How to Russify games and programs

Everyone knows that games are mainly produced by foreign companies, which in turn try to add other languages ​​to their project. Naturally, not all languages ​​can be included in the game, so players often wonder how to Russify the game. There are two methods. The vast majority of people find crack on the Internet (a file that, relatively speaking, reflashes your program or game into Russian). Also, there is always the option to Russify the game yourself, but you must understand that this is done by special groups of people who know programming languages ​​and are able to perfectly translate from one language to another.

Search for crack

So, if the user is faced with the problem of a non-localized product, then first of all it is worth checking the availability of the desired language in the program itself, usually it can be easily found in the settings / options / parameters. Suppose a person does not find what he was looking for. Then his next action will be an Internet search. In 95 percent of cases, the crack is without problems, it will probably be unofficial, but the majority of games support any crack. There are exceptions, for example, when you install it in the game, the entire text may disappear, hieroglyphs will appear, and there may be no sound. All these signs boil down to the fact that this crack is incompatible with the program.

Terraria Main Menu

Terraria Main Menu (rus)

How to Russify a game on a computer

The general procedure for changing the game language is approximately similar to each other.

  • Download crack, it is advisable to check that the version of the program matches the version of the Russification product
  • The crack can be in the form of an .exe file or archive containing a data packet.
  • In the case of an exe-file: run it and mark the path to the game directory. When copying files is complete, start the game and select Russian in the settings. Sometimes Russian is automatically installed.
  • If this is an archive, then we independently copy all the files and folders from it to the folder in the game directory. Usually in such archives there is a text file in which all the necessary actions are written. We start the game and change the language.

You can Russify the game in "Steam", as described above, and by going into the community of this game - we find the appropriate discussion and read the comments and the answer of the developers, if any.

Russification of the game Postal 2

Crack for steam

How to Russify the game on "Android"

If the required language is not in the application or game settings, then there are several ways to change the application language on "Android" devices. You can Russify the game by flashing the inside of the apk file of the game - this method provides the most accurate translation, but requires programming knowledge, as well as huge time costs. But we will dwell in more detail on a simpler and more understandable method - translation through third-party applications. Such applications can be found in the play market, some of them are free, others are paid. The essence of the crack application is quite simple - automatically change apk files using translation services. You will need a crack application and the Internet. More details and progress are contained in the video.

Self Russification

You can Russify the game both yourself and in the team. From small groups that localize the product in their region, international-class groups emerge, directly receiving orders from company representatives. To do this, you must be fluent in English or the language of the country where the game was released, as well as have programming skills. Of course, there are programs that simplify the process of Russification of the product, it is also worth getting acquainted with them in order to optimally fine-tune the environment where localization is carried out.


If the user wants to change the original language of the game into Russian, then he should understand how to Russify the game - find the necessary crack and install / copy to the game directory. The process is quite simple and should not cause difficulties for experienced players. However, when it comes to the localization of a product, one cannot do without special skills. At the moment, developers are trying to include the Russian language in the game, but if for some reason the Russian language is not available, then private groups of localizers are engaged in the translation.

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