Massage for a 3 month old baby. Massage for children up to a year

It is not necessary to have a diploma of a qualified massage therapist or to take appropriate lessons in order to provide massage for children, the main thing is to understand and master the basic principles. Therefore, we will devote our article to this useful procedure, namely, how to properly carry out gymnastics and massage for a 3-month-old child. We also consider several useful exercises that will help improve the baby's physical activity, activate metabolic processes, improve sleep and appetite, and also relieve the crumbs of pain associated with excruciating colic.

massage for 3 month old baby

Gymnastics and massage for a 3-month-old baby are held just before swimming. Better in the evening before bedtime. When bathing, a certain load on the child’s body occurs, so you should be well prepared for this procedure. To do this, first a massage, then gymnastics. The sequence should be just that. At least half an hour is allotted to these procedures.


Massage for 3-month-old children is carried out on a changing table, if any, otherwise you can put the child on any, preferably hard, surface.

Where to begin

It is more advisable to start a massage for a 3-month-old baby with kneading and light stroking. Hands of mom or dad should be warm. It is very good if you use neutral cosmetic baby oil. We start with the hands: hands, elbows, shoulders, then in the opposite direction - and so on several times. Further legs: feet, legs, hips (on the same principle as the hands). Turn the crumbs on the stomach, iron the ass and back, down, then up, repeat several times. Next, we again turn the baby over and take up the tummy, chest, head and neck. Stroking should occur gently, without any pressure.

Direct massage

In the same sequence in which stroking took place, we begin to massage the muscles.


massage for 3 month old children

The positive aspects of tummy massage are also that it can be performed not only before bathing, but also when the baby is tormented by colic. The procedure will bring the child quick relief, and you - the joy of being able to help your child get rid of the pain.

To do this, place the base of the brush on the pubic area of ​​the child. Next, begin to massage with four fingers (except the thumb) clockwise in the direction of the intestine. The movements should be slightly pressing, but not causing pain or discomfort to the baby. Massage for about 3 minutes, taking breaks.

Handles, legs, back

Go to your arms and legs, performing massaging circular movements with your fingers for 3-4 minutes. Next, take up the back. Use four fingers to make circular movements in a clockwise direction, as well as lightly pinch in the direction from the sacrum to the shoulder blades along the spine.

Rib cage

Fingers of both hands lightly tap on the baby’s breast. The movements should resemble typing on a keyboard. To begin, massage the front area, then go to the side.


massage for children

This is a very useful massage for 3-month-old children, because it has long been known that there are many receptors in this area, which, when massaged, have a beneficial effect on the whole organism. True, the baby can resist, but it is desirable that the massage of the feet was carried out daily. Perform circular light pressure in the clockwise direction from the heels to the fingers, continue for about 3 minutes.

Massage for children up to a year should be done daily. Holding it will help the child relax and chat with parents.


Gymnastics and massage for children are most often carried out in the evening, when the child prepares for bathing and sleeping. The meaning of gymnastics is to stretch the joints.

  1. Lying on the back. Pull one leg forward, holding the shin, the second maximally bend at the knee until it touches the stomach. Then vice versa. For each leg, do this 7 times in 2 sets.
  2. With one hand we hold the baby by the shin, with the other - by the thumb of the leg. First, twist it in different directions, then slowly tilt it, the same should be repeated for the other leg. This exercise kneads the ankles well.
    massage for children up to a year

  3. With both hands we take the baby by the shins and begin to bend the legs in the knees so that they touch the tummy. We do it 7 times in two approaches.
  4. Take your baby by the shins and start imitating cycling. Do this about 20 times.
  5. Let the baby grab your fingers. Thus, bend your arms, first to the sides, then up and down, and then cross them on your chest. It is good if the child will resist a little at this moment.
  6. Take the child by the wrist and begin to carry out movements that resemble boxing. To do this, sharply raise your right hand, and lower your left, then repeat the same for the next hand. Do this 7 times in 2 sets. This exercise will significantly strengthen the muscles of the hands.
  7. Grasp the baby by the arms and start pulling on them so that the shoulders and neck are slightly raised. This exercise trains the muscles of the neck and abdomen well. Repeat it 3-4 times. It should be remembered that it is not necessary to plant a child in this case.
  8. For the next exercise you will need a gym ball. Put your baby on his tummy, gently holding his back. Shake it first to the sides, then back and forth. It should be remembered that the ball should please the baby and give him a pleasant feeling. To do this, purchase a colored fitball, and for warmth, cover it with a diaper. Perform this exercise half an hour before or after a meal.

Basic rules for massage and gymnastics

gymnastics and massage for children

  1. Massage for children is carried out in the evening, half an hour before or after feeding.
  2. The procedures are carried out on a hard surface.
  3. Massage for a 3-month-old child should be performed when he is naked, so it will be easier for him to move.
  4. Exercise with your baby on fitball, it is also very useful.
  5. The air in the room should be cool, not higher than 22 ° C.
  6. Allow at least half an hour for massage and gymnastics.
  7. The main and main rule of carrying out these procedures is to monitor the reaction of the baby. If massage or gymnastics does not give him joy, moreover, he begins to be capricious, stop the procedures and transfer them to the next day, otherwise the reaction will be even worse at all subsequent times.
  8. Start the massage with stroking movements, always smile at the child and speak kindly to him.

What could be better for mom than a cheerful child? Only a healthy child! Therefore, gymnastics and massage for children up to a year, as mentioned above, should be mandatory and daily procedures, like eating or swimming. Exercise them in a friendly atmosphere in order to evoke only positive emotions in the baby.

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