Very often, gynecologists during the period of bearing a baby recommend a bandage for pregnant women. How to choose this supporting product, and will there be any complications when wearing it?
Some believe that it is really necessary both for the health of the future mother, and for the baby. But there are also opponents of this, since wearing a bandage can harm an unborn baby. To prevent this from happening, it is important to know who can wear it, how to choose the right size, what to look for when choosing.
What is a bandage?
In order to know how to choose the right bandage for pregnant women, it is worth figuring out what it is. This is a corset, belt, shorts or panties that perform a function supporting the stomach during the period of gestation, as well as after delivery.
Since the belly of a future mother increases with time, wearing a special bandage can slightly reduce the load on the back. In addition, it also has a therapeutic effect, since it helps the fetus to take the correct position and prevents early lowering of the abdomen. Many mothers note that the bandage prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the stomach, which appear in almost every woman at the time of bearing the baby.
Knowing the features and functions of the product, which is better to choose a bandage for pregnant women? It all depends on personal preference and size of the abdomen. It is worth noting that not a single obstetrician-gynecologist will give mandatory instructions for wearing a bandage; he can only advise wearing it in some cases, but the choice always remains with the woman.
The functions of the supporting product are as follows:
- decrease in the degree of load on the spine (with strong physical exertion, pregnancy, osteochondrosis and curvature of the spine);
- fixation of the fetus in the correct position (the child should take a position in the tummy, in which he lies head down);
- improving the well-being of the future mother (all this is associated with a decrease in severity from a growing and increasing abdomen);
- prevention of the formation of stretch marks and premature lowering of the abdomen;
- reduction of painful symptoms with the formation of umbilical hernia;
- support for the baby in case of low previa or in case of a miscarriage;
- reduction of pain after cesarean section or other band operations on the abdomen.
Types of bandages
To decide which is better to choose a prenatal bandage for pregnant women, you should familiarize yourself with its types and types. All supporting products can be divided into several groups.
- Prenatal. This is a supportive construction made of durable tape, which often looks like a belt or panties. Thus, the pressure on the lumbar zone is reduced and the growing abdomen of the expectant mother is supported. Often such products have a high waist and do not squeeze the baby. Antenatal bandages can also take the form of seamless shorts of various designs, but they are only intended to be worn in the cold season. The best option is a belt with a fastening velcro on the stomach, which is selected depending on the size and fits perfectly. There are also various designer models with corset lacing.
- Postpartum. These are products that are intended to be worn in the postpartum or postoperative period. Thus, the rehabilitation process is accelerated, the muscles of the abdominal cavity, skin and internal organs recover faster. But they prescribe the wearing of such supporting structures only on an individual basis, based on the characteristics of the woman’s body and well-being during pregnancy and delivery.
- Universal or combined. In order to know how to choose a bandage for pregnant women, you should know the features of these supporting structures. Along with prenatal and postpartum products, there are also combined ones that can be worn both before and after the birth of the baby. This is a double-sided belt with orthopedic stiffeners, the degree of tightening of which is controlled while wearing. Such a supporting element is selected in order to save, as it combines two types at once.
From what period of pregnancy can and should you wear a bandage?
Before choosing a prenatal bandage for pregnant women, you need to know how long it is best to wear it. The duration and time when it is recommended to wear a supporting corset is prescribed taking into account the health status of the future mother, taking into account all the pathologies that can affect the fetus.
Most often, a bandage is prescribed for pregnant women, starting from the fifth month, when the stomach is actively growing and pain in the small pelvis appears. You can wear it before delivery and after the birth of the baby.
When is it recommended to wear a bandage?
- pregnancy after thirty years (the skin at this age in a woman becomes less elastic, so wearing a supporting product will help prevent stretch marks and improve the well-being of the future mother);
- weak muscles in the abdominal area;
- problems with the mother's spine (in this case, excessive load on the back can lead to additional problems);
- second pregnancy, especially with Caesarean section in the first case;
- multiple pregnancy;
- pathology of the cervix, which may not withstand increased stress during pregnancy;
- increased physical activity during pregnancy.
How to choose the right one?
What is the best maternity bandage to choose? The reviews are ambiguous in this case, but both experts and expectant mothers agree on one thing - it is better to make a purchase in a pharmacy or a specialized store. When choosing, the anatomical features of the woman, her circumference of the hips and abdomen are taken into account.
What to look for when choosing?
- The material of manufacture should be only natural (cotton and a minimum of artificial fibers, which will provide the product with elasticity).
- It is better not to take the used products, since during wearing it stretches, and no longer fulfills its supporting function by 100%.
- Trying is an essential element when buying (the future mom should feel comfortable in the bandage, retainers, seams and fasteners should not press).
- Reviews about how to choose a bandage for pregnant women play an important role, but, first of all, you must rely on your own feelings.
- Price category (if the product is made of natural materials that do not cause allergic manifestations, it cannot be cheap, but it’s also not worth paying extra for a brand.
How to wear?
In order to know how to choose a pregnant bandage by size, you need to measure the parameters of the expectant mother. The circumference of her abdomen and hips is taken into account. If this is the second pregnancy of a woman, and at the first she gained more than 10 kg in weight, then it is worth taking a support corset one size larger.
The bandage is put on only in horizontal position. The clips or Velcro are located in the area below the abdomen so that the expectant mother can easily unfasten it. When donning or wearing, a woman should not experience discomfort.
Gynecologists also advise not to wear it constantly, but to take it off every three hours or unfasten it for a certain time. Constant wearing of the bandage can lead to a decrease in the motor activity of the unborn baby and impaired circulation of the pelvic organs.
How to wear a bandage?
For any product, including a bandage, there is an instruction. You should definitely get acquainted with it. Along with universal recommendations, each manufacturer gives his own. It is important to read them before choosing and wearing a maternity bandage.
Any bandage should not be worn constantly, it must be removed at night, during the day also need to take breathing respects. Feelings of pressure should not occur when worn. You can sit or lie in the bandage, but it is inconvenient.
Wearing a bandage is often prescribed from 20 or 16 weeks, but if the pregnancy is proceeding well, then you can start wearing it from 28 weeks. Often women put on a support corset during physical activity or during house cleaning. It is important to understand that it is impossible to produce a supporting product on your own, since only production experts know all the details. In addition, such products must comply with all quality certificates and pass appropriate tests.
Who should not wear a bandage?
Despite the fact that many pregnant women wear a supporting corset, in some cases it may not help, but hurt. Before choosing a bandage for pregnant women, it is important to consider all the individual characteristics of the body of the future mother.
One of the contraindications is allergy. When various allergic manifestations appear on the skin of the abdomen, you can not wear a bandage. To avoid this, it is worth choosing products of well-known brands that have proven themselves in the market for more than a year.
The bandage should not be too narrow to prevent squeezing the baby in the womb, and also not to disturb blood circulation in the pelvic area.
It is not recommended to wear a bandage in the following cases:
- reaction of an allergic or other nature to the material of manufacture (itching, rash, eczema);
- a tumor in the pelvic area, in which compression is not recommended;
- increased swelling and impaired renal function during pregnancy;
- violations in the digestive tract.
Appointments for wearing a bandage are made only by a specialist, taking into account the peculiarities of a woman's pregnancy.
Overview of popular bandage patterns
Which is better to choose a bandage for pregnant women? Experts recommend giving preference only to reputable manufacturers. Consider the brands that are most popular among women.
- "Fest" is the most popular company that makes bandages, all products, the names of which are numerous, meet the quality certificates (the company produces not only bandages, but also underpants and bras for nursing mothers).
- Orlett is a company that specializes in the manufacture of quality orthopedic goods and medical products, among which there are supporting corsets.
- "Ortho" - produces a variety of models of bandages of antenatal and postnatal.
- Mama Comfort - the company specializes in universal supporting corsets of various modifications.
- Bliss - produces high-quality underwear and bandages in various variations.
- Well - the company produces not only medical equipment, but also various medical products, including bandages.
- "Anita" - a wide range of bandages, characterized by high functionality.
These products can be of different colors, but all of them, regardless of brand, are made of high-tech materials (cotton, rayon, elastane, polyester, microfiber, lycra, polyamide). It is impossible to answer the question which manufacturer is better, as each woman chooses taking into account her own preferences. It is important that it meets all quality requirements.
Reviews of women who wore a bandage during pregnancy
It is the recommendations of buyers and expectant mothers that will help to understand the shortcomings and advantages of certain models, before choosing the right band for pregnant women. Some young mothers note that most models of bandages are made for women of medium or large build, so it is more difficult to find a suitable product for thin women of the weaker sex. Manufacturer Emma Jane manufactures small sizes of support corsets that are durable and have a long service life.
Many pregnant women note that budget models rub, move out of place of fixation and quickly stretch, so they do not fulfill their supporting function in full. Some also note the positive characteristics of orthopedic models with ribs on the back, especially with a strong load on the spine. According to the reviews of mothers, they significantly reduce pain with a growing pregnant belly.
Women also note that universal models are the most optimal option, since the bandage can be useful even after delivery.
Price category of products
The price category depends on several factors that need to be considered before choosing the right band for pregnant women: the size and type of product, which depends on individual preferences; manufacturer and manufacturing material.
Domestic models are usually cheaper than foreign counterparts. But this does not mean that they are of lower quality, they are not taxed during transportation. Therefore, you should not choose a product based on price. In addition, even with the delivery of the bandage, many online stores provide an opportunity to try on a supporting product for a future mother before buying.
Before choosing a bandage for pregnant women, it is important to consider many factors. It is also worth following the advice of specialists. Remember that wearing a bandage, even assigned to a pregnant woman by a gynecologist, is not necessary constantly, but periodically, most often when walking or increased physical exertion.