Features of the structure of the paws, or How many fingers in dogs

For many people, a dog is an equal member of a family that requires care and attention. Once they had a choice: to make or not a four-legged friend. With the advent of a small pet, all doubts disappear.

how many fingers do dogs have

Dog breeders are always ready to take care of their animal. And the situation with dogs, which is described in this article, requires special attention. But first you need to answer the question: how many fingers do dogs actually (and yours including) have?

How is the dog's paw arranged?

The dog is a finger-walking animal, which means that it is the fingers that cope with a greater load during walking and running than the heels.

The dog paw has 4 fingers. But there are breeds of animals in which you can count 5 or even 6 fingers. These "extra" fingers are called arrived. Most often found on the hind legs, and sometimes on two at once. This is due primarily to the fact that most of the breeds of this animal came from a wolf (husky, hounds).

how many fingers on a dog’s paw

Atavism - the appearance of an extra finger in a dog’s paw. It is possible that wolves are also subject to such a feature, but they are not under observation, and it is impossible to say exactly about this.

On the hind legs as much as the fingers of the dog on the front legs. Unlike people, they cannot move them, but still mobility is present. Animals walk as if on tiptoe, due to which they are able to quickly change the direction of running.

Why does the extra finger appear?

Experts say that the appearance of an extra finger in a dog is a manifestation of atavism. Atavism is a biological process of manifestation in an animal of signs of that class or group whose representatives participated in the elimination of this organism. Over time, these signs lose their function.

If we talk about how many fingers most dogs should have, then according to the law of biology - 5, perhaps, like a distant genetic ancestor - a wolf. This means that the appearance of an extra finger is a natural pattern.

how many fingers does a dog have on its forepaws

There is still a debate between experts about why some puppies have such a finger, while others do not. There is an opinion that this is due to the fact that the sign of the appearance of an excess element is an overwhelming process. And if you cross a male with five fingers with a female with a normal paw, then the puppies are likely to be born like a father.

By the number of fingers on a dog’s paw, one cannot judge its health. The presence of a “fifth” finger is not considered a pathology, only correct and thorough care is necessary.

Is the fifth finger useful?

If an extra finger is found in a pet, then do not sound the alarm, this phenomenon is not abnormal or pathological in nature. This feature is acceptable, and in some cases is the norm. The fifth finger has certain breeds of dogs, such as hounds, huskies or beauceron. A similar, so to say, element speaks of thoroughbred and thoroughbred.

For dog breeders, fond of hunting, the presence of a dewclaw in a pet is just an aesthetic problem. During the hunt, the dog has to move much faster than in normal living conditions. In this case, the excess element on the paw interferes when running in tall grass or thickets. A protruding finger clings to grass, mud, snow and twigs in every possible way, making walking difficult.

To remove or not a “wolf” feature?

Surgical removal is performed, the complexity of which depends on how many fingers in dogs are considered extra, and on how many paws. The procedure is simple and painless. Dogs can easily tolerate surgery, which is carried out under local anesthesia for half an hour.

It is important to know that surgical removal is not performed in newborn puppies. It is better to wait until the body of a small doggie gets stronger.

how many fingers do most dogs have

A similar procedure is not a prerequisite for dogs with five fingers. Most dog breeders are in no hurry to remove this aesthetic problem, and they are not particularly interested in how many fingers the dogs have. It is better to remove extra fingers on the front paws, unlike the hind legs, because they fit snugly on the skin and interfere with walking.

There are cases when the dogs refused to move at all, and the whole problem was that fingers with clipped claws interfered with running and caused pain.

Hygiene issues

Feet require special care, no matter how many fingers the dogs have. Hygiene issues become important when the dog lives in the same room with its owners. The animal needs to be walked twice a day in all weather conditions, and these are bacteria, dirt and dust.

Dirt, dust and small particles can be absorbed into the skin and harm the health of the pet. This means that it is not enough just to wipe the dog's paws with a dry cloth, thorough washing is necessary.

Only proper and regular care will ensure your pet good health.

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