way to ensure proper care at home;

- there are other children in the family who are younger than the patient;

- the disease is severe;

- The treatment of pneumonia prescribed by a specialist in a child does not give positive results after 2-3 days.

treatment of pneumonia in children with antibiotics

If the therapy will be carried out at home, then parents need to carefully follow all the doctor’s instructions. As a rule, the treatment of pneumonia in a child requires the following recommendations:

- The patient should never get up; bed rest is mandatory.

- At least three times a day in the room where the patient is located, wet cleaning should be carried out . Ventilate the room 4-5 times a day. The optimum moisture indicator is 50 percent or higher.

- The temperature regime is also important to observe when treating pneumonia in children. Komarovsky especially emphasizes that the air in the room should be cool, the optimal level is 18 degrees.

- Bed and underwear should be changed frequently. Bathing a sick child is strictly prohibited, but this does not serve as a reason for the abolition of hygiene procedures.

treatment of pneumonia in children Komarovsky

“The little patient should drink a lot.” Food should be gentle.

Treatment of pneumonia in a child can not do without medications. It is better not to get involved in traditional medicine recipes. As additional funds, they can still be used, but only after receiving the approval of a doctor. What medications are used to treat pneumonia in children?

- Antibiotics in the first place. The severity of the disease determines whether one or two drugs from this group should be used. Which medication to prescribe, the doctor decides after receiving the results of tests showing which pathogen caused pneumonia.

- If the patient has a history of allergy, antihistamines may be prescribed.

- In order to avoid the negative consequences of taking antibiotics, agents are prescribed that provide protection against dysbacteriosis (Bifiform, Linex, Bifidumbacterin, etc.).

- Mucolytic medicines that promote liquefaction and more effective removal of sputum from the lungs (Bromhexine syrup, for example).

- The treatment of pneumonia in a child requires a general strengthening of the body. For this purpose, vitamin complexes and a calcium preparation are prescribed.

- Of the physiotherapeutic procedures used massage, inhalation, special breathing exercises.

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