A few tips on how to flush the nose of children

Of course, everyone knows that the child’s body is most susceptible to a variety of colds, as a result of which very often it gets stuffed up in babies and it becomes difficult for them to breathe. The nasal lavage procedure helps to significantly alleviate the above symptom. And most ENT doctors attribute it to the category of the most effective treatment measures.

How to wash the nose of children

However, not all mothers and fathers know how to rinse the nose of children correctly. The recommendations below can help with this.

It should be noted that after cleansing, the baby's nasal cavity should become completely empty, all unnecessary crusts and mucus should be removed.

Those who are especially worried about the question of how to rinse the nose of children correctly should know that this procedure is also designed to completely neutralize the harmful microflora that accumulates in the cavity of the organ of smell. And this makes it possible to minimize the risk of viral diseases.

Those who do not have the slightest idea how to rinse the nose of children, but want to learn this, should bear in mind that the above procedure can be carried out for preventive purposes, when the child does not have the flu or SARS.

There are several ways to cleanse the nasal cavity. Their use depends on the age criterion. Consider the question of how to rinse the nose of children, in relation to the main age groups of children.


At this age, babies negatively perceive the process of washing the nasal cavity. In order not to annoy them, experts use a special technique. The peanuts are put on the back, chamomile infusion or ordinary boiled water is preliminarily prepared. These compositions are introduced into the cavity of the organ of smell using a standard pipette. First, the liquid rinses the nose, then the nasopharynx, and then the baby, as a rule, swallows it.

How to wash your baby’s nose

Many people wonder how to wash a child’s nose? You can use solutions of soda, salt, herbs or use special tools that are sold in large quantities in pharmacies.

Children from 3 to 5 years old

As a rule, at this age, the child begins to understand the usefulness of such a procedure as washing the nose, because after it it is always easier for him to breathe. It is recommended to use a solution based on sea salt. It is mixed with warm boiled water (in the ratio of 2 teaspoons of salt to 1 glass of water).

How to rinse the nose of a small child?

The procedure should be carried out in the bathroom. Bending the baby's head, ask him to open his mouth and stick his tongue out. The mucus accumulated inside will drain into the mouth by itself. Next, you need to arm yourself with a rubber bulb and fill it with a previously prepared solution. The next step is to gradually introduce it into the nostrils of the child. All the mucus will flow out. After this, the baby should blow its nose thoroughly.

How to rinse the nose of a small child

Children from 6 years and older

A child who has reached the above age must independently learn to perform the procedure in question. Advise him to draw water in the palm of his hand and gradually draw it in with his nose, and then spit out through the oral cavity. At the final stage, the child again must carefully blow his nose.

If you perform nose washing every week, then the prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract is provided to your baby.

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