The series "Lassie" has been and remains one of the most popular of those whose main characters are animals. Of course, many young (and not only) viewers, having watched a couple of episodes, seriously begin to wonder: what kind of dog is this - Lessie and her fellow tribesmen?
What is this breed
Every dog ​​breeder, even a beginner, easily recognizes a Scottish shepherd or collie in Lassie. It was this breed that was chosen by writer Eric Knight, who wrote the story "Lassie is returning home." Later, he expanded the story to a full-fledged novel, which was translated into 25 languages ​​of the world.
Lassie liked the readers so much that she became the heroine of the eponymous series and several films. So now in the dispute you can easily answer what is the breed of Lassie from the series.
Brief history of the breed
Experts have been arguing about the origin of the name for several decades. Some experts claim that the name was given to her by the Gallic word, which can be translated as “useful”. The Scots believe that it came from the Scottish word "coal."
But with the story, everything is relatively clear: they were bred in Scotland. It is no coincidence that the second name of the breed is "Scottish Shepherd". The main purpose of the breed was to care for sheep. Therefore, at home she is often called simply a shepherd’s dog. Long thick wool allows you to perfectly withstand the constant wind blowing in an alpine country. And thanks to her good-natured disposition, she perfectly copes with her main function - control of a flock of sheep.
But today there are dozens of different subspecies. After all, collies were transported to Australia, South and North America. Many dog ​​breeders crossed them with other breeds, and also received dogs with a certain specialization. This is how the Australian Collie, Kelpie, Coolie, Border Collie, Blue Lacey, Bearded Collie, McNab, Cumberland Shepherd and dozens of other breeds appeared, each of which has its own fans.
To whom such a dog is suitable
If you are interested in the Lassie dog breed, then you have watched the movie and know very well that the collie is a very energetic dog. And it was bred in order to cover tens of kilometers in any weather in a day - from heat to an icy wind. Therefore, first of all, they buy it for teenagers and mature people. It will be hard for children and the elderly to keep up with such a dog. A four-legged pet, not having a worthy friend for outdoor games, will not be as happy as it could be. In some cases, even nervousness develops - due to unspent energy, the dog becomes more aggressive, unsociable.
So, before you make a collie, make sure that this breed is suitable for you and your loved ones.
Breed features
The beauty of the dog Lassie, the photos attached to the article, perfectly illustrate. But at the same time, she is also smart. But she can’t boast of high sociability in relation to other dogs. Still, shepherds usually used collies one at a time. Therefore, even with representatives of their breed, they do not get along well.
In the family, they immediately determine the leader and are primarily subordinate to him. Although other family members, ranging from children to old people, the pet loves selfless love, and without hesitation he will give his life for any of them.
In general, a collie is really a family dog. Friendly and cheerful, she will keep the teenager company during sports or a jog, and then quietly doze off in a chair with elderly family members.
But these dogs do not like strangers, considering them potential opponents. The attitude to guinea pigs, rats and hamsters is interesting - in most cases, their collies are completely ignored, unless they show aggression. Perhaps they perceive them as tiny lambs, which need to be looked after, as did the proud Scottish ancestors.
To many people who like the dog Lassie, coloring the breed is very important. Well, here you have a great selection. Classic collies and numerous subspecies can have such colors as sable (classical), blue marble (white-gray colors) and tricolor (similar to sable, but with a black color).
What you need to know about training
If this breed of dog from the movie “Lassie” is familiar to you, then you perfectly remember how difficult the main character performed the tricks (in fact, there were several). No wonder - the collie can be trained just fine. The main thing is that the owner does not spoil her, since childhood, dividing the line between permitted and unauthorized. Be sure to be consistent: if today you laugh when the puppy goes to bed on your pillow, and tomorrow shout at him for the same act, this will not give rise to understanding, but aggression and even cowardice.
By nature, collies are real choleric. Their nervous system is excitable, therefore, from childhood, the dog should get used to large crowds, other dogs, travel in transport. In adulthood, it will be more difficult to teach her to all these details of the life of a modern person.
Like any other breed, it is best to train it in a playful way, starting from a young age, always presenting small delicacies for the successful execution of teams and simply exemplary behavior. Correctly raising a pet, you will be amazed how much the breed of dogs about the “Lassie” series is famous, smart, funny and energetic.
How to care for her
In general, collie care is not too complicated. But what will cause serious trouble to the owners is wool. Little by little the dog molts all year, but in the spring get ready for the fact that your entire apartment is covered with a carpet of wool. This already unpleasant phenomenon is accompanied by increased excitement, and in males also by sexual desire.
At this time, you need to comb out the collies at least a couple of times a week. And actively, without missing a single piece of skin.
You do not need to wash it again - the dog perfectly cleans itself. Well, except when it gets dirty in something completely unpleasant or indelible. Most collies tolerate washing themselves stably and even with pleasure. But drying of long thin wool is a real torment for the dog and the owner.
During molting, you need a special diet - check with the breeders about it. If the dog does not receive a sufficient amount of microelements, then the restoration of the hair will be seriously delayed, and your pet will go for several months shabby and not handsome, as it seems to all fans who like the breed of dog Lessi.
Collie in books and films
As mentioned above, representatives of this breed are distinguished by intelligence, loyalty and friendliness. It is thanks to this that the collies became the heroes of numerous works.
For example, from the books one can distinguish the works of J. Dale: Star Paws, Red Runaway, Dog's Happiness, Red Like Fire, and a number of others.
The writer J. Katz, who wrote "Dog, Love and Family", as well as "Year of the Dog", also paid attention to this breed.
The story of J. Stranger "Sirry and 700 Lambs", whose main character is also a collie, is widely known.
Cinema also did not pass this breed, as well as its many subspecies. In addition to the series, consisting of 19 seasons, several films and the animated series "Lassie", you can mention the tape "Baby", "Parker", "Dog's Secret", "Wuthering Heights", "Farmyard" and dozens of others, no less famous and loved by the audience .
Now you know what kind of dog Lassie belongs to. Photos perfectly illustrate their coloring and exterior. And remembering the description, you can easily decide whether such a pet is suitable for you and your family or is it better to give preference to another option.