It may happen that you should restrict access to a particular site. There can be many reasons: the desire to focus on a particular project, rather than hanging on some site, limiting the child's ability to explore the World Wide Web, or something else. But how to implement this? How to block a site so that it does not open and no one can see its contents?
What does blocking sites on a computer mean?
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Here are the two most popular answers that millions, if not tens of millions of users, have opted for, answering the question of how to access a blocked site.
Whitelist sites
But another blocking option is possible - creating a white list of sites. This option involves creating lists of addresses that you can go to. Receiving or sending data to all others will be prohibited. Choosing the right software for you is simple, and there are a great many programs that are distributed free of charge and at the same time have the necessary functionality. Therefore, choose how to block sites on your computer, all the same you.Conclusion
The article examined various possibilities of blocking access to various virtual resources, not only how to block sites on a computer, but also how to unlock them. If you liked something, you can use your favorite option.