The South Russian Shepherd (also known as Ukrainian) looks very similar to a huge lapdog. The features of this breed are a little laziness (a character trait) and a long coat that completely covers the face. Even with this characteristic, we can say that this dog is one of the most brave and independent "bears", and this is not surprising, because it is intended for protection and shepherd's service.
According to some sources, the breed appeared in Crimea in the 18th century. The first mention of the dog was found in the XIX century, and in them its representatives were described as animals that are covered with thick, as if sheep’s hair and have increased speed. Another fairly well-known name for this breed is the Russian Shepherd. During the Second World War, it so happened that this breed almost ceased to exist. However, she was saved. And by 1996, having received worldwide recognition, it was registered by the international community of dog handlers.
Breed history
Originally appeared in the south of Ukraine, a Russian shepherd. Her puppies have a cute appearance. There are a fairly large number of theories about the origin of the breed. Some of them are surprising in their incredibility.
Due to the nature of the character, this dog was exterminated during the two world wars. This fact is due to the fact that she was completely devoted to her master, and this greatly interfered with the conquerors. The Russian shepherd did not stop trying to protect her home. That is why the total destruction of representatives was planned. Dog handlers in the XX century, the breed was restored. Thanks to the laborious work of specialists, the dog has spread throughout the territory of the former Soviet Union. However, the original appearance of the breed was never obtained.
External characteristics of the dog
The height of the dog at the withers reaches a mark of 60 cm and above. The black Russian shepherd is quite rare and is now an almost unattainable goal for dog handlers, since representatives of this color are in the past. The most common color of this dog is white and its various mixtures.
Paws of representatives of this breed are covered with thick hair, the same with the head. The bangs have a sufficient length, which is a feature of the breed. If the dog’s hair on the head does not reach at least the nose, then we can talk about the uncleanness of the individual. As a rule, in the winter season, the cover has increased softness and silkiness, which cannot be said about the summer period of time. During this period, the wool coarsens and becomes the most wavy. If we compare the length of the cover of the dog and the female, then the representatives of the male sex are much shorter.
The weight of the dog reaches 35 kilograms and above.
The breed, like any other, has its drawbacks both in character and in appearance. However, they have no special consequences if the animal is properly trained and the veterinarian is visited on time.
Dog character
The dog (Russian Shepherd) is smart, smart; she is also easily trained and inclined to make decisions herself. Self-sufficiency and self-confidence are also noted. It can be noted that this breed is characterized by a certain aggression that occurs against strangers. At the same time, she treats her owners kindly and kindly. Among all households, she chooses the only person who will constantly obey and completely obey him. Speaking of increased aggressiveness, it should be mentioned that the owner must have a strong character and not be too soft. It should also be borne in mind that the dog requires an active lifestyle.
Until the age of 2 years, a dog needs a lot and hard work. It was by this time that character was fully formed. In order to grow a healthy and balanced shepherd, you need to put a lot of effort and patience.
Dog care
The Russian shepherd requires the most laborious care only in terms of hair. In order for the dog to see better, it is necessary to constantly thin out the bangs with special scissors. In March-April, the dog will appear fluff, and therefore it must be completely combed with a comb. If you skip this process, then by the summer period the wool falls into felt, and in this case you can not do without a haircut. The maximum hairline is fully restored only after two years.
With proper care, the dog can live up to 15 years. Although the growth of the dog is large enough, he eats very little. The animal also has excellent health. A Russian shepherd can live peacefully both in the house and on the street, but not in the apartment. She is also capable of spending the night in severe Russian frosts. They are not afraid of her due to the thick coat.
The cost of a dog ranges from $ 250 to $ 1,000. The price depends on where the dog is purchased, for what purposes and who its ancestors were.
Nickname Choice
Professional dog handlers believe that the nickname is a program for the dog’s life. Therefore, it is necessary to treat its selection with all severity and seriousness. Perhaps this is a coincidence, but the dog, which was named Coward, eventually grew up like that. But the Eagle, although it could not fly up to the sky, but with its pride and courage deservedly won respect. Nicknames for Russian shepherds are selected in the same way as for any other puppies. If you don’t want to think about this issue for a long time or if you don’t have enough imagination for the original nickname, you can always call your friend Rex or Mukhtar. These nicknames are considered the most common.