Crusts on the head of a child of 5 years: causes and treatment methods

The scalp in young children has an extremely delicate structure. Local tissues instantly respond to the effects of various stimuli. The body of babies is not able to adequately perceive the excessive stimulation of sweat and sebaceous glands. The result is often the formation on the head of scaly structures, which are a mixture of damaged epidermis and sebum.

What factors provoke the formation of a crust on the head of a 5 year old child? How dangerous is the disease? What is the treatment for seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp? We offer you to find answers to these questions from our publication.

Body overheating

crusts on the child’s head

What causes the appearance of crusts on the head in children? Why does this trouble arise? A common cause is dry, warm indoor air, a rare ventilation of the home. Some parents are too worried that the baby does not catch a cold. As a result, a lot of things are constantly put on a child. The scalp begins to produce a lot of sweat. The latter combines with fatty secrets.

A combination of factors increases the risk of seborrheic crust formation. The picture is exacerbated if the child has to spend days in a hat. Naturally, with the onset of cold weather, parents should definitely wear a hat on the baby. However, while in a warm room it looks completely irrational.

Using Inappropriate Shampoo

Another reason for the crusts on the child’s head is the use of cosmetics that contain aggressive synthetic components. It is important for parents to carefully study the composition of baby shampoo before buying. Surfactants should not be present in it. Such substances act too actively on the delicate epidermis. All kinds of aromatic substances and dyes dry the skin. As a result, not only seborrheic crusts can occur on the child’s head, but also signs of allergic reactions.

Responsible parents should use exclusively safe, environmentally friendly, pediatrician-approved shampoos. Bath products should have hypoallergenic properties. In a situation where expensive products are not available due to the limited family budget, use the most ordinary baby soap, which does not have a rich aroma and has a neutral hue.

Wrong approach to washing your hair

the child has a crust on his head

The hair in young children is exposed to pollution quite quickly. The reason is mobility and activity. Given the above, regular washing of the baby's head looks like the right decision on the part of the parents. However, you need to adhere to a number of rules so as not to harm the baby.

Quite often, a child has a crust on his head in case of frequent use of a hard washcloth. The delicate epidermis is quickly injured. Small particles of surface tissues begin to peel off. Everything else is added to the active development of sebaceous secrets, which are secreted by the stimulation of local glands.

If crusts form on the head of a child 5 years old or younger, mom and dad need to try to wash the baby very carefully. In no case should you scrape off particles of dirt with your fingers, sponge or washcloth. Carelessly picking out the dry epidermis during shampooing, parents create discomfort for their own child and provoke the development of infections. Among other things, you should not pull out the tangled hair of the baby during combing. Strands are better to carefully trim.

Immune Disorders

Crusts on the head of a 5-year-old child are able to form in the event of a malfunction in the immune system. If the body's defenses are in perfect order, pathogenic yeast does not attack the scalp. Impaired immunity often entails the active reproduction of pathogens in the structure of the delicate epidermis. To avoid troubles, parents need to treat colds in the baby on time. The intake of a sufficient amount of vitamins is of importance in the child.

Poor nutrition

seborrheic crusts on the head of a child

Children prone to developing seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, it is important to eat right. In order for the crusts on the head of a 5-year-old child to disappear soon, parents must introduce low-calorie food into the daily diet of their own child. All kinds of cereals, lean soups, boiled lean meat, vegetable salads, fresh fruits, natural juices should be the basis. Do not forget about dairy products.

From the diet, it is mandatory to exclude carbonated drinks, all kinds of sweets. In the event of hints of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, doctors advise parents to offer their children less fried foods, smoked meats, dishes seasoned with spices. The development of dermatitis can provoke the child's use of an abundance of flour products, in particular, pastries and white bread.

Allergic reactions

Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp in children often becomes a consequence of the development of allergies. Parents should find out which irritant the baby's body reacts to. It makes sense to visit a doctor to determine a problem allergen during special tests. It is probably worth temporarily restricting the child’s contact with domestic animals, combating the spread of dust throughout the apartment through frequent wet cleaning, and closing windows during the period of active flowering of plants.


why do children have a crust on their heads

Before starting an independent treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp in a child, it is worth making an appointment with a doctor. A dermatologist and trichologist are able to confirm a disappointing diagnosis. Additionally, you may need to consult a neurologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist.

Specialists of a narrow orientation will give a correct assessment of the phenomenon during a visual inspection. Doctors will perform the analysis by making a skin test on the problem area of ​​the scalp. The method will identify the spores of a pathogenic fungus. Only after a qualitative diagnosis is it advisable to proceed directly to therapy.

Therapeutic Shampoos

If a crust has formed on the head of a child of 5 years old, what should I do? The priority should be the use of special shampoos. The most effective options include products containing selenium sulfide, salicylic acid, ketoconazole, zinc. Parents who prefer exclusively natural products should use shampoos based on birch tar.

Apply medication to your child’s scalp daily. As characteristic symptoms disappear, the use of special shampoos should be reduced to use at intervals of 2-3 times a week. To prevent the pathogen from adapting to the action of the same substances, periodically change shampoos.


crust on the head of a child 5 years old what to do

In order to treat crusts in children on the head, doctors prescribe the use of so-called immunomodulators. Effective remedies for seborrheic dermatitis are considered drugs "Protopic" and "Elidel." These formulations quickly soothe the inflamed epidermis and are distinguished by pronounced antifungal properties. However, you should avoid prolonged use of such drugs in order to avoid skin atrophy. Before starting treatment for seborrheic dermatitis in a child with this method, it is important to obtain the approval of a doctor.

Oil Treatment

Proven remedies for crusts on the child’s head are sunflower, almond and olive oil. It is also safe to use petroleum jelly. After performing a delicate treatment of the scalp with one of these substances, put the baby’s head in a cap made of breathable, natural material. This will allow the tool to act more efficiently. After a few hours, rinse with warm water.

Removing Scale Comb

crusts on the head of a child 5 years old

To combat the formation of characteristic flakes, periodically use a comb that has rounded teeth. Remove crusts that peel off easily. Try not to injure the delicate epidermis once again. Remove flakes stuck in your hair. Perform the procedure daily. Make sure that the child touches the head less. Regular scratching of irritated skin with dirty hands is fraught with the development of infections in the structure of local tissues.

Burdock infusion

A rather effective folk remedy in the fight against seborrheic dermatitis is the infusion of burdock. The medicine is prepared according to this scheme:

  • Take a few shoots of burdock.
  • Raw materials are passed through a meat grinder or crushed in a blender.
  • The pulp is placed in a piece of gauze and squeezed juice.
  • About 2 teaspoons of the substance is combined with several drops of burdock oil.
  • The composition is added half a dessert spoon of liquid honey.
  • The resulting mass is stirred until a homogeneous consistency.
  • The tool is left to infuse for a day.

The medicine is applied to damaged scalp. A layer of cling film is laid on top. The baby’s head is covered with a cap. After an hour, the product is thoroughly washed off with warm water. Hair is allowed to dry without using a hair dryer. Therapy is performed several times a week. The method allows you to eliminate the pronounced symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis within a month.

Nettle broth

remedy for crusts on the head of a child

To make a healing remedy for removing scabs on the scalp, prepare about 100 g of fresh nettle leaves. Raw materials pour boiled water in a volume of 500 ml. Add a few tablespoons of non-concentrated table vinegar. Transfer the composition to an enameled pan and keep on low heat for half an hour. Let the broth cool to room temperature. Soak gauze and put on the child’s head. Use lotions several times a week.

Hypericum Ointment

A good remedy for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis is an ointment from St. John's wort. Prepare the medicine as follows. Take fresh shoots of a medicinal plant. St. John's wort is carefully ground. The resulting mass is placed in gauze and squeezed juice. The liquid is placed on a slow fire and evaporated well until a viscous consistency is formed. The basis of the drug is combined with butter in a ratio of 1: 4. The composition is thoroughly mixed, and then put in the refrigerator for a day. Affected areas of the scalp with seborrhea are lubricated with the medicine 2-3 times a week.


As you can see, the crusts on the head of a child can occur due to a number of reasons. Having noticed the characteristic yellowish scales, parents should regularly remove flaky particles in a gentle manner. If you perform actions aimed at maintaining a favorable microclimate in the room, normalizing the hormonal background in the child’s body, strengthening the immune system, unpleasant symptoms will disappear by itself.

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