"Snoop" for children: instructions for use. "Snoop" baby during pregnancy

With the onset of cold weather, cases of influenza and acute respiratory infections are common. Symptoms of a cold - cough, runny nose, sore throat - are quite unpleasant and require immediate elimination, especially in babies. Modern pharmacology offers a huge number of drugs in drops and sprays that solve this problem. Relatively recently, a drug of German origin “Snoop” for children appeared on the Russian market, it is a vasoconstrictor, which includes sea water and xylometazoline.

Children snoop

In January 2009, a new drug designed to combat rhinitis appeared among the products of the pharmaceutical company STADA CIS. Among the other products on the pharmaceutical market, the German Snoop spray (for children and adults) is the first to contain xylometazoline, which is designed to eliminate swelling and facilitate breathing. And seawater supports the physiological state of the nasopharynx mucosa. The drug quickly facilitates nasal breathing, its effect is manifested from the first minutes of use.

Drug use

Plastic packaging in the form of a spray provides an easy and comfortable treatment of the nose at a convenient time and anywhere, moreover, this method allows you to accurately dose the liquid and evenly irrigate the nasal cavity. Many young mothers praise the Snoop drug for children; the reviews speak for themselves.

The tool "Snoop" (spray) is used to facilitate:

  • acute allergic rhinitis;
  • eustachyitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • hay fever;
  • acute respiratory diseases with a runny nose.

The release of the spray is carried out in two dosages:

  • For children from 6 years old and for adults - spray "Snoop 0.1%."
  • For children 2-6 years old - spray "Snoop 0.05%".

After use, the effect of the drug lasts up to 10 hours, which allows its infrequent use - no more than 3 times a day.

snoop children's instructions for use

Baby drops "Snoop": the main aspects of the product

  • The solution is prepared on the basis of sea water. The fluid is sterile and free of preservatives.
  • Almost instant and at the same time long-lasting action.
  • High efficiency - in one bottle of 15 ml contains 166 doses.
  • Unbreakable bottle with a convenient spray bottle.
  • It is released without a prescription.

Price and contraindications

At a very reasonable cost, the Snoop spray for children (its price fluctuates around 130 Russian rubles) is quite effective.

You should refuse or use the medicine with caution if there is:

  • lactation period;
  • prostatic hyperplasia;
  • diabetes;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • childhood;
  • past surgical interventions on the meninges;
  • atrophic rhinitis ;
  • glaucoma;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • tachycardia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • sensitivity to the components of the drug.

baby drops snoop

How to apply drops for adults. "Snoop" for children: instructions for use

Children aged 2-6 years should be sprayed with 1 click spray "Snoop 0.05%" in each nasal opening no more than 3 times a day.

Children from 6 years old and adults should irrigate the nasal cavity with a single spray “Snoop 0.1%” up to 3 times a day.

The use of the drug more than three times a day is not recommended. Duration of treatment up to 1 week.

Clean the nasal cavity immediately before use. Do not spray the drug for a longer time, especially with chronic rhinitis. If you are using the Snoop spray for children for the first time, the instructions for use must certainly be kept in case of an allergic reaction of the child or to clarify any other points of treatment.

baby snoop during pregnancy

Medication side effect

With prolonged or too frequent use, dryness or irritation of the nasal mucosa, as well as excessive secretion of mucus, sneezing and burning can occur. In rare cases, there is swelling of the nasal mucosa, visual impairment, insomnia, vomiting, headache, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, tachycardia, depression with a rather long-term use of large doses.

At the time of an overdose, side effects increase. With such symptoms, it is important to consult a specialist immediately.

Prescribing a nasal spray to small children

Before proceeding with the treatment of the child, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions. Sprays often used by adults seem harmless, but for children under 1, or even 2 years, they are categorically contraindicated. Spray "Snoop" for children in a small dosage is prescribed for children from 2 years old, it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting treatment. Neglect of the instruction can threaten the health of the child, so inept treatment of the common cold can lead to more serious consequences and complicate the condition of a small patient.

snoop kids reviews

Stuffy nose during pregnancy - what to do?

Quite often, with nasal congestion, adults themselves choose an effective remedy: drops, sprays, etc. However, during pregnancy, everything changes dramatically, prescribing something yourself is quite risky, and the choice of funds is very small. Self-medication or the advice of acquaintances in this case can be expensive for both mom and baby. It should be understood that nasal congestion throughout the nine months of pregnancy is a temporary condition, and after delivery everything will work out.

Second side of the coin

A runny nose during pregnancy can be not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. This may be due to the presence of a viral disease in the body, viruses are a great threat during the formation of the placenta and internal organs of the fetus. At this stage, the central nervous system of the child may be the first to suffer.

Despite the fact that rhinitis of pregnant women is the result of raging hormones in the mother’s body, and as a rule, no special treatment is required, you still need to be careful. For example, the air received through the mouth is not cleaned and warmed, as with nasal breathing, therefore, a woman is more at risk of catching an infectious or catarrhal disease.

Do not lose sight of the fact that with nasal congestion there is a risk of fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen), which is also extremely undesirable for a mother with a baby.

snoop baby Price

Vasoconstrictive drops during pregnancy: is it possible to use?

It is widely believed that nasal drops are not allowed during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that drops for the nose have a systemic effect, this implies the effect of the drug not only on the vessels located in the nasal cavity, but throughout the body. Vascular spasm caused by the drug can lead to a decrease in the amount of blood received to the fetus, which means that there is oxygen deficiency. Especially undesirable is the use of vasoconstrictor drops in early pregnancy.

However, despite all these plausible facts, an effective study has not yet been conducted on the effect of such drops on a child in the womb. Therefore, ahead of time it is considered to be dangerous for expectant mothers this remedy.

But, on the other hand, leaving a runny nose without treatment is also not a matter, because if it is difficult for mother to breathe, accordingly, and the child suffers a lack of oxygen. Therefore, based on the anamnesis of the future mother and her current condition, the doctor can still prescribe the drug “Snoop” for children during pregnancy. It should be used briefly and without much fanaticism, strictly following the instructions of a specialist. In no case do not increase the dosage or frequency of use.


According to analytical estimates, in 2009, 35 new brand names appeared on the Russian pharmaceutical market among vasoconstrictors for the treatment of rhinitis. In conditions of high competition, STADA CIS was able to bring to the domestic market an absolute novelty, the drug “Snoop” for children (0.05%) and for adults (0.1%), which in 2009 took the place in the top ten in sales in its segment . The success of the brand is due to the undoubted quality of the goods at a very reasonable price. We will hope for further successful development of the brand, which will entail the creation of new highly effective drugs.

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