One of the most famous and interesting turn-based strategies of Heroes of Might and Magic III, with its many versions and additions, can take even more game hours if you use special introductory commands. Behind the Heroes of Might 3 codes, there are unlimited possibilities of the player to improve their castles, armies and game conditions, with which you can not only freely mock the warring artificial intelligence, but also well train your game skills and develop strategic thinking. The use of codes in Heroes of Magic 3 is also indispensable in a situation where there is no strength to chase a computer on a two-level map of sizes XL.
Some aspects when entering commands
, Heroes 3 . . Heroes 3 , . , , , . - Tab, - Enter.
Heroes 3: " " | nwconlyamodel |
| nwcsirrobin |
| nwctrojanrabbit |
35 | nwcavertingoureyes |
| nwcantioch |
| nwcigotbetter |
| nwccastleanthrax |
| nwccoconuts |
| nwcmuchrejoicing |
- | nwcalreadygotone |
| nwcgeneraldirection |
| nwcshrubbery |
, + 999 | nwctim |
50 | nwcfleshwound |
| nwcphisherprice |
Heroes 3: " " | nwcquigon |
+5 | nwcpadme |
+10 | nwcdartmaul |
| nwccoruscant |
| nwcr2d2 |
| nwcwatto |
| nwcpodracer |
- | nwcprophecy |
| nwcrevealourselves |
, 999 | nwcmidichlorians |
Heroes 3: " " | nwcneo |
+10 | nwcagents |
+5 | nwctrinity |
| nwclotsofguns |
| nwcfollowthewhiterabbit |
| nwcnebuchadnezzar |
| nwcmorpheus |
- | nwcoracle |
| nwcwhatisthematrix |
| nwcignoranceisbliss |
| nwctheconstruct |
+ 999 , | nwcthereisnospoon |
| nwczion |
| nwcbluepill |
| nwcredpill |
| nwcphisherprice |
Heroes 3: " " | wogminastirith |
| woggandalfwhite |
| wogfellowship |
| wogbilbo |
+5 | woggaladriel |
10 | wogpathofthedead |
| wogoliphaunt |
, | wogsaruman |
| wogshadowfax |
| wogpalantir |
| wogeyeofsauron |
| wogmordor |
| wogisengard |
| wogonering |
| wogdarklord |
| wogsarumanofmanycolors |
, Heroys of Might and Magic 3, "" :
- " " - :\game\heroes3\Heroes3.exe /nwcgrail, " ";
- " " - :\game\heroes3\Heroes3.exe /zvssveta.
F4 Cheat Menu .