Although the New Year happens only once a year, we always look forward to this holiday and carefully prepare for it. His children are especially fond of a beautiful Christmas tree and gifts. And, of course, any child wants to see Santa Claus with his own eyes on the eve of the holiday and receive praises and gifts from him.
Naturally, each parent seeks to organize the brightest and most unforgettable New Year's Eve for his child. Usually, various companies help with this, from which you can order Santa Claus and Snegurochka at home. They already have a pre-arranged program for communicating with the child and costumes, often not true. Nowadays, the image of Santa Claus has significantly suffered from European influence and the limitless flight of fantasies of our fashion designers. Today you can see a suit of frost and blue, and green, and other colors of the rainbow.
A legitimate question arises: "How to make a costume of Santa Claus real?".
The frost puts on his unique costume only on the eve of the new year, and from it the children will immediately recognize the good grandfather of the wizard.
The costume of Santa Claus has many features, each detail of clothing carries its deepest meaning.
First of all - a fur coat, it must be red with a graphic ornament embroidered with silver thread. The fur coat can be long to the toes or reach the middle of the lower leg. Buttons should not stand out in size or shape. If the coat is short with huge silver buttons, then this is a Santa costume, not Santa Claus at all. Also in the suit of frost should be present elements decorated with white fur.
Santa Claus ties a fur coat with a white belt, with a red thread, which in ancient times symbolized hereditary-kinship ties. Today it has lost its meaning and is only purely functional in nature.
The frost always complements his costume with a red hat richly embroidered with silver and decorated with pearls. The hat should have a round shape, so it was adopted back in imperial times, which symbolized wealth and power. And Santa Claus, in theory, has tremendous power over nature. And in no case do not wear a pointed hat with a bubo, you will get Santa Claus again.
Few people think that Santa Claus dresses under his coat. And he was supposed to wear light clothes, namely, white trousers and a light linen shirt, as a symbol of everything light and clean! Unfortunately, in our time red pants are often worn, and this is fundamentally wrong, and, again, based on Santa. The shirt of Santa Claus can be embroidered with symbolic geometric shapes or just white.
To make the image as believable as possible, a frost suit completes with white felt boots. After all, frost lives in the north in cold places. It is welcome if the boots are embroidered with silver. If there are none, then the image of Santa Claus can be supplemented with red or white boots, but in no case black!
Do not forget that Santa Claus owns a staff of crystal, at the end of the staff a tip in the form of a month. The staff has always served as a symbol of power and mediated in good deeds. If you have not purchased a staff made of rock crystal with a clean tear, then a staff wrapped in silver foil is quite suitable, and the tip in the form of a month can be easily cut out of cardboard and also wrapped in foil.
Your image of the good grandfather Frost is almost ready. However, we must remember one more very important detail, without which Santa Claus would not be real. This, of course, is a gray long beard and mustache, which symbolize the power, spiritual wealth and wisdom of the most beloved character of all children.
Now all the elements of the costume are in place, and Grandfather Frost can rightly be called real.