One of the types of pension provision for citizens is a long service pension. These monthly payments are state and are established in connection with certain working conditions specified in the legislation.
The main value in establishing a pension is played by the special work experience . Depending on the nature of the work, the length of service is 15 years, 20 years, 25 years and 30 years.
The Government of the Russian Federation approves the lists of jobs, professions and positions subject to the appointment of this type of pension, as well as the rules for calculating length of service. These documents are agreed with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
So, who is the holder of the right to go on a well-deserved rest or receive cash payments earlier than the usual labor pension?
Long service pension assigned to citizens working in underground and opencast mining. Payments to employees are made in full (75% of earnings) and do not depend on the nature of the work performed. In the case of continued work after the appointment of pensions, payments are not canceled.
Long service pension established for workers employed on ships of the fishing industry, sea and river fleet.
Long service pension assigned to civil aviation workers . To receive retirement benefits, air traffic control personnel with aircraft maintenance staff must be 55 years old for men and 50 years old for women. The length of service is small, and the presence of a total work experience of 20-25 years is mandatory.
The sizes of pension payments from minimum to maximum are set in accordance with the size of old-age pension.
The maximum pension for civilian flight personnel shall not exceed three and a half minimum pension sizes.
Retirement pension for teachers and educators engaged in pedagogical activities in schools and other educational institutions appointed in the presence of teaching experience not less than 25 years.
The list of employees eligible to retire after length of service includes:
- workers engaged in medical and other work to protect public health in rural areas;
- Persons with the necessary experience on the stage in theaters, in theatrical and entertainment enterprises and groups.
A seniority pension in years is provided for persons who have undergone military service, as well as service in the internal affairs bodies . On the day of dismissal from service, work experience should be 20 years or more.
If the dismissal occurred in connection with the achievement of the age limit for service, due to health reasons, or organizational and staff changes, a total length of service of 25 years or more is required for the appointment of a seniority pension, moreover, military service must be at least 12 years in this period 6 months, as well as reaching 45 years of age.
In addition to the listed professions, pension for long service is provided for civil servants (in accordance with the federal law “On the fundamentals of public service of the Russian Federation”), as well as tax police officers, prosecutors and investigators, employees of scientific and educational institutions of the prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation who have cool ranks.
Is it possible to summarize the various working conditions for the appointment of a seniority pension?
No, such a definition of seniority is not provided for in legislation.
What is the size of pension payments if the length of service is higher than required?
The amount of the pension for the required length of service is 55% of the employee's salary. For each full year in excess of the required length of service, payments are increased by 1%. However, they should not exceed a maximum of 75% of earnings.